[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Aggregation Behavior and Reactivity of Hydrophobic Vitamin B_<12>Covalently Bound to Lipid in Aqueous Media" Tetrahedron Letters. 34. 836-866 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Supramolecular Effects and Molecular Discrimination by Macrocyclic Hosts Embedded in Synthetic Bilayer Membranes" Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 90. 1140-1145 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Molecular Recognition by Novel Cage‐type Azaparacyclophanes Bearing Chiral Binding Sites in Aqueous Media" Pure Applied Chemistry. 65. 551-556 (1993)
[Publications] J.Kikuchi: "Stereoselective Synthesis of beta‐Phenylserine from Glycine and Benzaldehyde as Mediated by Catalytic Bilayer Membranes,Artificial Vitamin B_6‐dependent Enzymes" Chemistry Letters. 553-556 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Enantioselective beta‐Replacement Reaction Mediated by Artificial Enzyme Composed of a Hydrophobic Vitamin B_6,Chiral Bilayer‐forming Lipids,and Copper(II)Ions" Chemistry Letters. 645-648 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Preparation and Characterization of Novel Cage‐type Cyclophanes Having a Helically Twisted and Cylindrical Internal Cavity" Recl.Trav.Chim.Pays‐Bas. 112. 421-422 (1993)
[Publications] K.Kano: "Chiral Recognition by Cyclic Oligosaccharides.Enantioselective Complexation of Binaphthyl Derivatives with Cyclodextrines" Supramolecular Chemisrty. 2‐3. 137-143 (1993)
[Publications] 菊池純一: "マクロ環型人工レセプター-水中ならびに二分子膜中の分子認識能" 有機合成化学協会誌. 51. 842-850 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Preparation and Characterization of a Water‐soluble Peptide Cyclophanes as a Cationic Host for Various Hydrophobic Guest Molecules" Tetrahedron Letters. 34. 7935-7938 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Thermodynamic and Geometrical Characterization of Molecular recognition by Cage‐type and Peptide Azaparacyclophanes in Aqueous Media" Pure Applied Chemistry. 65. 2319-2324 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "beta‐Replacement Reaction in an Asymmetric Site Provided by an Artificial Enzyme Composed of a Hydrophobic Vitamin B_6 and Peptide Lipids" Chemistry Letters. 2093-2096 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Enantioselective Aldolation Mediated by Functionalized Bilayer Membranes as Artificial Vitamin B_6‐dependent Enzymes" Chemistry Letters. 55-58 (1994)
[Publications] J.Kikuchi: "Steroid Cyclophanes as Artificial Receptors Embedded in Synthetic Bilayer Membranes:Aggregation Behavior and Molecular Recognition" Recl.Trav.Chim.Pays‐Bas. (印刷中).
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Hybrid Molecular Assemblies in Combinations of a Synthetic Peptide Lipid with Macrocyclic Cyclophanes" Recl.Trav.Chim.Pays‐Bas. (印刷中).
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Enantioselective Discrimination by Cage‐type Cyclophanes Bearing Chiral Binding Sites in Aqueous Media" J.Am.Chem.Soc.(印刷中).
[Publications] 高木誠: "情報と機能の最小単位" 高分子. 42. 49 (1993)
[Publications] K.Tsukagishi: "Metal Ion‐Selective Adsorbent Pepared by Surface‐Imprinting Polymerization" Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.66. 114-120 (1993)
[Publications] K.Nakano: "New Bifunctional Dialkyl Disulfide Reagent for the Fabrication of a Gold Surface with the Bioaffinity Ligand" Anal.Sci.9. 133-136 (1993)
[Publications] H.Kido: "Preparation and Metal Extraction Behavior of Macrocyclic Complxing Agent Bearing Trifluoromethanesulfonamide Protonating Groups" Bull.Chem.Soc.Jon.66. 432-436 (1993)
[Publications] H.Taira: "Electrode Modification by Long‐Chain,Dialkyl Disulfide Reagent Having Terminal Dinitrophenyl Group and Its Application to Impedimetric Immunosensors" Anal.Sci.9. 199-206 (1993)
[Publications] 塚越一彦: "Surface Imprinting法で調製したCo(III)‐鋳型ミクロスフェアの金属イオン吸着特性とCo(III)‐鋳型効果" 高分子論文集. 50. 455-458 (1993)
[Publications] 城戸浩胤: "界面鋳型重合法により合成したイオン交換樹脂の金属イオン錯生成挙動" 高分子論文集. 50. 403-410 (1993)
[Publications] K.Nakano: "Surface Modificatiuon of Au Electrode with Double‐Stranded DNA for Application to DNA‐Related Bioaffinity Sensor" Proc.Electrochem.Soc.11. 423-434 (1993)
[Publications] M.Tazaki: "Reaction of Naphtho‐1,8‐c,d‐1,2‐Dithiol with Terminal Acetylenes Under t‐Butoxide Catalysis" Sulfur Letters. 16. 215-219 (1993)
[Publications] 井原敏博: "配列選択的にDNAを認識する分子" 化学. 48. 500-501 (1993)
[Publications] M.Tazaki: "S‐S Bond Cleavage of Naphtho‐1,8‐c,d‐1,2‐Dithiol by Organomagnesium Reagents" Sulfur Letters. 16. 237-242 (1993)
[Publications] M.Tazaki: "4,4‐Disubstituted1,2‐Dithiolanes as Simple Models for Emzyme‐Bound Lipoic Acid" J.Chem.Soc.,Chem.Commun. 印刷中
[Publications] S.Takenaka: "Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Tris‐Intercalators Having Potentially Two Different DNA Binding Modes" Supramol.Chem.2. 41-46 (1993)
[Publications] M.Maeda: "Modification of DNA with Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)for Thremally Induced Affinity Separation" Reactive Polym.21. 27-35 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Sakai: "Effect of the Poly(oxyethylene)Chain Length of Ionic Surfactants on the Extraction of Alkali Metal Ions" Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.66. 3107-3110 (1993)
[Publications] 高木誠: "21世紀に化学が進む道" 化学. 48. 56-57 (1993)
[Publications] 村上幸人: "新生化学実験講座 第13巻バイオテクノロジー「金属酵素類似化合物」" 東京化学同人, 14 (1993)
[Publications] 村上幸人: "モレキュラー・キラリティー(化学増刊123)「キラリティーを識別する人工酵素」" 化学同人, 8 (1993)
[Publications] 高木誠: "分離化学ハンドブック" 共立出版, 713 (1993)