Research Abstract |
Hideo Nishigori Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, Sagami-ko, Kanagawa, Japan 199-01. When hydrocortisone sodium succinate(0.25mumol/egg)is administered to 15-day-old developing chick embryos, their lenses lose transparency within 48 hrs with high frequency(>95%). The steroid-induced cataract formation depends on glucocorticoid(GC)activities and is characterized by the decline of glutathione, and the elevation of glucose, calcium, Na/K ratio and lipidperoxide(TBA-reacting substance). Morphologically, numerous vacuoles appear in perinuclear regions. A phase separation between protein and water is also observed by Raman spectroscopy. These phenomena can be effectively prevented by the radical scavengers such as ascorbic acid, tiopronin, tocopherol and pyrroloquinoline quinone, isocitrate and propylene glycol. It is likely, that the formation of GC-induced cataract of developing chick embryo appears to proceed via oxidation or peroxidation steps possibly caused by multiple activities of GC in the living system. Most of phenomena in GC-induced cataract as described above are, observed in many animal cataracts including human. The Production of cataract by the present procedure is very easy, reproducible and high frequency. GC-induced cataract model of developing chick embryo will be a useful for screening anticataract agents.