[Publications] S.Ratogi,M.Hikosaka,H.kawabata and A.kelle: "A stndy on the Role of Mobile Phase in Polymen Crystallization" Proceedings of Symposium on Polymens(Pune,India). 95-95 (1991)
[Publications] S.Rastogi,M.Hikosaka,H.kawabata and A.kellen: "The Role of Mobile Phase in the Crystallization of PE(I)Metastability and Latetenal Growth" Macromolecules. 24. 6384-6391 (1991)
[Publications] S.Rastogi,M.Hikosaka,H.kawabata and A.kellen: "New Trends in Polymer Crystallization Studies(II)The Role of Transient Mesophase in Polyme Crytallization" Macromolekulen Chem.Symp.48/49. 103-114 (1991)
[Publications] M.Hikosaka,S.Rastogi,A.Kellen,H.Kawabata: "Investigation on the Crystalligzation on the Crystallization of PE unden High Pressure" J.Macroml.Sci.,Phys.(1992)
[Publications] M.Hikosaka,K.Tsukijima,S.Rastogi and A.Kellen: "Equilibrium Triple Point Pressure and P-T phase Diagram of PE" Polymer. (1992)
[Publications] M.Hikosaka,K.Tsukijma,S.Rastogi and A.Kellen: "New crystallization Mechanism of PolymersーLamellen Thickening Growth" Polymer. (1992)
[Publications] A.Suzuki,H.Awano,M.Hikosaka and H.Ohigashi: "Structure and Morphology of LB Film of Phtalocyanine Derivatives" Thin Solia Film. (1992)
[Publications] S.Rastogi,M.Hikosaka,H.kawabata and A.Kelle,: "Recent Findingson Pressure Crystallization" Proceedings of Euno,Phys,Soci.Int,Conf.(1992)
[Publications] 彦坂 正道: "高令子鎖の折りたたみ鎖と伸び切り鎖" 表面. 114-121 (1991)
[Publications] 彦坂 正道,奥居 徳昌: "高分子集合体の形成と性質"
[Publications] A.Toda,H.Miyaji,Y.Ogawa and Kan-ichro Takamizawa: "Lateral Habit of n-alkane Crystals." Journal of Materials Science. 26. 2793-2796 (1991)
[Publications] K.Izumi,K.Omiya and H.Miyaji: "The Deformation of the Nearly Perfect Crystals of Polydiacetylene(PTS)." Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research Kyoto University. 69. 184-192 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Miyamoto,K.Fukao,Y.Tanzawa and H.Miyaji: "Dependnce of Fold Length on Crystallization Temperature in Syndiotactic Polystyrene." Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan. XXXVI. 113-116 (1991)
[Publications] M.Hashimoto,A.Toda and H.Miyaji: "Isotropic Scattering in Hv Light Scattering from Spherulites of Polymers." Polymer.
[Publications] Y.Miyamoto,Y.Tanzawa,H.Miyaji and H.Kiho: "Growth Rate of Isotactic Polystyrene Crystals in the Concentrated Solutions and Melt." Polymer.
[Publications] A.Kawaguchi,T.Okahara,S.Murakami,M.Ohara,K.Katayama,J.Petermann: "Epitaxial Growth of Isotactic Polypropylene on Oriented Polyethylene from Solution" J.Polym.Sci.:Part B:Polym.phys.29. 683-690 (1991)
[Publications] T.Okihara,M.Tsuji,A.Kawaguchi,K.Katayama: "Crystal Structure of Stereocomplex of Poly(L-lactide)and Poly(D-lactide)" J.Macromol.Sci.-Phys.B30. 119-140 (1991)
[Publications] 片山 健一,辻 正樹,河口 昭義,印 教鎮,河村 英俊: "繊維高分子の構造" 化繊講演集. 48. 75-83 (1991)
[Publications] M.Tsuji,M.Tosaka,A.Kawaguchi,K.Katayama,M.Iwatsuki: "High-resolution Observation of Polymer Single Crytsstals with a Superconducting Cryo-TEM" Bull.Inst.Chem.Res.,Kyoto Univ.69. 117-126 (1991)
[Publications] A.Kawaguchi,S.Murakami,K.Katayama,M.Mihoichi,T.Ohta: "An Application of a New Xーray Diffraction System with Imaging plates to Studies on the Deformation Behavior of Ultraーhigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene" Bull.Inst.Chem.Res.,Kyoto Univ.69. 145-154 (1991)
[Publications] 片山 健一: "電子顕微鏡を用いる高分子研究" 日本ゴム協会誌. 64. 168-175 (1991)
[Publications] 河口 昭義: "ポリマ-のエピタクシ-" 表面. 30. 297-312 (1991)
[Publications] K.J.Ihn,M.Tsuji,A.Kawaguchi,K.Katayama: "Polymorphism of a longーchain cycloparaffin(CH_2)^<120>" J.Electron Microsc.Tech.20. (1992)
[Publications] Y.Miyamoto,K.Fukao,Y.Tanzawa and H.Miyaji: "Dependence of Fold length on Crystallization Temperature in Syndiotactic Polystyrene," Rep.Prog.Polym.phys.Jpn.34. 113-116 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Miyamoto,Y.Tanzawa,H.Miyaji and H.Kiho: "Growth Rate of Isotactic Polystyrene Crystals in the Concentrated Solutions and Melt," Polymer. 33. (1992)
[Publications] K.Tanaka,N.Okui and T.Sakai: "Molecular Orientation Behavior of paraffin Films Made by Vapor Deposition" Thin Solid Films,196,137ー145(1991). 196. 137-145 (1991)
[Publications] A.Kubono,N.Okui,K.Tanaka,S.Umemoto amd T.Sakai: "Highly Oriented Polyamide Thin Films Prepared by Vapor Deposition Polymerization" Thin Solid Films. 199. 385-393 (1991)
[Publications] T.Takeno,N.Okui,T.Kitoh,M.Muraoka,S.Umemoto and T.Sakai: "Preparation and Piezoelectricity of β Form Poly(vinylidene fuloride)Thin Film bu Vapor Deposition" Thin Solid Films. 202. 205-211 (1991)
[Publications] T.Takeno,N.Okui,T.Kitonh,M.Muraoka,S.Umemoto and T.Sakai: "Prepartion and Electrical Properties or γ Form Poly(vinylidene fuloride) Thin Film by Vapor Deposition in the presence of Electric Field" Thin Solid Films. 202. 213-220 (1991)
[Publications] 奥居 徳昌: "SuperーCoolingによる相転移温度評価の問題点" 熱測定. 18. 231-232 (1991)
[Publications] 奥居 徳昌: "蒸着重合による超配向高分子薄膜" 海外高分子研究. 37. 34-37 (1991)
[Publications] 久保野 敦史,奥居 徳昌: "蒸着重合による配向高分子薄膜" 高分子加工. 40. 16-21 (1991)
[Publications] A.Toda,H.Miyaji Y.Ogawa,and K.Takamizawa: "Lateral habits of nーalkane single crystals" J.Mater.Sci.26. 2793-2796 (1991)
[Publications] K.Takamizawa and H.Toratani: "Application of a high pressure d.t.a. to study the pressureーglassification of polystyrene" Polym.Commun.,.
[Publications] 高見沢 橄一郎,児玉 雅弘,松永 慎也,塩川 浩三: "α,ωージハロゲノアルカンの結晶構造と双極子相互作用" 九大総理工研究科報告. 13. (1992)
[Publications] H.Tauaka,M.Thakur,M.A.Gomez,A.E.Tonelli: "Study of the correlation between the Backbone Confomatin and the Electromic Structures of Polydeacetylus by Sold StateC^^<13> NHR" Pobymer. 30. 1834-1840 (1991)
[Publications] H.Tanaka,T.Fujioka,T.Nishi: "A Nex Methd Piret Determination of the Time Seyueuce from Spatial Pattern Divided by Spherulites" Japanese Tomnal of Apphed Physics. 30. 1310-1313 (1991)
[Publications] H.SaitO,M.Matsunra and T・Inoue: "Depolariged Light Scattering Sthdis on Singlephase Mixture of Dissmilan PolymersーEvidenceーfor Local Ordering" J.Polym.Sciy Polym.Phys.29. (1991)
[Publications] H.Saito,T.Okada,T.Hamane and T.Inoue: "Crystallization kinetis in the MiXturs of Poiy(viny1ーidenetluoride)and Poiy(methy I methacyylate):Two Step Diffusion MeChanism" Macromolecules. 24. 4446 (1991)
[Publications] H.Saito M.Takahoshi and T.Ioue: "Chain Relaxation Behaviorin SingleーPhase Mixfures of Dissimilan Polymers" MacromoKcules. 24. (1991)
[Publications] H.Ohigashi: "Piezoelectric Properties of ーForm PVDF Films Crystallized at High Pressure and Their Application to HeatーResstant U1trasonic Transducers" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.Supplement. 30ー1. 111-113 (1991)
[Publications] H.Ohigashi: "Piezoelectric Properties of Ferroectric Polymers at Low Temperatures" Proc.1990 IEEE U1thrasonic Symposium. 2. 753-756 (1991)
[Publications] H.Ohigashi: "Formation of Ferroclectric Domains a Copolymer P(VDFーTrFE)" J.Appl.Physics. 71. 506-508 (1992)
[Publications] GuoーRong Li: "Pyroelectric Effect of Ferroelectric Polymer P(VDFーTrFE) at Low Temperatures" Rep.Progr.Polymer Phys.Jpn.34. 259-262 (1991)
[Publications] GuoーRong Li: "Possibility of Formation og Large Ferroelectric Domains in Copolymers of Vinylidene Fluoride and Trifluoroethylene" J.Applied Physics. 72. (1992)
[Publications] GuoーRong Li: "Pyroelectric Coefficient and Heat Capacity of a Ferroelectric Copolymer of Vinylidene Fluoride and Trifluoroethylene at Low Temperatures" Jpn.J.Applied Physics. 31. (1992)
[Publications] 彦坂 正道,奥居 徳昌: "高令子集合体の形成と性質(1)" 共立出版, 15 (1992)
[Publications] 彦坂 正道: "結晶成長ハンドブック" 共立出版, 2 (1992)
[Publications] 尾山外 茂男: "高分子学会編高分子機能材料シリ-ズ,第3巻「高分子集合体の形成と性質」,序論" 共立出版株式会社, 10 (1992)
[Publications] 高見沢 橄一郎: "融解現象「高分子機能材料」シリ-ズ第3巻" 高分子学会編共立出版社,
[Publications] A.E.Tonelli,M.A Gomez,H,Tauaka,M,H.Cozine: "Solid State NMR of Polymers" Prenum Press, 25 (1991)
[Publications] 大東 弘二: "日本学術振興会弾性波素子技術第150委員会編弾性波素子技術ハンドブック,圧電性高分子" オ-ム社, 562 (1991)
[Publications] 大東 弘二: "機能性高分子材料(第5巻)電子機能性材料" 高分子学会編,共立出版, (1992)