[Publications] Tsukita,Sh.,Tsukita,Sa.: "Isolation of cellーtoーcell adherens junction from rat liver." J.Cell Biol.108. 31-41 (1989)
[Publications] Tsukita,Sa.,Hieda,Y.,Tsukita,Sh.: "A new 82ーkD barbed endーcapping protein(radixin)localized in the cellーtoーcell adherens junction: Purification and characterization" J.Cell Biol.108. 2369-2382 (1989)
[Publications] Hieda,Y.,Tsukita,Sa.,Tsukita,Sh.: "A new high molecular mass protein showing unique localization in desmosomal plaque." J.Cell Biol.109. 1511-1518 (1989)
[Publications] Tsukita,Sh.,Itoh,M.,Tsukita,Sa.: "A new 400 kDーprptein from isolated adherens junctions:Its localozation at the undercoat of adherens junctions and at microfilament bundles such as stress fibers and circumferential bundles." J.Cell Biol.109. 2905-2915 (1989)
[Publications] Matsumoto,G.,Tsukita,Sh.,Arai,T.: "Organization of the axonal cytoskeleton:Differentiation of the microtubule and actin filament arrays." In Cell Movement.Alan R.Liss Inc.335-356 (1989)
[Publications] Tsukita,Sh.,Tsukita,Sa.,Nagafuchi,A.: "The undercoat of adherens junctions:A key specialized structure in organogenesisi and carcinogenesis." Cell Struct.Funct.
[Publications] Matsubara,I.,Maughan,D.W.,Saeki,Y.,Yagi.N.: "Crossーbridge movement in rat cardiac muscle as a function of calcium concentration." J.Physiol.417. 555-565 (1989)
[Publications] Takahashi,M.,Fukushima,Y.,Inoue,K.,Hasegawa,Y.,Morita,F.,Takahashi,K.: "Ca^<++>ーsensitive transition in the molecular conformation of molluscan muscle myosins." J.Biochem.105. 149-151 (1989)
[Publications] Takahashi,M.,Morita,F.: "Myosin may stay in EADP species during the catch contraction in scallop smooth muscle." J.Biochem.106. 868-871 (1989)
[Publications] Suzuki,R.,Morita,F.,Nishi,N.,Tokura,S.: "Inhibition of actoーmyosine subfragmentー1 ATPase activity of analog peptides of the actinーbinding site around the Cys(SHI)of myosin heavy chain." J.Biol.Chem.(1990)
[Publications] Tregear,R.T.,Wakabayashi,K.,Tanaka,H.,Iwamoto,H.,Reedy,M.K.: "Xーray diffraction and electron microscopy from Lethocerus flight muscle partially relaxed by AMPPNP and ethylene glycol." J.Mal.Biol.(1990)
[Publications] Wakabayashi,K.,Amemiya,Y.: "Progress in Xーray synchrotron diffraction studies of muscle confraction." In Synchrotron Radiation Handbook(eds.S.Ebashi,E.Rubenstein,M.H.J.Koch). 4. (1990)
[Publications] Okamoto,Y.: "Localization of the esential light chain site of smooth muscle myosin after photoaffinity labeling." J.Musc,Res.Coll Motil.10. 258 (1989)
[Publications] Okamoto,Y.: "Contribution of the essential light chain of smooth muscle myosin for the active site." Prog.Clin.Biol.Res.315. 453-454 (1989)
[Publications] Yamamoto,K.: "Binding manner of actin to the lysineーrich sequence of myosin subfragmentー1 in the presence and absence of ATP" Biochemistry. 28. 5573-5577 (1989)
[Publications] Yamamoto.K.: "ATPーinduced structural change in myosin subfragmentー1 revealed by the location of protease cleavage sites on the primary structure." J.Mol.Biol.209. 703-709 (1989)
[Publications] Yamamoto,K.: "Shift of binding site at the interface between actin and myosin." Biochemistry. (1990)
[Publications] Yagi,N.,Matsubara,I.: "Structural changes in the thin filament during activation studies by Xーray diffraction of highly stretched skeletal muscle." J.Mol.Biol.208. 359-363 (1989)