[Publications] Y.Koide: "Growth Processes in the Initial Stages of Deposition of Ge Films on(100)Si Surfaces by GeH_4 Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy." J.Crystal Growth. 99. 254-258 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Yasuda: "Mechanisms of Silicon Oxidation at Low Temperatures by MicrowaveーExcited O_2 Gas and O_2ーN_2 Mixed Gas." J.Appl.Phys.67. 2603-2607 (1990)
[Publications] S.Zaima: "Preparation and Properties of Ta_2O_5 Films by LPCVD for ULSI Application." J.Electrochem.Soc.137. 1297-1300 (1990)
[Publications] S.Zaima: "Conduction Mechanism of Leakage Current in Ta_2O_5 Films on Si Prepared by LPCVD." J.Electrochem.Soc.137. 2876-2879 (1990)
[Publications] T.Yamauchi: "Solid Phase Reaction and Electrical Properties in Zr/Si Systems." Appl.Phys.Lett.57. 1105-1107 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Koide: "Growth Processes in the Initial Stage of Ge Films on (811)Si Surfaces by GeH_4 Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy." J.Appl.Phys.68. 2164-2167 (1990)
[Publications] N.Ohshima: "Observation of an Ordered Structure in the Initial Stage of Ge/Si Heteroepitaxial Growth." Appl.Phys.Lett.57. 2434 (1990)
[Publications] M.Konagai: "Metallic pーtype GaAs and InGaAs grown by MOMBE," J.Crystal Growth,. 105. 359-365 (1990)
[Publications] T.Akatsuka: "Heavily carbonーdoped pーtype InGaAs grown by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy," Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,. 29. L537-L539 (1990)
[Publications] S.Nozaki: "GaAs PN diodes with heavily carbonーdoped pーtype GaAs grown by MOMBE," Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.29. L1731-L1734 (1990)
[Publications] A.Yanada: "Heaviry Pーdoped (>10^<21> cm^<ー3>)Si and SiGe films grown by photoーCVD at 250℃" J.Electronic Materials,. 19. 1083-1087 (1990)
[Publications] T.Yamada: "Growth and characterization of carbon doped pーtype InGaAs by MOMBE," 6th International Conf.on Molecular Beam Epitaxy.San Diego,. TIII-17 (1990)
[Publications] S.Nozaki: "Pseudoーheteroepitaxial problems in heaviry carbon doped GaAs grown on GaAs substrates by MOMBE," Electronic Materials Conf.,Santa Barbara,. (1990)
[Publications] T.Usagawa: "Etremely low nonーalloyed specific contact resistance ρ_c(10^<ー8>Ωcm^2) to MOMBE grown super heavily C doped (10^<21>cm^<ー3>) p^<++>GaAs,"
[Publications] T.George: "Critical tthickness anisotropy in highly carbon doped pーtyped (100) GaAs laters grown by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy," Appl.Phys.Lett.
[Publications] Y.Jia: "Effects of deuterrium on lowーtemperature Si epitaxy by photoーCV," Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.
[Publications] K.Fujita: "Suppression of Interfacial Mixing in Si/Ge Superlattices by Sb Deposition" Ext.Abs.22nd(1990Int.) Conf.Solid State Device and Materials,Sendai.
[Publications] K.Fujita: "Realization of Abrupt Interfaces in Si/Ge Superlattiees by Suppressing Ge Surface Segregation With Submonolayer of Sb" Jan.J.Appl.Phys.29. L1981 (1990)
[Publications] S.Fukatsu: "redistribution of Deltaーdoped Sb in Si" Appl.Phys.Lett.
[Publications] Y.Shiraki: "Deltaーdoping in Silicon" Proc.of CーMRS Int.'90,Beijing,1990.
[Publications] T.Ishikawa: "QuantumーConfined Stark Effect in a ParabolicーPotential Quantum Well" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
[Publications] D.K.Gautam: "Low Concentration Cadmium Diffusion into GaAs" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
[Publications] D.K.Gautam: "Open Tube Double Diffusion for the Fabrication of Bipolar Transistor Waveguide Optical Switch" Second International Meeting on Advantage Processing and Characterization Technologies (APCT'91).
[Publications] H.Kawamoto: "Study on Reaction Mechanism of Aluminum Selection Chemical Vapor Deposition with Inーsitu XPS Measurement." Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,. 29. 2657-2661 (1990)
[Publications] A.Oguchi: "Electrical Rrsistivity,Thermal Conductivity and Thermopower in the U=∞ Hubbared Model." Phys.Rev.B. 41. 6977-6988 (1990)
[Publications] A.Oguchi: "Quantum Spin Liquid State with Hole." Phys.Rev.B. 43. 186-192 (1991)
[Publications] J.Inoue: "Theory of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Metallic Superlattices." J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.60. 376-379 (1991)
[Publications] 小栗 章: "量子細線の磁気伝導度" 日本物理学会.
[Publications] 青山 敬幸: "紫外光励起F_2を用いたSiの表面処理" 信学会研究会資料SAM・90ー70. 90. 9-13 (1990)
[Publications] 奥野 昌樹: "重金属汚染ウエ-ハの光励起クリ-ニング" 信学会研究会資料SAM90ー71. 90. 15-19 (1990)
[Publications] 山崎 辰也: "光励起低温エピ成長を用いた薄いベ-スの形成技術と高速バイボ-ラデバイスの応用" 信学会研究会資料SAM90ー114. 90. 29-34 (1990)
[Publications] A.Tanikawa: "Observation of StressーInduced Voiding with an UltraーHigh Voltage Electron Microscope," Proc.1990 Internatiional Reliability Phys.Symp.,. 209-215
[Publications] H.Okabayasi: "HVEM Observations of StressーInduced Voiding in Al lines for LSI" Abstracts of Papers Presented at International Symp.on New Direction and Future Aspects of HVEM. 80 (1990)
[Publications] 岡林 秀和: "LSI配線のストレスマイグレ-ション" 応用物理. 59. 1461-1473 (1990)
[Publications] 菅井 和己: "CVD法による平坦化Al膜形成" 第51回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集第2分冊. 589 (1990)
[Publications] 新沢 勉: "分子間化合物を用いたAl選択CVD" 第51回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集2分冊. 590 (1990)
[Publications] 相沢 一雄: "Al蒸着膜の配向性の基板温度依存性" 第51回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集第2分冊. 595 (1990)
[Publications] S.Ogawa: "Structure of the Tiーsingle crystal Si interface" Mat.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.181. 139-144 (1990)
[Publications] S.Ogawa: "HRTEM and nanoーscale micro analysis of the titanium/silicon interfacial reaction correlated with electrical properties" Extended Abstracts of the 22nd Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials.
[Publications] E.Murakami: "High Hole Mobility in ModulationーDoped and StrainーControlled pーSi_<0.5> Ge_<0.5>/Ge/Si_<1ーxg>Ge_x Heterostructures Fabricated Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy" Jan.J.Appl.Phys.29. L1059-L1061 (1990)
[Publications] E.Murakami: "Ultra High Hole Mobility in StrainーControlled SiーGe ModulationーDoped FET" International Electron Devices Meeting Technology Digest,San Francisco. 375-378 (1990)
[Publications] A.Nishida: "Formation of High Quality Si_<1ーx>Ge_x/Si Crystals Heterostructure Limited Area MBE Growth" Extended Abstracts of the 22nd Conference on Solid State Devices and Matwrials,Sendai. 333-336 (1990)
[Publications] K.Nakagawa: "Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Ge Surface in Segregation SiーMBE" Extended Abstracts of the 22nd Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials,Sendai. 913-916 (1990)
[Publications] K.Nakagawa: "Reverse Temperature Dependence of Ge Surface Segregation During SiーMBE" J.Appl.Phys.69. (1991)