[Publications] 国分 道雄他: "新しい銅酸化物超伝導体の設計" 粉体および粉末冶金. 38. 195-198 (1991)
[Publications] 秋光 純: "新超伝導物質の設計" 応用物理学会誌. 60. 466-469 (1991)
[Publications] J.Akimitsu et al.: "A New Non-Cu Oxide Superconductor (Sr_<1-x>Ln_x)Nb_2O_<6-y> (Ln:La,Nd,Pr,Ce,Gd and Ho)" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.30. 1155-1156 (1991)
[Publications] J.Akimitsu et al.: "Superconductivity in Sr(Ln)-Nb-O System" Physica C. 185-189. 723-724 (1991)
[Publications] H.Nakane et al.: "Measurement of Very Low Resistivity for a Rod-shaped Superconductor" Physica C. 185-189. 1329-1330 (1991)
[Publications] J.Akimitsu et al.: "Design of High-T_c Oxide Superconductors" Proc.of 2nd ISSP Int.Symp.(1991)
[Publications] J.Kikuchi et al.: " ^<51>V Knight Shift and Quadrupole Interaction in the Low-Temperature Phase of LiVO_2" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 60. 3620-3624 (1991)
[Publications] S.Funahashi et al.: "Neutron Diffraction of Two-Dimensional Triangular Lattice of ErFe_2O_4" Physica B. 174. 74-76 (1991)
[Publications] K.Tajima et al.: "The Time Evolution of the First-Order Magnetic Phase-Transition in Dy-4%Y Alloy" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 104 107. 177-178 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Kimishima et al.: "Phase Transition in LiVO_2" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 104 107. 779-780 (1992)
[Publications] T.Ekino et al.(Y.Muto ed.): "Tunneling Spectroscopy of Copper-Oxide Superconductors" Mechanism of Superconductivity. 260-271 (1992)
[Publications] J.Akimitsu(Y.Muto ed.): "New Material Design of Cu-Oxide Superconductors" Mechanism of Superconductivity. 20-22 (1992)
[Publications] H.Kito et al.: "Stabilization of the Orthorhombic Form in (La_<1-x>Ca_x)_2CuO_4 (x=0.05)" Physica C.
[Publications] T.Ekino et al.: "Tunneling Study of Superconducting Energy Gaps in Bi_2Sr_2CuO_<6+y> Based Compounds with Several Tc" Physical Review B.
[Publications] S.Uchida et al.: "Optical Spectra of La_<2-x>Sr_xCuO_4:Effect of Carrier Doping on the Electronic Structure of CuO_2 Plane" Physical Review B. 43. 7942-7954 (1991)
[Publications] T.Arima et al.: "Optical Excitations in CuO_2 Sheets and Their Strong Dependence on Cu-O Coordinations and Bond Length" Physical Review B. 44. 917-920 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Tokura: "Material Overview of High-T_c Oxides" Physica C. 185-189. 174-179 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Fujishima et al.: "Optical Spectra of Titanium Oxide Perovskite with Varying Number of d-Electrons" Physica C. 185-189. 1001-1002 (1991)
[Publications] T.Arima et al.: "Optical Conductivity in Pr_<2ーx>Ce_xCuO_<4ーδ> Single Crystals:Comparison with the Case of La_<2ーx>Sr_xCuO_4" Physica C. 185ー189. 1021-1022 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Nakamura et al.: "In-Plane and Out-of Plane Thermal Conductivity of La_<2-x> Sr_xCuO_4 Single Crystals" Physica C. 185-189. 1409-1410 (1991)
[Publications] T.Arima et al.: "CuーO Bond Length Dependence of Optical Properties in T`ーPhase Single Crystals" Proc.of 2nd ISSP Int.Symp.
[Publications] Y.Moritomo et al.: "High-Pressure Spectroscopy of Cu-O Vibrational Modes in High-T_c Superconductors and Related Layered Compounds" Proc.of 2nd ISSP Int.Symp.
[Publications] Y.Tokura et al.: "Pressure Dependence of Charge-Transfer Type Gaps in CuO_2-Layered Compounds" to appear in Physical Review B.
[Publications] Y.Fujishima et al.: "Optical Conductivity Spectra of Sr_<1-x>La_xTiO_3:Filling-Dependent Effect of Electron Correlation" submitted to Physical Review B.
[Publications] A.Fujimori et al.: "Electron Correlation,d-Band Formation and Magnetism in V_5S_8:Photoemission Spectroscopic Study" Physical Review B. 44. 163-169 (1991)
[Publications] T.Koide et al.: "Magnetic Circular Dichroism at the M_<2,3> Absorption Edges in Ferromagnetic Ni and Ferrimagnetic Fe_2O_3" Physical Review B. 44. 4697-4700 (1991)
[Publications] M.Abbate et al.: "Soft-X-Ray Absorption Study of the Location of Extra Charges Induced by Substitution in Controlled-Valence Materials" Physical Review B. 44. 5419-5423 (1991)
[Publications] P.Kuiper et al.: "The Unoccupied Density of State of La_<2-x>Sr_xNiO_4 Studied by Polarization Dependent O Is X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy" Physical Review B. 44. 4570-4575 (1991)
[Publications] T.Mizokawa et al.: "Origin of the Band Gap in the Negative-Charge-Transfer-Energy Compound NaCuO_2" Physical Review Letters. 67. 1683-1686 (1991)
[Publications] A.Fujimori et al.: "Doping Dependence of the Electronic Structure of Superconducting and Non-Superconducting Oxides:High-Energy Spectroscopic Studies" Physica C. 185-189. 51-56 (1991)
[Publications] A.E.Bocquet et al.: "Electronic Structure of SrFe^<4+>O_3 and Related Perovskite Fe Oxides" Physical Review B. 45. 1561- (1991)
[Publications] M.Matoba et al.: "Thermal Expansion,Thermoelectric Power,and XPS Study of the Nonmetal-Metal Transition in Ni_<1-x>S_<1-y>Se_y" Journal of the physical Society of Japan. 60. 4230-4244 (1991)
[Publications] T.Mizokawa et al.: "Photoemission Study of Metallic but Not Superconducting and Insulating Copper Oxides" Physica C. 185-189. 1053-1054 (1991)
[Publications] H.Namatame et al.: "Electronic Structure of BaPb_<1-x>Bi_xO_3 Studied by Photoemission Spectroscopy" Physica C. 185-189. 2725-2726 (1991)
[Publications] I.H.Inoue et al.: "Electronic Structure of the Organic Conductor (dimethyl-DCNQI)_2Cu_2 Studied by Photoemission Spectroscopy" Physica C. 185-189. 2691-2692 (1991)
[Publications] I.H.Inoue et al.: "Copper Valence Fluctuation in the Organic Conductor (dimethyl-N,N-dicyanoquinonediimine)_2Cu Studied by X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy" Physical Review B.
[Publications] T.Mamori et al.: "Effect of Co Substitution on the Electronic Structure of NiS Studied by Photoemission Spectroscopy" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.
[Publications] H.Eisaki et al.: "Photoemission and Inverse Photoemission Study of La_<2-x>Sr_xNiO_4" Physical Review B.
[Publications] A.E.Bocquet et al.: "Electronic Structure of 3d Transition-Metal Compounds by Analysis of Metal-2p Core Level Photoemission Spectra" Physical Review B.
[Publications] M.Nakamura et al.: "Valence Fluctuation in αーCuVO_3 Studied by photoemission Spectroscopy" Physical Review B.
[Publications] M.Abbate et al.: "Controlled Valence Properties of La_<1-x>Sr_xFeO_3 and La_<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3 Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy" Physical Review B.
[Publications] A.Fujimori et al.: "Evolution of the Spectral Function in Mott-Hubbard Systems with d^1 Configuration" Physical Review Letters.
[Publications] A.Fujimori et al.: "Doping-Induced States in La_<1-x>Sr_xTiO_3:Applicability of the One-Electron Rigid-Band Model and the Hubbard Model" Physical Review B.
[Publications] T.Mizokawa et al.: "Origin of the Band Gaps in Negative-Charge-Transfer-Energy Compounds" International Journal of Modern Physics.
[Publications] H.Namatame et al.: "Electronic Structure and Metal-Insulator Transition in BaPb_<1-x>Bi_xO_3" Physical Review B.
[Publications] T.Ekino et al.: "Tunneling Spectroscopy on High-Tc Superconductors Studies of High Temperature Superconductors vol.8" (A.Narlikar ed.) Nova Science Pub.,
[Publications] Y.Tokura: "Chemistry of High-Temperature Superconductors" C.N.R.Rao(ed.) World Scientific,
[Publications] J.Akimitsu: "High-Tc Superconductors Based on the New Material Design" Gordon & Breach Science Pub.,
[Publications] 秋光純(分担執筆): "超伝導低温工学ハンドブック" オ-ム社,
[Publications] Y.Tokura: "Physics of High Temperature Superconductors Material Design of High-T_c Oxides" (ed.S.Maekawa et al.),
[Publications] A.Fujimori: "Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors" M.Jain(ed.) World Scientific, 652
[Publications] A.Fujimori: "Physics of High Temperature Superconductors" S.Maekawa et al.(ed.) Springer-Verlag,
[Publications] A.Fujimori: "Mechanisms of Superconductivity" Y.Muto他 (ed.) The Physical Society of Japan,
[Publications] A.Fujimori: "Recent Advances in Magnetism of Transition Metal Compounds" A.Kotani et al.(ed.) World Scientific,
[Publications] 藤森 淳他: "シリ-ズ:新しい物性物理を考える(第8巻)" 丸善,
[Publications] 津田 惟雄他: "電気伝導性酸化物(改訂版)" 裳華房,