[Publications] M.Matsuki,T.Ushijima: "An iegenvalue problem for a system of finite difference equations approximating a linear wave equaiton" Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 9. 91-116 (1992)
[Publications] T.Ushijima,MMatsuki: "Fully discrete approximation of a second order linear evolution equation related to the water wave problem" Proc.Int.Conf.on Functional Anaysis and Related Topics. (1993)
[Publications] R.Fu,T.Uxhijima: "Finite element analysis of free vibration of liquid-filled axisymmetric tanks" Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica.
[Publications] K.Sugihara,M Iri: "Construction of the Voronoi diagram for¨one million¨generators in single-precision arithmetic" Proceedings of the IEEE. 80. 1471-1484 (1992)
[Publications] M.Iri: "How to generate realistic sample problems for network optimization" Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 650. 342-350 (1992)
[Publications] F.Kikuchi,M.Hara,T.wada: "A mixed finite element method for 3-D analysis of resonators" Sci.papers Coll.Arts&Sci.,Univ.Tokyo. 42. 111-129 (1993)
[Publications] F.kikuchi: "Numerical analysis of electrostatic and magnetostatic problems" Sugaku Expositions. 6. (1993)
[Publications] 金山 寛,池口 修一,松木 直美,遠藤 研二,菊地 文雄: "辺要素を用いた3次元非線形磁場解析" シュミレーション. 11. 212-220 (1992)
[Publications] T.Yamada,F.Kikuchi: "An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element method for incompressible hyperelasticity" Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. (1993)
[Publications] A.Kohda,Y.Shinogara: "Numerical Analysis of the quasiperiodic solutions to Duffing type equations" Japan J.Indust.Appl.Math.
[Publications] T.Sakurai,H.sugiura,T.Torii: "Factorization of a polynomial by rational hermite interpolation" Numerical Algorithm. 3. 411-418 (1992)
[Publications] H.sugiura,T.Torii: "Polynomial interpolation on quasiequidistributed nodes on unit circle" SIAM J.Numer Anal.29. 1154-1165 (1992)
[Publications] T.Torii,T.Sakurai,H.sugiura: "An application of Sunzi's teorem for solving algebraic equations" Proc.1st China-Japan Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics.
[Publications] T.Hasegawa,H.Sugiura,T.Torii: "Positivity of the weights of extended Clenshaw-Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rules" Math.Comp.
[Publications] M.T.Nakao: "A numerical verification method for the existence of weak solutions for nonlinear boundry value problems" Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 164. 489-507 (1992)
[Publications] 小田中 紳二,広木 彰,材木 幸二,野木 達夫: "分割作用素法を用いた超並列計算による3次元デバイスシミュレーション" 信学技報,SDM92-91,VLD92-66. 45-51 (1992)
[Publications] T.nogi: "ADENA computer IV" Mem.Fac.Eng.kyoto Univ.55. (1993)
[Publications] E.Beretta,A.fasano,Y.hosono: "Equilibrim of a phytoplankton population in alaboratory controlled system" Surveys on Mathematics for Industry. 1. 283-336 (1992)
[Publications] E.beretta,A.Fasano,Y.Hosono,Kolmanovski: "The stability analysis of the phytoplankton vertical steady states in a laboratory test tube." Math.Methods in Applied Sciences. 1. 283-336 (1992)
[Publications] B.Ilyas,Hosono: "Existence of travelling wave solutions for the epidemic model" Acta Humanistica et Scientifica Universitatis Sangio kyotiensis. 21. (1993)
[Publications] M.Kuwamua,S.I.Ei,M.Mimura: "Very slow dynamics for some reaction-deffusion system with activator-inhibitor type" Japan J.Indust.Appl.Math.9. 35-77 (1992)
[Publications] T.Mimura,T.Tsujikawa,R.Kobayashi: "Formation of band-type electric patterns in Characean cells" J.Math.Biol.30. 513-545 (1992)
[Publications] T.Sekimura,M.Mimura: "Amodel for celluar pattern formation in Dictyostelium slug" Forma. 7. 27-37 (1992)
[Publications] T.Ikeda,M.Mimura: "An interfacial approach to regional segregation of two competing species mediated by a predator" J.Math.Biol.
[Publications] E.Beretta,A.Fasaon,Y.Hosono,Kolmaonvski: "The stability analysis of the phytoplankton vertical steady states in a laboratory test tube." Math Methods in Applied Sciences. 1. 283-336 (1992)
[Publications] B.Ilyas,Y.Hosono: "Existence of travelling wave solutions for the epidemic model" Acta Humanistica et Scientifica Universitatis Sangio Kyotiensis. 21. (1993)
[Publications] M.Kuwamua,S.I.Ei,M.mimura: "Very slow dynamics for some reaction-diffusion system with activator-inhibitor type" Japan J.Indust.Appl.Math.9. 35-77 (1992)
[Publications] T.Mimura,T.Tsujikawa,R.Kobyashi: "Formation of band-type electric patterns in Characean cells" J.Math.Biol.30. 513-545 (1992)
[Publications] T.Sekimura,M.Mimura: "A model for celluar pattern formation in Dictyostelium slug" Forma. 7. 27-37 (1992)
[Publications] T.Ikeda,M.Mimura: "An interfacial approach to regional segregation of two competing species mediated by a predator" J.Math.Biol.
[Publications] S.yotsutani: "Chemical interfacial reagtion models with radial symmetry" Nonlinar Diffusion Equations and their Epuilibrium states. 561-572 (1992)
[Publications] N.Kawano,E.Yanagida,S.Yotutani: "Structure theorems for positive radial solutions to Δu+k(|x|)u^p=O in R^n" Funkcial.Ekvac.
[Publications] N.kawano,E.Yanagida,S.Yotsutani: "Structure theorems for positive radial solutions to div(|Du|^<m-2>Du)+K(|X|)u^q=O in R^n" J.Math.Soc.Japan.
[Publications] E.Yanagida,S.Yotsutani: "Existence of nodal fast-decay solution to Δu+K(|x|)|u|^<p-1>u=O in R^n" Nonlinear Analysis.