[Publications] Imai M.: "Uncoupling of the Cytochrome Pー450cam Monooxygenese Reaction by a Single Mutation of Threonine 252 to Alanine or Valine:A Possible Role of the Hydroxy Amino Acid in the Oxygen Activation" Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 86. 7823-7827 (1989)
[Publications] Nakamura Y.: "Superozxide Anion is the Initial Product in the Hydrogen Peroxide Formation Catalyzed by NADPHーOxidase in Porcine Thyroid Plasma" The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264. 4759-4761 (1989)
[Publications] Ogishima T.: "Isolation of Aldosterone Synthase Cytochrome Pー450 from Zona Glomerulosa Mitochondria of Rat Adrenal Cortex" The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264. 10935-10938 (1989)
[Publications] Watanabe T.: "A Model Study on Aromatase Cytochrome Pー450 Reaction:Transformation of Androstenー19ーalー3,17ーdione to 10βーHydroxyest γー4ーene3,17ーdione" The Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111. 8047-8049 (1989)
[Publications] Shiro Y.: "^<15>NーNMR Study on Cyanide(C^<15>N^-)Complex of Cytochrome Pー450cam.Effects of DーCamphor and Putidaredoxin on IronーLigand Structure" The Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111. 7707-7711 (1989)
[Publications] Sato H.: "New Transient Species of Sperm Whale Myogiobin in Photodissociation of Dioxygen from Oxymyoglobin" The Jounal of Biological Chemistory. (1990)
[Publications] Shiro Y.: "XーRay Absorption Spectral Studies of Ferric High Spin Hemoproteins:XANES Evidences for Coordination Structure of the Heme iron" The Journal of American Chemical Society. (1990)
[Publications] Ishimori K.: "NMR Study of Human Mutant Hemoglobins Synthesized in E Coli." The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264. 14624-14626 (1989)
[Publications] Adachi S.: "The Effects of Pressure on Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide Binding Kinetics for Myoglobin" The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264. 18896-18901 (1989)
[Publications] Morishima I.: "Effect of the Distal Histidine Modification(cyanation)of Myoglobin on the Ligand Binding Kinetics and the Heme Environmental Structures" Biochemistry. 28. 7582-7586 (1989)
[Publications] Nakagawa M.: "Origin of Raman Spectral Difference between the Spinningーcell and Flowーcell Measurements for Bacteriorhodopsin Photointermediates" Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 20. 303-305 (1989)
[Publications] Nagai M.: "Caracteristics in Tyroshine Coordination of four Hemoglobins M probed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy" Biochemistry. 28. 2418-2422 (1989)
[Publications] Ogura T.: "Raman/Absorption Simultaneous Measurements for Cytochrome Oxidase Compound A at Room Temperature with a Novel Flow Aparatus" Biochemistry. 28. 8022-8027 (1989)
[Publications] Iyanagi T.: "The Methylcholanthreneーinducible UDPーGlucuronyltransferase Deficiency in the Hyperbilirubinemic Rat(Gunn Rat)is caused by a-1 Frameshift Mutation" The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264. 21302-21307 (1989)
[Publications] Iyanagi T.: "On the Mechanism of OneーElectron Reduction of Quinoes by Microsomal Flavin Enzymes:The Kinetic Analysis between Cytochrome b_5 and Menadione" Free Radical Research Communications. (1989)
[Publications] Suzuki S.: "Independent Flexible Motion of Submolecular Domains of the Ca^<2+>,Mg^<2+>ーATPase of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Measured by TimeーResolved Fluorescence Depolarization of SiteーSpecifically Attached Probes" Biochemistry. 28. 7734-7740 (1989)
[Publications] Ohta Y.: "Conversi on of Cholesterol to Pregnenolone Mobilizes Cytochrome Pー450in the Inner Membrane of Adrenocortical Mitochondria:Protein Rotation Study" Journal of Biochemistry. 107. 97-104 (1990)
[Publications] Soma Y.: "Effects of 'Oxygen on the Relative Photodissociability of Cytochrome Pー450.CO Complex in Rat Liver Microsomes" Biochemistry. (1990)
[Publications] Ikusiro S.: "Adrenal Cytochrome Pー45011βーproteoliposomes Catalyzing Aldosteron Synthesis:Preparation and Characterization" Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 984. 50-56 (1989)
[Publications] Kominami S.: "Steroidogenesis in Liposomal System Containing Adrenal Microsomal Cytochrome Pー450 Electron Transfer Components" Biochimicaet Biophysica Acta. 985. 293-299 (1989)
[Publications] Kominami S.: "Steroidogenesis in Liposomal System Containing Adrenal Microsomal Electron Transfer Components" Cytochrome Pー450:Biochemistry and Biophysics(ed.I.Schuster)Taylor and Francis,London. 223-226 (1989)
[Publications] Okamoto M.: "Cytochrome Pー45011βーmediated 19ーOxidation Pathway of 11ーDeoxy corticosterone" The Adrenal and Hypertension:From Cloning to Clinic.Sereno Symposia Publications(eds.F.Mantero et al)Raven Press,New York. 57. 439-444 (1989)
[Publications] Sasano H.: "Immunolocalization of Aromatase,17αーHydroxylase and SideーChain Cleavage Cytochromeー450 in Human Ovary" Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 85. 163-169 (1989)
[Publications] Nonaka Y.: "Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of cDNA Encoding Rat Adrenal Cytochrome Pー45011β" FEBS Letters. 255. 21-26 (1989)
[Publications] Aoyama Y.: "The 3ーHydroxy Group of Lanosterol is Essential for Originating the Substrate in the Substrate Site of Cytochrome Pー450_<14DM>(Lanosterol 14αーdemethylase)" Biochemica et Biophysica Acta. 1006. 209-213 (1989)
[Publications] Aoyama Y.: "Deformylation of 32ーO_<xo>ー24,25ーdihydrolanosterrol by the Purified Cytochrome Pー450_<14DM>(Lanosterol 14αーdemethylase)from yeast.Evidence Confirming the Intermediate Step of Lanosterol 14αーDeーmethylation" The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264. 18502-18505 (1989)
[Publications] Yoshida Y.: "Stereoselective Interaction of an Azole Antifungal Agent with its Target,Lanosterol 14αーDemethylase(CytochromePー450_<14DM>):A model study with Stereoisomers Triadimenol and Purified Cytochrome P-450_<14DM> From Yeast." Chirality. (1990)