[Publications] Inazawa,J,<Abe T>___ー: "Carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA) family genes are located on human chromosome 19 at band q13.2." Acta Histochem Cytochem. 23. 411-422 (1990)
[Publications] Ohe T,Tsuda S,Sakata Y,Taniwaki M,<Misawa S,>___ー <Abe T>___ー: "Cisーdiamminedichloroplatinum(II)ーinduced sisterーchromatid exchanges and chromosome aberration formation in cultured human lymphocytes and their inhibition by sodium thiosulfate." Mutation Res. 244. 279-285 (1990)
[Publications] Taniwaki M,Horiike S,<Misawa S,>___ー <Abe T>___ー,et al.: "Chromosomal abnormalities define clonal proliferation in CD3ーlarge granular lymphocyte leukemia." Am J Hematol. 33. 32-38 (1990)
[Publications] Taniwaki M,Nakagawa H,<Misawa S,>___ー <Abe T>___ー,et al.: "Long arm deletion of chromosome 7 unrelated to original karyotype in recurrent t(8;21) acute myeloblastic leukemia." Acta Haematol. 83. 159-162 (1990)
[Publications] Taniwaki M,Miyagoe K,<Abe T>___ー,et al.: "DNase I seusitive regions on fixed chromosomes by nonradioactive in situ nick translation." J Kyoto Pref Univ Med. 99. 1299-1304 (1990)
[Publications] <Misawa S,>___ー Horiike S,<Abe T>___ー,et al.: "Chromosome abnormalities of gastric cancer detected in cancerous effusions." Jpn J Cancer Res. 81. 148-152 (1990)
[Publications] Fujii H,Yashige H,<Misawa S>___ー,et al: "Ph chromosome in a patient with nonーleukemic nonーHodgkin Bーcell lymphoma." Amer J Hematol. 35. 213-215 (1990)
[Publications] Fujie K,<Maeda S>___ー,<Sugiyama T>___ー,et al.: "Acute cytogenetic effects of tyramine and MTCAs on mouse bone marrow cells in vivo by the micronucleus test." Mutation Res. 240. 19-23 (1990)
[Publications] Fujie K,Nishi J,<Maeda S>___ー,et al.: "Acute cytogenetic effects of tyramine,MTCAs,NaCL and soy sauce on rat bone marrow cells in vivo." Mutation Research. 240. 281-288 (1990)
[Publications] Koizumi T,Nakao Y,<Maeda S>___ー,et al: "Suppression of cー<myc>___ー expression by steroid hormones in human lymphotropic virus typeーIーinduced Tーcell line,KHー2." Int J Cancer. 44. 701-706 (1990)
[Publications] Ishikawa J,<Maeda S>___ー,<Sugiyama T,>___ー et al: "Amplification and overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene in human renal cell carcinoma." Int J Cancer. 45. 1018-1021 (1990)
[Publications] Mineura K,Fushimi S,<Ikenaga M>___ー,et al: "Linkage between O^6ーmethylguanineーDNA methyltransferase (O^6ーMT) activity and cellular resistance to antitumor nitrosoureas in cultured rat brain tumor cell strains." Acta Neuroshir. 103. 62-66 (1990)
[Publications] Sonoda Y,Okuda T,<MisawaS,>___ー <Abe T>___ー,et al.: "Actions of human interleukinー4/Bーcell stimulatory factorー1 on proliferation and differentiation of enriched hematopoietic progenitor cells in culture." Blood. 75. 1615-1621 (1990)
[Publications] Horiike S,Taniwaki M,<Misawa S,>___ー <Abe T>___ー,et al.: "The unbalanced 1;7 translocation in de novo myelodysplastic syndrome and its clinical implication." Cancer. 65. 1350-1354 (1990)
[Publications] Tagawa S,Doi S,<Abe T>___ー,et al.: "Amylaseーproducing plasmacytoma cell lines,AD3 and FR4,with der(14)t (8__=;14) and dic(8)t(1;8__=) established from ascites." Leukemia. 4. 600-605 (1990)
[Publications] Tanaka S,Nishigaki H,<Abe T>___ー,et al.: "Lack of involvement of the GーCSF gene by chromosomal translocation t(15;17) in acute promyelocytic leukemia." Leukemia. 4. 494-496 (1990)
[Publications] Tanaka S,Nishigaki H,<Misawa S,>___ー <Abe T>___ー,et al: "Reciprocal t(14;19)(q32.3;q13.1)in a patient wity Bーcell lymphoma." Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 49. 219-224 (1990)
[Publications] Inazawa J,Nakagawa H,<Misawa S,>___ー <Abe T>___ー,et al.: "Assignment of the human calpastatin gene (CAST) to chromosome 5 at region q14→q22." Cytogenet and Cell Genet. 54. 156-158 (1990)
[Publications] Kato M,Toguchida J,<Ikenaga M>___ー,et al.: "Elevated frenquency of a specific allele of the Lーmyc gene in male patients with bone and softーtissue sarcomas." Int J Cancer. 45. 47-49 (1990)
[Publications] Ishizaki K,Kato M,<Ikenaga M>___ー,et al.: "Correlation of Lーmyc genotypes to metastasis of gastric cancer and breast cancer." J Natl Cancer Inst. 82. 238-239 (1990)
[Publications] Ishizaki K,Oshimura M,<Ikenaga M>___ー,et al: "Human chromosome 9 can complement UV sensitivity of xeroderma pigmentosum group A cells." Mutation Res. 235. 209-215 (1990)
[Publications] Takimoto K,Uchida K,Ishizaki K,<Ikenaga M>___ー: "Specificity of mutational DAN sequence changes induced by xーray in thecloned <Escherichia coli crp>___ー gene." Mutation Res.
[Publications] <Nomura T>___ー,Gotoh H,Namba T: "An examination of respiratory distress and chromosomal abnormalities in the offspring of male mice treated with ethylnitrosourea." Mutation Res. 229. 115-122 (1990)
[Publications] Yamamoto O,Yokoro K,<Nomura T>___ー,et al.: "HTO oral administration in mice (I) threshold dose rate of haematopoietic death." Int J Radiat Biol. 57. 543-549 (1990)
[Publications] <Nomura T>___ー,Nakajima H,Hatanaka T,et al.: "Embryonic mutation as a possible cause of <in>___ー <utero>___ー carcinogenesis in mice revealed by postnatal treatment with 12ー0ーtetradecanoyl phorbolー13ーacetate." Cancer Res. 50. 2135-2138 (1990)
[Publications] <Nomura T>___ー: "Of mice and men?" Nature. 345. 671 (1990)
[Publications] <Nomura T>___ー,Hayashi T,Matsuyam T,et al.: "Carcinogenicity of sublimed urethane in mice through respiratory tract" Jpn J Cancer Res. 81. 742-746 (1990)
[Publications] <Nomura T>___ー,Takahama Y,Hongyo T,et al.: "SCID(severe combined immunodeficiency) mice as a new system to investigate metastasis of human tumor." J Radiat Res. 31. 287-291 (1990)
[Publications] Ishii Y,Samejima Y,Saji F,<Nomura T>___ー: "Effect of alcohol sulfate,linear alkylbenzene subfonate and natural soap on the development of fertilized eggs of the mouse <in vitro.>___ー" Mutatation Res. 242. 151-155 (1990)
[Publications] <Nomura T>___ー,Hata S,Kusafuka T: "Suppression of developmental anomalies by maternal macrophages in mice" J Exp Med. 172. 1325-1330 (1990)
[Publications] Hayasaka K,Sato M,Mitani H,<Shima A>___ー: "Transfection of cultured fish cells RBCFー1 with exogenous and their resistance to malignant transformation." Comp Biochem Physiol. 96B. 349-354 (1990)
[Publications] Mitani H,Komura J,<Shima A>___ー: "The repair of UVーirradiated plasmids transfected into cultured fish cells." Mutation Res. 236. 77-84 (1990)
[Publications] Sato M,Mitani H,<Shima A>___ー: "Eurythermic growth and synthesis of heat shock proteins of primary cultured glodfish cells." Zool Sci. 7. 395-399 (1990)
[Publications] Chi H,Ishibashi Y,<Shima A>___ー,et al: "Use of DAPI cytofluorometric analysis of cellular DNA content to differentiate Spitz Nevus from malignant melanoma." J Invest Dermatol. 95. 154-157 (1990)
[Publications] Komura L,Mitani H,<Shima A>___ー,et al.: "Preferential excision repair and nonーpreferential photoreactivation of pyrimidine dimers in the cー<ras>___ー sequence of cultured goldfish cells." Mutation Res. (1991)
[Publications] Oda S,Mitani H,Naruse K,<Shima A>___ー: "Synthesis of heat shock proteins in the isolated fin of the Medaka,<Oryzias>___ー <latipes>___ー,acclimated to various temperatures." Comp Biochem Physiol. (1991)
[Publications] Kubota Y,<Shima A>___ー: "Comparative study of embryonic thermoresistance of two inbred strains of the Medaka(<Oryzias latipes>___ー)." J Comp Physiol B. (1991)
[Publications] <Shima A>___ー,Shimada A: "Development of a possible nonmammalian test system for radiationーinduced germーcell mutagenesis using a fish,the Japanese Medaka <Oryzias>___ー <latipes>___ー." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (1991)
[Publications] Sasazuki T,Iwanaga T,<Nishimura Y>___ー,et al.: "Expression and function of human major histocompatibility complex HLAーDQw6 genes in the C57BL/6 mouce." Cold Spring Habor Symposium on Quantitative Biology. 54. 513-520 (1990)
[Publications] <Nishimura Y>___ー,Iwanaga T,Sasazuki T,et al.: "Expression of human major histocompatibility complex,HLAーDQw6 genes alters the immune response in C57BL/6 mice." J Immunol. 145. 353-360 (1990)
[Publications] Ottenhoff THM,Walford C,<Nishimura Y>___ー,et al: "HLAーDQ molecules and the control of <Mycobacterium Leprae>___ー specific T cell nonresponsiveness in lepromatous leprosy patients." Eur J Immunol. (1991)
[Publications] Nagafuchi S,Kashiwagi S,<Nishimura Y>___ー,et al: "Reversal of nonーresponders and postexposure prophylaxis by intradermalh apatitis B vaccination in Japanese medical personnel." JAMA. (1991)
[Publications] Kamikawaji N,jujisawa K,<Nishimura Y>___ー,et al: "HLAーDQ restricted CD4+ T cells specific to streptococcal antigen existin low responders but not in high responders." J Immunol. (1991)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "遺伝子診断の現状." 臨床病理. 38. 1093-1100 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 19.Cystic fibrosis遺伝子(2)ーcDNAの全塩基配列決定と遺伝子診断." 中外医薬. 43. 10-15 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 19.伴性遺伝病(1)ーDMD遺伝子を中心に." 中外医薬. 43. 78-82 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 20.伴性遺伝病(2)ーDMD/BMDおよび他の2,3の疾患." 中外医薬. 43. 147-152 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 21.老化の分子機構(1)ーDown症候群とAlzheimer病." 中外医薬. 43. 221-225 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 22.老化の分子機構(2)ー家族性Alzheimer病." 中外医薬. 43. 291-296 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 23.老化の分子機構(3)ーWerner症候群を中心に." 中外医薬. 43. 350-355 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 24.進化(1)ー染色体進化." 中外医薬. 43. 402-406 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 25.進化(2)ー分子進化." 中外医薬. 43. 467-472 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 26.多型ー中立説の背景,HLAの疾病関連を中心にー." 中外医薬. 43. 538-543 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "細胞遺伝学,分子遺伝学と日常の臨床 27.PCRー診断における技術革命ー." 中外医薬. 43. 595-600 (1990)
[Publications] 横田 昇平、<阿部 達生>___ー: "Polymerase chain Reacting(PCR)悪性腫瘍診断への応用." 癌と化学療法. 17. 1395-1401 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー: "研究の周辺ー家族性ポリポージスで示された多段階発がん." いずみ. 37. 4-5 (1990)
[Publications] 今西 仁、<阿部 達生>___ー: "酸化還元系機構とヒト赤血球の加齢." Cytoprotection & Biology. 8. 431-436 (1990)
[Publications] 加納 良男,<杉山 武敏>___ー: "癌細胞の不死化." Oncologia. 24. 43-53 (1991)
[Publications] <前田 盛>___ー,堀尾 光三: "ヒトおよび実験白血病における染色体異常と遺伝子." 臨床病理. 38. 509-513 (1990)
[Publications] 藤盛 孝博,<前田 盛>___ー,他: "大腸腺腫,癌における癌遺伝子産物の免疫染色からみた重複発現について." 医学のあゆみ. 154. 729-730 (1990)
[Publications] <西村 泰治>___ー: "HLAーDQトランスジェニックマウス." 医学のあゆみ. 154. 482 (1990)
[Publications] 稲光 毅,<西村 泰治>___ー: "MHCとself peptide免疫応答におけるself peptideの役割." 実験医学. 8. 77-80 (1990)
[Publications] <西村 泰治>___ー: "免疫応答および疾患感受性を支配する遺伝要因." 日本体質学雑誌. 54. 45-47 (1990)
[Publications] 柴村 和久,<西村 泰治>___ー: "免疫遺伝学からみたスギ花粉症." 科学ー花粉症とその周辺. 61. 93-97 (1991)
[Publications] Inohara H,Nakajima H,<Nomura T>___ー,et al.: "Genetics and pathophysiology of esophageal dilatation developing in a mutant mouse 101/b.Recent advances in bronchoesophacology (Eds.T.Inoue,et al)" Elsevier Sci Publ(Amsterdam), 371-372 (1990)
[Publications] <阿部 達生>___ー,谷脇 雅史,津田 昌一郎: "進行がんの化学療法." 金芳堂, 1-416 (1990)
[Publications] 三谷 啓志,小村 潤一郎,<嶋 昭絋>___ー: "培養細胞を用いたDNA修復研究." メダカの生物学(東京大学出版会), 234-250 (1990)
[Publications] 島田 敦子,<嶋 昭絋>___ー: "メダカ生殖細胞突然変異.メダカの生物学" 東京大学出版会, 251-266 (1990)
[Publications] 成瀬 清,<嶋 昭絋>___ー: "人為雌性発生とその利用.メダカの生物学" 東京大学出版会, 281-295 (1990)
[Publications] 岡本 安弘,<西村 泰治>___ー,笹月 健彦: "慢性関節リウマチの理解のために.慢性関節リウマチ" 南江堂, 237-242 (1990)
[Publications] <西村 泰治>___ー,笹月 健彦: "HLAーDQと免疫抑制.Annual Review" 免疫, 156-164 (1990)
[Publications] <池永 満生>___ー: "21世紀中葉までの宇宙開発計画と放射線生物学." 京大原子炉テクニカルレポ-ト KURRI-TRー338, 68-78 (1990)