[Publications] Takata K,Kasahara T,Kasahara M,Ezaki O&Hirano H:"Immunohistochemical localization of Na^+ーdependent glucose transporter in rat Jejunum." Cell Tissue Res. 267. 3-9 (1992)
[Publications] Kanai Y,Kawakami H,Takata K,Kurohmaru M,Hirano H & Hayashi Y:"Involvement of actin felaments in mouse testicular cord organization in vivo and in vitro." Biol Reprod. 46. 233-245 (1992)
[Publications] Takata K,Kasahara T,Kasahara M,Ezaki O & Hirano H:"Localization of erythrocyte/HepG2ーtype glucose transporter(GLUT1)in the human placental villi." Cell Tissue Res. 267. 407-412 (1992)
[Publications] Takata K,Kasahara T,Kasahara M,Ezaki O & Hirano H:"Ultracytochemical localization of the erythrocyte/HepG2ーtype glucose transporter (GLUT1) in cells of the bloodーretinal barrier in the rat." Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 33. 377-383 (1992)
[Publications] Asano T,Takata K,Katagiri H,Tsukuda K,Lin JーL, Ishihara H,Inukai K,Hirano H,Yazaki Y & Oka Y:"Domains responsible for the differential targeting of glucose transporter isoforms." J Biol Chem. 267. 19636-19641 (1992)
[Publications] Nishiyama F,Yokoyama M & Hirano H:"Regional differences in lectin binding pattern on the plasma membrane of dissociated rat bladder epithelial cells as revealed by the ferritinーlabeling method." Acta Histochem Cytochem. 25. 113-122 (1992)
[Publications] Kawakami H,Ito M,Miura Y & Hirano H:"Lectinーhistochemical studies on the process of liver metastasis of mouse colon carcinoma(colon26)cells." Acta Histochem Cytochem. 25. 577-582 (1992)
[Publications] Moriyama N,Kuzumaki N,Hirano H,Kurimoto S,Ueki T,Nagase Y,Kaji A,Okawa N,Matsuyama N,Tajima A & Aso Y:"Immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of ras oncogenes in human renal cell carcinomas." Acta Histochem Cytochem. 25. 591-599 (1992)
[Publications] Takata K,Ezaki O & Hirano H:"Immunocytochemical localization of fat/muscleーtype glucose transporter (GLUT4) in the rat skeletal muscle:Effect of insulin treatment." Acta Histochem Cytochem. 25. 689-696 (1992)
[Publications] Asano T,Katagiri H,Takata K,Tsukuda K, Lin JーL,Ishihara H,Inukai K,Hirano H,Yazaki Y & Oka Y:"Characterization of GLUT3protein expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells." Biochem J. 288. 189-193 (1992)
[Publications] Akimoto Y,Kawakami H,Oda Y,Obinata A,Endo H,Kasai K & Hirano H:"Changes in expression of the endogenous βーgalactosideーbinding 14ーkDa lectin of chick embryonic skin during epidermal differentiation." Exp Cell Res. 199. 297-304 (1992)
[Publications] Akimoto Y,Obinata A,Endo H & Hirano H:"Immunohistochemical Study of basement membrane reconstruction by an epidermisーdermis recombination experiment using cultured chick embryonic skin:Induction of tenascin." J Histochem Cytochem. 40. 1129-1137 (1992)
[Publications] Kanai Y,Kawakami H,KanaiーAzuma M,Kurohmaru M,Hirano H & Hayashi Y:"Changes in intracellular and cell surface localization of Le^x epitope during germ cell differentiation in fetal mice." J Vet Med Sci. 54. 297-303 (1992)
[Publications] Zhou XH,Kawakami H & Hirano H:"Changes in lectin binding patterns of Leydig cells during fetal and postnatal development in mice." Histochemical J. 24. 354-360 (1992)
[Publications] Zhou XH,Kawakami H,Kanai Y,Hayashi Y & Hirano H:"Changes in lectin binding patterns in rat testis and epididymis in association with experimentallyーinduced cryptorchidism." J Reprod Dev. 38. 99-106 (1992)
[Publications] Susumu N,Aoki D,Ohta H,Tsukazaki K,Nozawa S,Kawakami H & Hirano H:"Subcellular localization of the carbohydrate antigen recognized by a monoclonal antibody against an endometrial cancer cell line." J Clin Electron Microsc. 25. 379-380 (1992)
[Publications] Kurimoto S,Higashihara E,Moriyama N,Tajima A,Aso Y,Takata K & Hirano H:"Ultrastructural observations on a case of papillary carcinoma of the prostate." J Clin Electron Microsc. 25. 576-577 (1992)
[Publications] Nagase Y,Kurimoto S,Moriyama N,Tajima A,Higashihara E,Aso Y,Takata K & Hirono H:"Ultrastructural observations on a case of parathyroid carcinoma." J Clin Electron Microsc. 25. 656-657 (1992)
[Publications] Mizukawa Y,Takata K,Ookusa Y,Nagashima M & Hirono H:"Lectin binding pattern in normal human labial mucosa." J Clin Electron Microsc. 25. 738-739 (1992)
[Publications] Imamura H,Akimoto Y,Chino I & Hirano H:"Changes in Lectin binding pattern during fetal and postnatal development of rat kidney." J Clin Electron Microsc. 25. 771-772 (1992)
[Publications] 高田 邦昭,川上 速人,西山 文朗,秋元 義弘,福田 稔,平野 寛:"電子顕微鏡における特殊なメソトロジー" 病理と臨床10. 臨時増刊「病理組織診断における電子顕微鏡の有用性. 16-25 (1992)
[Publications] 高田 邦昭,川上 速人,西山 文朗,平野 寛: "レクチンによる組織染色" 蛋白質核酸酵素. 37:臨時増刊「複合糖質ーーー細胞認識から病態までーーー」. 2018-2025 (1992)
[Publications] 川上 速人,高田 邦昭,伊藤 正高,伊藤 泰雄,平野 寛: "消化管粘膜の糖蛋白ーーーレクチンを用いた組織化学的研討ーーー" 消化性瘍ー臨床と基礎. 11. 34-42 (1992)
[Publications] 酒井 英樹,高田 邦昭,福田 稔,藤原 隆明,平野 寛: "実験的糖尿病(2)水晶体." Mebio. 9(1). 137-139 (1992)
[Publications] 矢崎 裕久,竹下 勇,秋元 義弘,平野 寛: "滲出性中炎ーーー耳管鼓室口粘膜の変化." Mebio. 9(2). 149-151 (1992)
[Publications] 阿部 和也,川上 速人,小林 武夫,平野 寛: "頭頚部遍平上皮癌" Mebio. 9(3). 123-125 (1992)
[Publications] 大草 康弘,長島 正治,高田 邦昭,平野 寛: "水疱性類天疱瘡ーーー走査電顕像" Mebio. 9(4). 113-115 (1992)
[Publications] 大草 康弘,長島 正治,高田 邦昭,平野 寛: "乾癬と正常表皮の基底側表面" Mebio. 9(5). 125-127 (1992)
[Publications] 高槻 覚,長島 正治,高田 邦昭,平野 寛: "皮膚膠原線維の立体観察ーーー正常真皮表面の走査電顕像." Mebio. 9(6). 117-119 (1992)
[Publications] 大草 康弘,長島 正治,福田 稔,森井 勤,平野 寛: "ヤマトマダニの皮膚寄生ーーー走査電顕像." Mebio. 9(7). 145-147 (1992)
[Publications] 高田 邦昭,平野 寛: "骨格筋細胞のグルコース輸送体GLUT4ーーーインスリン刺激による動態." Mebio. 9(8). 117-119 (1992)
[Publications] 高田 邦昭,平野 寛: "組織や細胞の断層像を見るーーー共焦点レーザー顕微鏡による観察." Mebio. 9(9). 141-143 (1992)
[Publications] 高田 邦昭,平野 寛: "凍結準超薄切片法ーーー腎蔵の糖輸送担体局在の観察." Mebio. 9(10). 125-127 (1992)
[Publications] 平野 寛,宮澤 七郎,監修: "朝倉書店,東京" よくわかる電子顕微鏡技術(医学・生物学電子顕微鏡技術研究会 編), (1992)
[Publications] Takata K,Nishiyama F,Akimoto Y & Hirano H:"CRC Press,Boca Raton," Electron microscopic cytochemistry under the scanning electron microscope.in:Electron Microscopic Cytochemistry and Immunocytochemistry in Biomedicine.Ogawa K & Barka T (ed),361-370 (1993)
[Publications] Kawakami H & Hirano H: "CRC Press,Boca Raton," Lectin histochemistry and cytochemistry.In:Electron Microscopic Cytochemistry and Immunocytochemistry in Biomedicine.Ogawa K & Barka T (ed), 319-332 (1993)