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[Publications] <Sugimoto,Y.>___ー,Ohーhara,T.,Heike,Y.,Watanabe,M.,Nakatsuru,Y.,Ishikawa,T.& Tsuruo,T.: "Establishment of highly metastatic variants of murine colon adenocarcinoma 26 under serumーfree conditions." Int.J.Cancer. 46. 118-124 (1990)
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[Publications] <Sugimoto,Y.>___ー,Watanabe,M.,Ohーhara,T.,Sato,S.,Isoe,T.& Tsuruo,T.: "Suppression of experimental lung colonization of a metastatic variant of murine colon adenocarcinoma 26 by a monoclonal antibody 8Fll inhibiting tumor cellーinduced platelet aggregation." Cancer Research.
[Publications] <Taniguchi,S.>___ー,Nishimura,Y.,Takahashi,T.& Baba,T.: "Augmented excretion of procathepsin L of fosーtransferred highly metastatic rat cell line." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Comn.168. 520-526 (1990)
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[Publications] <Taniguchi,S.>___ー: "Biochemical analysis of newly identified actin in mouse B16ーmelanoma." Monograph of Pigment Cell Res.
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[Publications] <Semba,K.>___ー,Kawai,S.,Matsuzawa,Y.,Yamanashi,Y.,Nishizawa,M.& Toyoshima,K.: "Transformation of chiken embryo fibroblast cells by avian retroviruses containing the human fyn gene and its mutated genes." Mol.Cell.Biol.10. 3095-3104 (1990)