[Publications] Matsumori A: "Myocardial uptake of antimyosin monoclonal antibody in a murine model of viral myocarditis." Circulation. 79. 400-405 (1989)
[Publications] Matsumori A: "Immunopathology of cardiac disease.Immunomodulating theraphy in experimental myocarditis." Springer seminars in immunopathology. 11. 77-88 (1989)
[Publications] Morii N: "Increased synthesids and secretion of atrial natriuretic Polypeptide during viral myocarditis." J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 13(sup 6). S5-S8 (1989)
[Publications] Matsumori A: "Viral myocarditis:Immunopathogenesis and the effect of immunosuppressive treatment in a murine model." Jpn Circ J. 53. 58-60 (1989)
[Publications] Takemura G: "Ventricular expression of atrial natriuretic polypeptide and its relations with hemodynamics and histology in dilated human hearts:Immunohistochemical study of the endomyocardial biopsy specimens." Circulation. 80. 1137-1147 (1989)
[Publications] Yamada T: "Pharmacokinetics of indiumー111ーIabeled antimyosin monoclonal antibody in murine experimetal viral myocarditis." J Am Coll Cardiol.
[Publications] Ono K: "Isoproternol,DBcAMP,and forskolin inhibit cardiac sodium current." Am J physiol. 256. C1131-C1137 (1989)
[Publications] Toyoーoka T: "Collagenーstimulated human platelet aggregations is mediated by endogenous calciumーactivated neutral protease." Circ Res. 64. 407-410 (1989)
[Publications] Ohmori T: "Small molecular weight GTPーbinding proteins in human platelet membranesーpurification and characterization of a novel GTPーbinding protein with a molecular weight of 22,000." J Biol Chem. 264. 1877-1881 (1989)
[Publications] Ueda T: "GTPase activating proteins for the smgー21 GTPーbinding protein having the same effector domain as the ras proteins in human platelets." Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 159. 1411-1419 (1989)
[Publications] Kikuchi A: "Puriffication and characterization from bovine brain cytosol of two GTPaseーactivating proteins cpeciffic for smg p21,a GTPーbinding protein having the same effector domain as cーras p21s." J Biol Chem.
[Publications] Kawata M: "Phoshorylation of smg p21,a ras p21ーlike GTPーbinding protein,by cyclic AMPーdependent protein kinase in a cellーfree system and in response to prostaglandin E_1 in intact human platelets." J Biol Chem.
[Publications] Tamaki N: "Indiumー111 antimyosin antibody imaging for detecting different stages of myocardial infarction:Comparison with technetiumー99m pyrophosphate imaging." J Nucl Med.
[Publications] Matsumori A: "Inー111 antimyosin antibody imaging:Imaging of myocardial infarction and myocarditis." Jpn Circ J.
[Publications] Matoba Y: "A case of biopsyーproven myocarditis progressing to autopsyーproven dilated cardiomyopathy." Clin Cardiol.
[Publications] Kiyosue T: "Late sodium current and its contribution to action potential configuration in guinea pig ventricular myocytes." Circ Res. 64. 389-397 (1989)
[Publications] Nakamura S: "Glucose reverses 2,4ーdinitrophenol induced changes in action potentials and membrane currents of guinea pig ventricular cells via enhanced giycolysis." Cardiovasc Res. 23. 286-294 (1989)
[Publications] Ono K: "Effects of ANー132,a novel antiarrhythmic lidocaine analogue,and of lidocaine on membrane ionic currents of guineaーpig ventricular myocytes." NaunynーSchmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol. 339. 221-229 (1989)
[Publications] Gotoh Y: "Purification and characterization of 20ーhydroxyーleukotriene B_4 dehydrogenase in human neutrophils." Eur J Biochem. 179. 315-321 (1989)
[Publications] Hata A: "Tandemly reiterated negative enhancerーlike elements regulate transcription of a human gene for the large subunit of calciumーdependent protease." J Biol Chem. 264. 6404-6411 (1989)
[Publications] Katori M: "Biphasic accumulation of leukocytes in rat cardiac infarct tissue caused by leukotriene B_4 and complement." Jpn J Pharmacol. 50. 234-238 (1989)
[Publications] Katori M: "A site of action of dexamethasone on leukocyte extravasation in microcirculation." Agents and Actions.
[Publications] Stemmer P: "Isolation and enrichment of Ca^<2+>ーtolerant myocytes for biochemical experiments from guineaーpig heart." Life Sci. 44. 1231-1237 (1989)
[Publications] Kimura T: "Rat heart fatty acidーbinding protein:Evidence that supports the amino acid sequence predicted from cDNA." Biochem J. 260. 303-306 (1989)
[Publications] Kanda T: "Purification and characterization of fatty acidーdinding protein from gastric mucosa of rats:Possible identity with heart FABP and its parietal cell locarization." Eur J Biochem.
[Publications] Watanabe M: "Immunohistochemical studies on the localization and ontogeny of heart fatty acid binding protein in the rat." Histochemistry.
[Publications] 松森昭: "^<111>In標識抗ミオシンモノクローナルによる心筋シンチグラフィーの臨床応用" 医学のあゆみ. 148. 277-278 (1989)
[Publications] 玉木長良: "^<111>In標識抗ミオシンモノクローナルーFabイメージングの臨床応用(第3報)^<99m>Tcーピロリン酸イメージングとの対比検討" 核医学. 26. 1199-1205 (1989)
[Publications] 山田武彦: "^<111>In標識抗ミオシンモノクローナルーFabイメージングの臨床応用(第4報)急性心筋梗塞における再潅流の影響" 核医学. 27. 133-137 (1990)
[Publications] Matsumori A: "Cardiomyopathy update 3.Morphological features and electric disturbances in experimental viral myocarditis." University of Tokyo Press.,
[Publications] Matsumori A: "Advances in cardiomyopathies.Experimental viral myocarditis;Immunopathogenetic aspects." SpringerーVerlag,
[Publications] Toyoーoka: "Muscle Energetics.In vivo ^<31>PーNMR spectroscopy of heart and identification of biochemical factors responsible for the contractility loss:" Alan Liss Publishing.,
[Publications] Serizawa T: "Cardiac Mechanics and Function in the Normal and Disease Heart.Slow relaxation was separated from increased myocardial stiffness in rabbits." SpringerーVerlag,