[Publications] K.Cda,Y.Fukuda,S.Murao K.Uchida and M.Kainosho: "A Novel Proteinase Inhibitor,Inhibiting Some PepstatinーInsensitive Carboxyl Proteinases" Agric.Biol.Chem.53. 405-415 (1989)
[Publications] D.Tsuru,A.Naotuka,R.Kobayashi,T.Yoshimoto,K.Oda and S.Murao: "Inactivation of <Scytalidium>___ー <lignicolum>___ー Acid Protease B with 1,2ーEpoxyー3ー(4′ーdiazoー2′ーnitrophenoxy)propane" Agric.Biol.Chem.53. 2751-2756 (1989)
[Publications] 村尾 沢夫,小田 耕平: "放線菌由来のメタルプロテア-ゼインヒビタ-" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素. 34. 980-988 (1989)
[Publications] S.ーH.Kim,S.Hara,T.Ikenaka: "Reconstitution of new inhibitors by mutual exchange of Ile(64)ーMet(84) peptides of soybean trypsin inhibitors,Ti^a and Ti^b." J.Biochem.
[Publications] R.Takano,C.Imada,K.Kamei,S.Hara: "The reactive site of the novel peptide serine proteinase inhibitor,marinostatin" J.Biochem.
[Publications] T.Yoshimoto,D.Tsuru,N.Yamamoto,R.Ikezawa,S.Furukawa: "Structure activity relationship of inhibitors specific for prolyl endopeptidase." Agricultural Biological Chemistry. 55. 37-43 (1991)
[Publications] K.Akasaka,R.Ishima,and S.Shibata,: "Proton spin relaxation in proteins at high mangetic fields." Physica B. 164,. 163-177 (1990)
[Publications] S.Shibata and K.Akasaka,: "Computer simulation program of proton spin relaxation in proteins and its application to Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor." Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 28,. 129-137 (1990)
[Publications] R.Ishima,S.Shibata,and K.Akasaka,: "General features of proton longitudinal relaxation in proteins in solution." J.Magn.Reson.,in press.91. (1991)
[Publications] S.Murao,K.Ohkuni,T.Shin: "Characterization of thermostable acid proteinase from thermophilic <Bacillus>___ー novosp.MNー32." Agric.Biol.Chem.
[Publications] I.Terada,SukーTae Kwon,Y.Miyata,H.Matsuzawa,T.Ohta: "Unique precursor structure of an extracellular protease,aqualysin I.with NH_2ーand COOHーterminal proーsequences and its processing in <Escherichia>___ー <coli>___ー." J.Biol.Chem.265. 6576-6581 (1990)
[Publications] 加藤,松永,西村,ベルヒリ,甲斐荘,荒田: "Application of ^<13>C nuclear maguetic resonance spectroscopy to molecular structural auslyses of autibody molecules." J.Biochem.105. 867-869 (1989)
[Publications] 小田,福田,村尾,内田,甲斐荘: "A novel proteinase inhibitor,tyrostatin,inhibiting some pepstatinーinsensitime proteinases." Agric.Bilo.Chem.53. 405-415 (1989)
[Publications] 内田,三宅,甲斐荘: "Reductive cleavage and regeneration of the disulfide bonds in <Streptomyces>___ー subtilisin inhibitor (SSI) as studied by the carbonyl ^<13>C NMR resonances of cysteinyl residues." J.Biomol.NMR. 1. 000-000 (1991)
[Publications] 内田,甲斐荘: "Synthesis of 〔1,1′ー^<13>C_2〕ーLーCystive." J.Labelled Compd.Radiopharmacenticals.
[Publications] S.Taguchi,I.Kumagai,K.Miura: "Comparison of secretory expression in Escherichia coli and Streptomyces of streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (SSI) gene." Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1049. 278-285 (1990)
[Publications] S.Kojima,I.Kumagai,K.Miura: "Effect on inhibitory activity of mutation at reaction site P4 of tne streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor,SSI." Protein Engineering. 3. 527-530 (1990)
[Publications] I.Kumagai,S.Takeda,T.Hibino,K.Miura: "Expression of goat αーlactalbumin in Escherichia coli and its refolding to biologically active protein." Protein Engineering. 3. 449-452 (1990)
[Publications] S.Kojima,S.Obata,I.Kumagai,K.Miura: "Alteration of the specificity of the streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor by gene engineering." BIO/TECHNOLOGY. 8. 449-452 (1990)
[Publications] S.Taguchi,I.Kumagai,J.Nakayama,A.Suzuki,K.Miura: "Efficient extracellular expression of a foreign protein in Streptomyces using secretory protease inhibitor (SSI) gene fusions." BIO/TECHNOLOGY. 7. 1063-1066 (1989)
[Publications] S.Taguchi,K.Nishiyama,I.Kumagai,K.Miura: "Analysis of transctiptional control regions in the <Streptomyces>___ー subtilisinーinhibitorーencoding gene." Gene. 84. 279-286 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Yoshinaka,I.Katoh and K.Oda: "Retroviral Proteases (ed.L.H.Pearl) Retroviral Protease:Substrate Specificity and Inhibitorsの項執筆" Stockton Press, 9 (1990)
[Publications] K.Oda and S.Murao: "Aspartic Proteinases (ed.B.M.Dunn) Pepstatinーinsensitive Carboxyl Proteinasesの項執筆" Plenum Press, 16 (1991)
[Publications] 鶴 大典: "プロテア-ゼとそのインヒビタ-" メジカルビュ-社, 20 (1991)
[Publications] 甲斐荘,内田(共著): "生物物理のフロンティア" 培風館, 291 (1989)
[Publications] 甲斐荘,三宅(共著): "新生化学実験講座I,タンパク質III 高次構造" 東京化学同人, 436 (1990)