Research Abstract |
(1)Collection of English-Japanese Conversation Texts and the Semantic-structure Description Data Throughout this project, we have collected English and Japanese conversational sentence texts from NHK RADIO ENGLISH CONVERSATION TEXT. The total number of sentence piece is as much as 200, 000 including short utterances like, "Yes", "Hi", and "Oh, dear. "As for the semantic structure description data(SD-form data), the total number is about 8, 000 sentences. We assembled all the data in a MS-DOS file. (2)Development of database management system for conversational texts and SD-form data We developed a program for SD-form semantics model environment(SDENV)as a Prolog program. Based on this core system, we also developed a Conversational text management system and a SD-form management system. The system function includes such function as A. New concept label appending, B. Dynamic knowledge installing, C. Topic managing, etc. (3)Application of the conversational textbase In the project, we also developed a prototype system of a "Semantic retrieval of the English/Japanese conversational texts". The system was equipped with many techniques to make the system operation faster. A typical technique is to retain the results of the previous values of functional evaluation, that is, we store the sucessful/unsuccessful results of the subfunctions into the database of the Prolog program. This technique enabled a 10 times faster system operation. Text retrievals are categorized into four modes, all of those have different retrieve keys. They are, A. An SD-form, B. Functional item in a statement SD-form, C. Concept label, and D. An example of Japanese/English text. In every mode, the system computes the semantic difference measure which is based on the concept elaboration relations in the SD-form semantics model.