[Publications] T.Ogawa,T.Yoshidome,H.Kawazumi: "Excited triplet states of dimethylether studied by electron energyーloss spectroscopy." Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 63. 2707-2709 (1990)
[Publications] T.Yoshidome,H.Kawazumi,T.Ogawa: "Electron energy loss spectra of methanol and assignments of its triplet states." Journal of the electron spectroscopy and related phenomenon. 53. 185-192 (1990)
[Publications] T.Tsuboi,K.Nakashima,T.Ogawa: "Translational energy distributions and emission cross sections of the excited hydrogen atom produced in eーSiH_4 collisions." Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 64. 1-4 (1990)
[Publications] T.Imasaka,H.Nakagawa,N.Ishibashi: "Determination of surfactant by visible semiconducotor laser fluorometry after solvent extraction with Rhodamine 800" Analytical Sciences. 6. 775 (1990)
[Publications] T.Imasaka,H.Nakagawa,T.Okazaki,N.Ishibashi: "Enzyme immunoassay of insulin by Semiconductor laser fluorometry" Analytical Chemistry. 62. 2404 (1990)
[Publications] T.Imasaka,K.Kasaki,N.Ishibashi: "Detemination of Fe(II) with 2ーnitrosoー5ーdiethylaminophenol by thermal lens spectrophotometry using semiconductor laser as light source." Analytica Chimica Acta. (1991)
[Publications] C.H.Lin,H.Fukii,T.Imasaka,N.Ishibashi: "Normal and reverse synchronous scan luminescence techniques in supersonic jet spectroscopy.I.principle and analytical procedure"
[Publications] C.H.Lin,T.Imasaka,N.Ishibashi: "Normal and Reverse synchronous scan luminescence techniques in supersonic jet spectrometry .II.Application to anthracene derivatices."
[Publications] T.Imasaka,N.Ishibashi: "Analytical techniques using lasers" Progree in Quantum Electronics. 14. 131 (1990)
[Publications] K.Sasaki,K.Itoh,A.Fujishima,Y.Goshi: Journal vacuum Science and Technology. 8. 525-529 (1990)
[Publications] K.Sakamaki,K.Itoh,A.Fujishima,Y.Goshi: Journal of vacuum Science and Technology. 8. 614-617 (1990)
[Publications] A.Okumura,K.Miyamura,Y.Goshi: "A canning tunneling microscopy/current imaging tunneling spectroscopy investigation of an organic molecule:4ーCyanoー4ーnーheptylbiphenyl." Journal of vacuum Science and Technology. 8. 625-627 (1990)
[Publications] S.Kohiki,T.Satoh,S.Hatta,K.Setsune,K.Wasa,Y.Goshi: Materials Letters. 9. 185-188 (1990)
[Publications] K.Miyamura,H.Morooka,K.Hirai,Y.Goshi: Chemistry Letters. 1990. 1833-1836 (1990)
[Publications] M.Tanimoto,S.Saito,S.Yamamoto,K.Kawaguchi: "Microwave spectrum of CCS radical in vibrationally excited states." Proceeding PACIFICHEM symmposium on Chemistry and spectroscopy of Interstellar Molecules.
[Publications] X.Z.Wu,N.Teramae,T.Kitamori,T.Sawada: "Surface analysis of films by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy under normal reflectance conditions." Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 64. (1991)
[Publications] M.Higo,S.Kamata,: "Surface reaction of dialkyl phosphite on alumina and magnesia studied by inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy." Journal of Physical Chemistry. 94. 8709 (1990)
[Publications] M.Higo,K.Nishino,S.Kamata: "Characterization of evaporated silicon film by inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy." Applied Surface Science. (1991)
[Publications] K.Fujiwara,R.Kojyo,H.Tsubota,K.Seki: "Spectrometric behavior of magnetite colloid in waveーguide long capillary cell." Analytical Sciences. 6. 207-209 (1990)
[Publications] K.Fujiwara,T.Nakamura,T.Kashima,H.Tsubota,T.Slin: "Mirrorーcoated longーpath cells for colorimetry with use of a bifurcated optical guide." Applied Spectroscopy. 44. 1084-1088 (1990)
[Publications] K.Fujiwara,T.Kashima,H.Tsubota,Y.Toyoshima,M.Aihara,M.Kiboku: "Oscillation found in reaction between permanganate and oxalic acid." Chemistry Letters. 1990. 1385-1386 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Oki,U.Uda,C.Honda,M.Maeda,J.Izumi,T.Morimoto,M.Tanoura: "Laserーinducedーfluorescence detection of sodium atomized by a microwaveーinduced plasma with Tungsten filament vaporization" Analytical Chemistry. 62. 680-683 (1990)
[Publications] 興,出羽,田代,本田,前田,長谷川,二見,泉,前田: "色素セル瞬時交換機能を有する自動波長可変色素レ-ザ-システム" レ-ザ-研究. (1991)
[Publications] X.F.Wang S.Kitajima,T.Uchida,D.M.Coleman,S.Minami: "Timeーresolved fluorescence microscopy using multichannel photon cunting." Applied Spectroscopy. 44. 25 (1990)
[Publications] X.F.Wang,T.Uchida,S.Minami: "Timeーresolved fluorescnce image spectroscopy techniques." Applied Fluorescence Technology. 2. 10 (1990)
[Publications] X.F.Wang,T.Uchida,D.M.Coleman,S.Minami: "A twoーdimensional fluorescence lifetime imaging system using a gated image intensifier." Applied Spectroscopy. 45. (1991)
[Publications] X.F.Wang,T.Uchida,M.Maeshima,S.Minami: "Fluorescence pattern analysis based on timeーresolved ration method" Applied Spectroscopy. 45. (1991)
[Publications] S.Yamada: "Twoーcolor multiphoton ionization with ultraviolet and visible laser excitation for the determination of polycyclic aromatic molecules in solution." Analytical Sciences. 7. (1991)
[Publications] H.Hinoue,M.Kawabe,S.Doi,Y.Yokoyama: Hyomen Kagaku. 10. 129 (1990)
[Publications] H.satoh,M.Owari,Y.Nihei: "Relative sensitivity factors for gallium primary ion beam in“Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS VII" eds.Benninghoven et al." John Wiley & Sons, (1990)