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[Publications] Matsuda,J.,Noda,K.,Shiota,K.,Takahashi,M.: "Participation of ovarian 20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in luteotrophic and luteolytic processes during rat pseudopregnancy" Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. (1990)
[Publications] Nakahori,Y.,Nakagome,Y.: "Very low rate Y-chromosome mosaicism(1:5400)detectable by a novel probe-enzyme combination" Japanese Journal of Human Genetics. 34. 203-208 (1989)
[Publications] Yokoi,T.,Sagisaka,K.,Nakahori,Y.,Nakagome,Y.: "Hypervariable polymorphism of autosomal origin detected by the Y-chromosome derived probe,pHY10" Japanese Journal of Human Genetics. 34. 209-215 (1989)
[Publications] Nagahama,Y.,Yamashita,M.: "Mechanisms of synthesis and action of 17α,20β-dihyroxy-4-pregnen-3-one,a teleost maturation-inducing hormone" Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 7. 193-200 (1989)
[Publications] Sakai,N.,Ueda,H.,Suzuki,N.,Nagahama,Y.: "Steroid production by amago salmon(Oncorhynchus rhodurus)testes at different developmental stages" General and Comparative Endocrinology. 75. 231-240 (1989)
[Publications] Mita,M.,Ueta,N.,Nagahsma,Y.: "Mediation of cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate in 1-methyladenine production by starfish ovarian follicle cells" General and Comparative Endocrinology. 76. 241-249 (1989)
[Publications] Mohri,H.: "Epididymal maturation and motility of mammalian spermatozoa.In"Perspectives in Andrology"" Raven Press, 291-298 (1989)
[Publications] Abe,S.: "In vitro spermatogenesis in amphibians.In"Perspectives in Andrology"" Raven Press, 183-190 (1989)
[Publications] 安部真一: "細胞培養による両生類精子分化機構“第12回阿蘇シンポジウム"" 南山堂, (1990)
[Publications] 安部真一: "精子の形はどのようにしてつくられるか“発生分化の遺伝子的背景"" 東京大学出版会, (1990)