[Publications] H.Shinozaki,M.Ishida and Y.Gotoh: "Selectiy NーmetylーDーaspartate (NMDA) antagnists increase gastric motility in the rat." Neuroscience Lett.113. 56-61 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Nakagawa,K.Saitoh,T.Ishihara,M.Ishida & H.Shinozaki: "(2S,3S,4S)ーαー(Carboxycyclopropyl)glycine is a novel agonist of metabotropic glutamate receptors." Europ.J.Pharmacol.184. 205-206 (1990)
[Publications] M.Ishida,H.Akagi,K.Shimamoto,Y.Ohfune & H.Shinozaki: "A potent metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist:Electrophysiological actions of a conformationally restricted glutamate analogue in the rat spinal cord and Xenopus oocytes." Brain Research. 537. 311-314 (1990)
[Publications] K.Shimamto, Y.Ohfune, M.Ishida & Shinozaki: "Design and synthesis of four diastereomers of Lー2ー(carboxycyclopropyl)glycines(CCGーIーIV).Conformationally constrained Lーglutamate analogues." J.Org.Chem.
[Publications] M.Ishida,Y.Ohfune,Y.Shimada,,K.Shimamoto & H.Shinozaki: "Changes in preference for receptor subtypes of configurational variants of a glutamate analog : conversion from the NMDAーtype to the nonーNMDA type." Brain Research.
[Publications] 篠崎 温彦: "興奮性グルタミン酸と神経細胞死" Brain Med.2. 63-69 (1990)
[Publications] 篠崎 温彦: "グルタミン酸と農薬" 日本農薬学会誌. 15. 605-611 (1990)
[Publications] 篠崎 温彦: "グルタミン酸レセプタ-のサブタイプ" Clin.Neurosci.9. 108-108 (1991)
[Publications] 篠崎 温彦: "興奮性アミノ酸研究の最近の動向" 神経精神薬理. 13. 31-34 (1991)
[Publications] M.Sakaitani & Y.Ohfune: "Syntheses and Reactions of Silyl Carbamates.1.Chemoselective Transformations of Amino Protecting Groups." J.Org.Chem.55. 870-876 (1990)
[Publications] M.Sakaitani & Y.Ohfune: "Syntheses and Reactions of Silyl Carbamates.2.A New Mode of Cyclic Carbamate Formation from tertーbutyldimethylsityl Carbamate." J.Am.Chem.Soc.112. 1150-1157 (1990)
[Publications] N.Sakai & Y.Ohfune: "Total Synthesis of Galantin I.Revision of the Original Structure." Tetrahedron Lett.31. 3183-3187 (1990)
[Publications] N.Sakai & Y.Ohfune: "Structure Revision and Total Synthesis of Galantin I." Peptide Chemistry. 1989. 227-232 (1990)
[Publications] K.Shimamoto & Y.Ohfune: "Syntheses of 3'ーSubstituted 2ー(Carboxycyclopropyl)glycines via Intramolecular Cyclopropanation The Folded Type to LーGlutamate Activate the NonーNMDA Receptor subtypo." Tetrahedron Lett.31. 4049-4052 (1990)
[Publications] N.Sakai & Y.Ohfune: "Stereoselective Synthesis of the Revised Structure of Galantinic acid" Tetrahedron Lett.31. 4151-4154 (1990)
[Publications] H.Irie,J.Maruyama,M.Shimada,Y.Zhang,I.Kouno,K.Shimamoto & Y.Ohfune: "Use of K_2S_2O_8 for Benzylic Oxidation and Oxidative Coupling of Benzoyl Acetates." Syn Lett.421-424 (1990)
[Publications] G.Spears,K.Nakanishi & Y.Ohfune: "Palladium Catalyzed S_<CN'> Reactions.Stereoselective Formation of Cyclic Carbamate from tertーButyldimethylsilyl Carbamate." Tetrahedron Lett.31. 5339-5342 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Ohfune: "TBDMSOTf as a potent Silylating Reagent." J.Syn.Org.Chem.Jpn.48. 1060-1061 (1990)
[Publications] H.Aizawa,S.Kwak,T.Shimizu,J.Goto,I.Nakano,T.Mannen & H.Shibasaki: "A case of adult onset pure pallidal degeneration : I.Clinical manifestations and neuropathological observations." J.Neurol.Sci.(1991)
[Publications] H.Aizawa,S.Kwak,T.Shimizu,T.Mannen & H.Shibasaki: "A case of adult onset pure pallidal degeneration : II.Analysis of neurotransmitters, with special reference to the termination of pallidothalamic tract in human brain." J.Neurol.Sci.(1991)
[Publications] 郭 伸: "興奮性アミノ酸による神経障害・・プリントエドワ-ド島産貝に含まれていたド-モイ酸の場合・・" 内科. 67. 127-129 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Gotoh,M.Ishida & H.Shinozaki: "Amino acida : Chemistry,Biology and Medicine" ESCOM, (1990)
[Publications] H.Shinozaki,M.Ishida,Y.Cotoh & S.Kwak: "Amino acids : Chemistry, Biology and Medicine" ESCOM, (1990)
[Publications] M.Ishida & H.Shinozaki: "Amino and : Chemistry, Biology and Medicine" ESCOM, (1990)
[Publications] S.Kwak,H.Aizawa,M.Ishida,Y.Gotoh & H.Shinozaki: "Amino acids : Chemistry, Biology and Medicine" ESCOM, (1990)
[Publications] 篠崎 温彦: "脳のレセプタ-と運動" 平凡社, (1990)
[Publications] 篠崎 温彦: "続医薬品の開発 第32巻「海洋資源と医薬品」" 広川書店,
[Publications] H.Shinozaki,M.Ishida,Y.Gotoh & S.Kwak: "Amino acids : Biology and Medicine" ESCOM,
[Publications] H.Shinozaki,M Ishida & Y.Kudo: "NMDA related agent" Ann Arbor,
[Publications] 篠崎 温彦、石川 美知子: "生物薬科学実験構座全38巻「臓器および細胞機能測定法」" 広川書店,
[Publications] H.Shinozaki,M.Ishida,S.kwak & T.Nakajima: "Methods in Neuroscience" Academic Press,New York,