[Publications] Yamada,M.,K.Makino,H.Shinagawa,and A.Nakata.: "Regulation of the the phosphate regulon of <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー:propterties of <phoR>___ー deletion mutants and subcellular localization of PhoR protein." Mol.Gen.Genet.220. 366-372 (1990)
[Publications] Amemura,M.,K.Makino,H.Shinagawa,and A.Nakata.: "Cross talk to the phosphate regulon of <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー by Phom protein:PhoM is a histidine protein kinase and catalyzes phosphorylation of PhoB and PhoMーopen reading frame 2." J.Bacteriol.172. 6300-6307 (1990)
[Publications] Nakamura,H.,I.Yamato,Y.Anraku,L.Lemieux,and R.B.Gennis.: "Expression of <cyoA>___ー and <cyoB>___ー demontrates that the COーbinding heme component of the <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー cytochrome o__ー comples is in subunit I." J.Biol.Chem.265. 11193-11197 (1990)
[Publications] Minagawa,J.,H.Nakamura,I.Yamato,T.Mori,and Y.Anraku.: "Transcriptional regulation of the cytochrome b__ー_<562>‥o complex in <Escherichia>___ー coli:gene expression and molecular characterization of the promoter." J.Biol.Chem.265. 11198-11203 (1990)
[Publications] Ushida,C.,and H.Aiba.: "Helical phase dependent action of CRP:effect of the distance between the CRP site and the ー35 region on promoter activity." Nuclic Acids <Res.>___ー. 18. 6325-6330 (1990)
[Publications] Ohnishi,K.,K.Kutsukake,H.Suzuki,and T.Iino.: "Gene <fliA>___ー encodes an alternative sigma factor specific for flagellar operons in <Salmonella>___ー <typhimurium>___ー." Mol.Gen.Genet.221. 139-147 (1990)
[Publications] Iwamoto,A.,J.Miki,M.Maeda,and M.Futai.: "H^+ーATPase γ subunit of <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー." J.Biol.Chem.265. 5043-5048 (1990)
[Publications] Takeyama,M.,K.Ihara,Y.Moriyama,T.Noumi,K.Ida,N.Tomioka,A.Itai,M.Maeda,and M.Futai.: "The glycineーrich sequence of the β subunit of <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー H^+ーATPase is important for activity." J.Biol.Chem.265. 21279-21284 (1990)
[Publications] Ikeda,M.,M.Wachi,F.Ishino,and M.Matsuhashi.: "Nucleotide sequence involving <murD>___ー and an open reading frame ORFーY spacing <murF>___ー and <ftsW>___ー in <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー." Nucleic Acids Res.18. 1058 (1990)
[Publications] Ikeda,M.,M.Wachi,H.K.Jung,F.Ishino,and M.Matsuhashi.: "Nucleotide sequence involving <murG>___ー and <murC>___ー in the <mra>___ー gene cluster region of <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー." Nucleic Acids Res.18. 4041 (1990)
[Publications] Ikeda,M.,M.Wachi,H.K.Jung,F.Ishino,and M.Matsuhashi.: "Homology among MurC,MurD,MurE and MurF proteins of <Escherichia>___ー coli and that between E__ー.<coli>___ー MurG and a possible MurG protein of <Bacillus>___ー <subtilis>___ー." J.Gen.Appl.Microbiol.36. 179-187 (1990)
[Publications] Kitagawa,M.,C.Wada,S.Yoshioka,and T.Yura.: "Expression of <clpB>___ー,an analogue of ATPーdependent protease subunit regulatory in E__ー.<coli>___ー,is controlled a heat shock σ factor (σ^<32>)." J.Bacteriol.(1991)
[Publications] Matsuhashi,M.,A.N.Pankrushina,M.Ikeda,M.Wachi,and F.Ishino.: "Septum peptidoglycan synthesis <in vitro>___ー in <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー:reconstitution of the PBP3ーFtsW system on the membranes.H.Kleinkauf and H.v.Do^^¨hren (ed.)," 50 Years of Penicillin Application., (1991)
[Publications] Matsuhashi,M.,F.Ishino,M.Ikeda,H.K.Jung,M.Ueki,A.N.Pankrushina,S.Tomioka,Y.Okada,M.Wachi,and M.D.Song.: "Function of penicillinーbinding proteins and their regulation.H.Kleinkauf and H.v.Do^^¨hren (ed.)," 50 Years of Penicillin Application., (1991)