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[Publications] 尾本恵市,他: "中国少数民族の集団遺伝学的研究 2.福建省ショア族" 人類学雑誌.
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[Publications] Tokunaga K.et al.: "Comparative Mapping of the Human Major Histocompatibibity Complex in Different Racial Groups by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis." Human Immunology. 26. 99-106 (1989)
[Publications] Tokunaga K.et al.: "Two Ancestral Major Histocompatibibity Complex Haplotypes Carrying Duplicated C4A Genes." Complement and Inflammation. 6. 302 (1989)
[Publications] Tokunaga K.,T.Juji et al.: "Family Study on MHC(HLA)Haplotypes in Chinese and Multiple Migration Routes to Japan." J.Anthrop,Soc.Nippon. 98. (1990)
[Publications] Watanabe Y.,K.Tokunaga,M.Yoshimura,K.Omoto,T.Juji and T.Akazawa: "DNA Analysis on Prehistoric Japanese by PCR:A Preliminary Report" J.Anthrop,Soc.Nippon.98. (1990)
[Publications] Watanabe Y.,K.Tokunaga,K.Matsuki,K.Omoto and T.Juji: "Direct Seguencing of a HLAーDRB Gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction:Seguence Variation in DRW8 Specificity" Japanese J.Human Genetics. 35. (1990)
[Publications] Watanabe Y.,M.Yoshimura,Y.Suzuki,K.Omoto,T.Juji and K.Tokunaga: "DNA Typing for HLAーDR Using Polymerase Chain Reaction:Application to Frozen Blood." J.Anthrop.Soc.Nippon. 98. (1990)
[Publications] Yoshimura M.,Y.Watababe,K.Omoto,K.Tokunaga,and T.Juji: "NonーRadioactive Typing for HLA Genes Using PCR Method." J.Anthrop.Soc.Nippon. 98. (1990)
[Publications] Harada S.: "Polymorphism of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase and its Application to Alcoholism." Int.J.Electrophoresis. 10. 309-318 (1989)
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[Publications] Singh S.,S.Harada et al.: "Inheritance for Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase:Genotyping in Chinese,Japanese and South Korean Families Reveals Deminance of the Mutant Allele." Hum.Genet.83. 119-121 (1989)
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[Publications] Saitou N.and T.Imanishi: "Relative Efficiencise of the FitchーMargoliasch,MaximumーParsimony,MaximumーLikelihood,MinimumーEvolution and NeighborーJoining Methods of Phylogenetic Tree Construction." Molecular Biology and Evolution. 6. 514-525 (1989)
[Publications] Saitou N.and S.Harihara: "Gene Phylogeny and Population Phylogeny Reconstructed from Human Mitochondrial DNA Data." Proceedings of the Circum Pacific Prehistory Congress,Seattle.(1990)
[Publications] Harihara S.and N.Saitou: "A Phylogenetic Analysis of Human Mitochondrial DNA Data." J.Anthrop.Soc.Nippon.97. 483-492 (1989)
[Publications] Saitou N.: "Maximum Likelihood Method." Methods in Enzymology. 183. 584-598 (1990)
[Publications] Saitou N.: "Statistical Methods for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction." Hanadbook of Statistics,Volume 8.Rao,C.R.and R.Chakraborty ed.North Holland,New York.(1990)
[Publications] Watanabe T.,N.Miyashita,M.Nishimura,N.Saitou,Y.Hayashi and K.Moriwaki: "Evolutionary Relationships between Laboratory Mice and Subspecies of Mus musculus Based on the Ristriction Fragment Length Variiants of the Chymotrypsin Gene at the Prtー2 Locus." Biochemical Genetics. 27. 119-130 (1989)