[Publications] Kazuyohsi Chiba,Motonori Hoshi: "Three Phases of Cortical Maturation during Meiosis Reinitiation in Starfish Oocytes" Develop.Growth and Differ. 31(5). 447-457 (1989)
[Publications] Kazuyoshi Chiba,Motonori Hoshi: "Activation of Starfish Oocytes Modifies their Hormone Dependent Period for 1-Methyladenine in Meiosis Reinitiation" Develop.Growth and Differ.31(5). 453-458 (1989)
[Publications] Fraser Snilling,Kazuyoshi Chiba Motonori Hoshi,Takio Kishimoto: "Pertussis Toxin Inhibits 1-Methyladenine-Induced Maturation in Starfish Oocytes" Laurinda A.Jaffe Developmental Biology. 133. 605-608 (1989)
[Publications] Michiko Takagi Sawada,Tetsuya Someno,Motonori Hoshi: "Inhibition of Starfish Oocyte MNaturation by Leupeptin Analogs,Potent Tripsin Inhititors" Hitoshi Sawada Developmental Biology. 133. 609-612 (1989)
[Publications] Hitoshi Sawada,Kimie Yamazaki Motonori Hoshi: "Trypsin-like-Hatching Protease from House Embryos:Evidence for the Presence in Calture Medium and Its Enzymatic Properties" J.Experimental Zoology. (1990)
[Publications] Maria Rosaria Pinto,Motonori Hoshi Rita Mariono,Alessandro Amoioso Rosaria De Santis: "Chymotrypsin-like enzymes are involved in sperm penetration through the vitelline coat of Ciona intestinalis egg." Gamete Res.(1990)
[Publications] Atsushi Irie,Hideo Kubo,Motonori Hoshi: "Glucosylceramide Having a Novel Tri-Unsaturate a Long-Chain Base from the Spermatozoa of the Starfish,Asterias amurensis" J.Biochemistry. (1990)
[Publications] Hideo kubo,Atsushi Irie,Fuyuhiko Inagaki,Motonori Hoshi: "Gangliosides from the Eggs of the Sea Urchin,Anthocidaris crassispina" J.Biochemistry. (1990)
[Publications] Hideo Kubo,Motonori Hoshi: "Immunocyto chemical Study of the Distribution of a Ganglioside in Sea Urchin Eggs" J.Biochemistry. (1990)
[Publications] Motonori Hoshi,Toshikazu Amano,Yoshihito Okita,Tatsuyuki Okinaga,Taei Matsui: "Egg Signals for Triggering the Acrosome Reaction in Starfish sperm" J.Reproduction and Fertility. (1990)
[Publications] Kazuhiko Hoshi,Tomiko Aita Kaoru Yanagida,Nobuhiro Yoshimatsu,Akira Sato: "Variation in the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio in human spernatozoa and its relationship with capacitation" Human Reproduction. 5,1,. 71-74 (1990)
[Publications] Suzuki S.Endo Y.Ohba M.Fujiwara T.and Iizuka R.: "Morpho-functional characteristics of the pre-embryo." Developments in Ultrastructure of Reproduction. 311-320 (1989)
[Publications] Kohno K,Azuma S and Toyoda Y.: "Loss of fertilizability of cumulus-free mouse oocytes upon exposure to DMSO and its prevention by fetal calf serum." J.Mammal Ova Res.6(2). 156-161 (1989)
[Publications] Hamano S.,Naito K.,Fukuda Y.and Toyoda Y.: "In vitro capacitation of boar ejaculated spermatozoa:effect of conditioned media prepared from preincubated sperm suspension." Gamete Research. 24(4) 1989. (483-489)
[Publications] Yamaguchi,S.J.L.Hedrick Ch.Katagiri: "Synthesis and localization of envelope glycoproteins in oocytes of Xenopus laevis using immunocytochemical methods." Develop.,Growth,Differ.,. 31. 85-94 (1989)
[Publications] E.Mori,S.Takasaki,J.L.Hedrick,T.Mori and A.Kobata: "N-Linked,Neutral Suger Chains of Porcine Zona Pellucida" Biochemistry.
[Publications] M.Takeuchi,N.Inoue T.W.Strickland,M.Kubota M.Wada,R.Shimizu,S.Hoshi H.Kozutsumi,S.Takasaki and A.Kobata: "Relationship between sugarchain structures and biological activity of recombinant human erythropoietin produced in Chinese hamster ovary cell" Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.86. 7819-7822 (1989)
[Publications] Okuno,M.and Morisawa M.: "Effect of calcium on motility of rainbow trout sperm flagella demembranated with sperm flagella." Cell Motil.Cytoskelt. 14. 194-200 (1989)
[Publications] 大隅圭太.片桐千明: "核のふるまいを制御する細胞質因子" 遺伝. 43. 19-25 (1989)
[Publications] 鈴木秋悦.遠藤芳広.大柴葉子.大村伸一郎.小松節子: "受精現象に関する基礎的問題" 臨床婦人科産科. 43. 125 (1989)
[Publications] Motonori Hoshi,Okitsugu Yamashita(ed.): "Advances in Invertebrate Reproduction V" Elsevier Sci Publ., (1990)
[Publications] Motonori Hoshi,Toshikazu Amano,Yoshihito Okita,Tatsuyuki Okinaga,Taei Matsui: "Mechanism of Fertilization:Plants to Humans(ed.by D.Brian et al,NATO-AST series on Cell Biology)" Springer-Verlag, (1990)
[Publications] M.Morisawa: "Regulation of sperm motility by osmotic pressure In“Mechanism of Fertilization:plants to Humans"(ed.by D.Brian et al,NATO-ASTOseries on Cell Biology)" Springer-Verlag, (1990)
[Publications] M.Morisawa: "Aquisition and initiation of sperm motility.In“Control of sperm Motility"(ed.by C.Gagnon)" CRC Press INc,Boca Raton,
[Publications] Komatsu,S.,Endo,Y.,Suzuki,S.,Iizuka,R.,Hirai,M.and Shimizu N.: "The role of protein kinase C dependent phosphorylation in the mouse sperm acrosome reaction.“The Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Basic Reproductive Immunology"" Hayashi Kobo,Tokyo, 74-80 (1989)
[Publications] Toyoda Y.,Azuma S.and Takeda S.: "Effects of chelating agents on preimplantation development of mouse embryos fertilized in vitro.In:Development of Preimplantation Embryos and Their Environment:" Alan R Liss, 171-179 (1989)