[Publications] Nitasaka,E.and Yamazaki,T.: "The molecular analysis of brown eye color mutations isolated from geographically discrete populations of Drosophila melanogaster." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. (1993)
[Publications] Nitasaka,E.and Yamazaki,T.: "The relation ship between DNA structural variations and activities of P elements in P and Q strains of Drosophila melanogaster." Genetical Research. (1993)
[Publications] Ohta,T.: "Theoretical study of near neutrality.II.Effect of subdivided population structure with local extinction and recolonization." Genetics. 130. 917-923 (1992)
[Publications] Ohta,T.: "The meaning of natural selection revisited at the molecular level." Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 7. 311-312 (1992)
[Publications] Takahata,N.,Satta,Y.and Klein,J.: "Polymorphism and balancing selection at major histocompatibility complex loci." Genetics. 130. 925-938 (1992)
[Publications] Morita,T.,Takahata,N.et.al.: "Recent and World-wide Introgression to Mus musculus." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 89. 6851-6855 (1992)
[Publications] Matsubayashi,H.,Tobari,Y.N.etal.: "Cytological mapping of On mutants of Drosophila ananassae." Jpn.J.Genet.67. 259-264 (1992)
[Publications] Kaneko,M.,Satta,Y.,Matsuura,E.T.and Chigusa,S.: "Evolution of the mitochondrial ATP ase 6 gene in Drosophila.:Unusually high level of polymorphism in D.melanogaster." Genetical Research. (1993)
[Publications] Harada,K.,Kusakabe,S.and Mukai,T.: "Comparative study of P element activity in two natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster." Jpn.J.Genet.66. 725-737 (1991)
[Publications] Koga,A.,Harada,K.,Kusakabe,S.and Mukai,T.: "Spontaneous mutations affecting glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in Drosophila melanogaster." Jpn.J.Genet.67. 125-132 (1992)
[Publications] Tachida,H.and Iizuka,M.: "Persistence of repeated sequences that evolve by replication slippage." Genetics.131. 471-478 (1992)
[Publications] Maruyama,K.and Tachida,H.: "Genetic variability and geographical structure in partially selfing populations." Jpn.J.Genet.67. 39-51 (1992)
[Publications] Tajima,F.: "Statistical method for estimating the standard errors of branch lengths in a phylogenetics tree reconstructed without assuming equal rates of nucleotide substitution among different lineages." Molecular Biology and Evolution. 9. 168-181 (1992)
[Publications] Tajima,F.: "Statistical method for estimating the effective population size in Pacific salmon." J.of Heredity. 83. 309-311 (1992)
[Publications] Kaplan,N.L.,Hudson,R.R.and Iizuka,M.: "The coalescent process in models with selection,recombination and geographic subdivision." Genetical Research Camb.57. 83-91 (1991)
[Publications] Tachida,H.and Iizuka,M.: "Fixation probability in spatially changing environments." Genetical Research Camb.58. 243-251 (1991)
[Publications] Takahata,N.: "The Proceedings of the 17th Taniguchi International Symposium on Biophsics." Japan Scientific Society Press., (1992)
[Publications] Takahata,N.: "Molecular Paleopulation Biology." Japan Scientific Society Press., (1992)
[Publications] Tobari,Y.N.: "Drosophila ananassaeーGenetical and Biological Aspects" Japan Scientific Societics Press., (1993)
[Publications] 舘田 英典,向井 輝美: "実験集団遺伝子と進化「講座進化6,分子から見た進化」" 東京大学出版会, (1992)