[Publications] Ko Hara: "Absolute Neasurement of the Magnetic Flux Quantum Using a Superconducting Magnetic Levitation System" Superconductivity Electronics(オーム・Prentice Hall). 109-112 (1987)
[Publications] Ko Hara: "Improvement of the Superconducting Magnetic Levitation System for the Determination of the Magnetic Flux Quantum" IEEE Trans.on Instr.& Meas.38. 225-228 (1989)
[Publications] Ko Hara: "IーV Characteris of NbNーNbN Josephson Point Contact" Japan.J.Appl.Phys.27. L677-L679 (1988)
[Publications] Satoru NOGE et al.: "Bridge Type Josephson Junctions in MOーCVD Thin Films" JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. VOL.28,No9. L1581-L1584 (1989)
[Publications] Akinobu IRIE et al.: "YBCO DC SQUID of MOCVD Thin Film Bridge" JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. VOL.28,No10. L1816-L1819 (1989)
[Publications] Tsutomu YAMASHITA et al.: "Josephson Current in Microbridges of yBa_2Cu_3O_7ーδ Thin Films Prepared by CVD" JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. VOL.29,No1. 74-78 (1990)
[Publications] K.Tachikawa,K.Togano: "Potential Methods for the Fabrication of HighーTc Superconductors for Wires and Cables." Proceedings of the IEEE. 77. 1124-1131 (1989)
[Publications] K.Tachikawa,T.Nakamura,K.Noda,Y.Aramaki,H.Yamamoto: "Structures and Superconducting Properties of LiーTi Oxide System." Cryogenics. 29. 725-730 (1989)
[Publications] N.Sadakata,M.Sugimoto,O.Kohno,K.Tachikawa: "Critical Current Density of YーBaーCu Oxide Superconductor Prepared by a Diffusion Process." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 25. 2180-2183 (1989)
[Publications] K.Takechi,T.Shiota,T.Hatou,M.Inoue,Y.Takai,H.Hayakawa,and K.Ohbayashi: "Super conducting propertics of YーBaーCuーO thin films prepared by RF magnetion sputlering with a grid electrode" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L434-L436 (1989)
[Publications] M.Inoue,E.Takase,Y.Takai and H.Hayakawa: "Preparation of YーBaーCuーO thin films by CVD method in a vacuumーevaporation type reacfer" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L1575-L1577 (1989)
[Publications] T.Hatano,A.Fjimaki,Y.Takai and H.Hayakawa: "Aunique technique of patterning superconducting YーBaーCuーO thin films by selective growth" Jpn.J.Appl Phys. (1990)
[Publications] Y.Nishimori,S.Minomo,Y.Fukumoto,Y.Fjiwara & T.Kobayashi: "Asーgrown BSCCO Thin Film Formation by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Microwave Plasma Sputtering" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L1220-L1222 (1989)
[Publications] 小林猛,井寄将博: "高温超伝導薄膜エピタキシャル成長の基板依存性" 表面科学. 10. 265-270 (1989)
[Publications] T.Kobayashi: "Multiple Heteroepitaxial Growth of High Tc Superconductors" STUDIES OF HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTORS Vol.2(Ed.A.V.Narlikar Nova Science Publisher,Inc.N.Y.). 225-240 (1989)
[Publications] M.Furuyama,I.Iguchi: "Inーsitu Gtowth of YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ーX> Thin Films by Reactive Coーevaporation Technique" Proc.2nd Workshop on HighーTemperature Superconducting Electron Devices,(Shikabe,1989). 105-108 (1989)
[Publications] M.Furuyama,I.Igushi,K.Shirai,T.Kusumori,H.Ohtake,S.Tomura,M.Nasu: "In situ Fabrication of Reproducible YBCO/Au planar Tunnel Junctions with Artifical MgO Barrier" Jpn.J.appl.phys.29. No.3 (1990)
[Publications] M.Furuyama,I.Igushi,K.Shirai,T.Kusumori,H.Ohtake,S.Tomura,M.Nasu: "Tunneling Characteristics of YBaCuO/MgO/Pb Planar Tunnel Junctions and Observation of Josephson Effect" Jpn.J.appl.phys.29. No.4 (1990)
[Publications] T.Matsui,K.Takeuchi,A.Nakayama,M.Nagano and Y.Okabe: "YBCO/YBCO:F/Nb tunnel junctions" Extended Abst.of 6th Intl.Workshop on Future Electron Devices. FEDー77. 193-197 (1989)
[Publications] A.Nakayama and Y.Okabe: "preparation of BiーSrーCaーCuーO thin films and fabrication of BiーSrーCaーCuーO/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions" Extended Abst.of 1989 Intl.Superconductivity Electronics Conference. TF1ー7. 193-197 (1989)
[Publications] T.Matsui,G.Matsubara,A.Nkayama,N.Sato,K.Mukae and Y.Okabe: "Fabrication of YBCO/barrier/YBCO structure junctions" ISS'89. 249 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Wadayama,A.Nagagta,K.Kudo,M.Oikawa,K.Ikeda,S.Hanada and O.Izumi: "Superconductivity and Metallurgical Study of YーBaーCuーO Compound" MRS Int'l.Mtg.on Adv.Mater.(Tokyo,1988). Vol.6. 291-296 (1989)
[Publications] A.Nagata,M.Oikawa and O.Izumi: "Critical current density and microstructure of YBCO superconductors" Proc.MTー11(Tsukuba,1989).
[Publications] 及川誠、永田明彦、和泉修: "YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ーY>焼結体の77KにおけるJCに及ぼす焼結条件の影響" 日本金属学会誌.
[Publications] Mititada MORISUE,Kazuo OCHI and Masaki NISHIZAWA: "A Novel Ternary Logic Circuit Using Josephson Junction" IEEE Transuctions on Magnetics. 25. 845-848 (1989)
[Publications] Mititada MORISUE,Joji ASAHINA,Seiichi YONEDA and Kiyomichi ARAKI: "Preparation and Characteristies of High Tc Superconducting Transmission Lines" Extended Abstracts of 1989 International Superconductivity Electronics Conference. 251-254 (1989)
[Publications] Mititada MORISUE and Kazutoshi SUZUKI: "A Proposal of Josephson Ternary Fuzzy Processor" Extended Abstracts of 1989 International Superconductivity Electronics Conference. 259-262 (1989)
[Publications] 坂東尚周: "Quatsiparticle density of states in the perpendicular direction to the CuーO planes in YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ーX> singleーcrystal thin films" Physical Review B. 40. 4478-4481 (1989)