[Publications] Y.Yamamoto: "“Separation of T and B Lymphocytes by New Adsorbents with Polysaccharides"" Artificial Organs. 14. 167-170 (1990)
[Publications] A.Maeda: "“Asialo-glycoprotein Model Polymers for a Hybrid Artificial Liver"" Artificial Organs. 14. 258-259 (1990)
[Publications] S.Tobe,: "“Forming of Multilayer Aggregation of Adult Rat Hepatocytes in Primary Culture on an Artificial Biomaterial as Asialoglycoprotein Model"" Artificial Organs. 14. 262-264 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Yamamoto,: "“Selective Removal of Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies and IgG In Vitro with an Immunoadsorbent Containing Immobilized Sulfathiazole"" Artificial Organs. 14. 334-341 (1990)
[Publications] K.Kobayashi: "“Synthesis of an N-acetylchito oligosaccharide-carrying styrene-type macromer and its high-molecular-weight homopolymer"" Makromol.Chem.,Rapid Commun.II. 577-582 (1990)
[Publications] 小林 一清: "“糖質高分子を基質材料に用いる肝細胞接着と糖鎖高密度効果の発現"" TIGG. 2. 26-32 (1990)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "“ラット肝細胞の多層集合体におよぼすEGFの効果"" 応用細胞生物学研究. 8. 16-21 (1990)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "“初代培養ラット肝細胞の接着形態と機能発現性に及ぼす安息香酸ナトリウムの影響"" 応用細胞生物学研究. 8. 48-56 (1990)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "“人工マトリックス材料上での肝細胞多層集合体の形成機構と機能性評価"" 人工臓器. 20. 150-155 (1991)
[Publications] 大河原 順一: "“新しいTリンパ球サブセット分離材の開発ー分離用リガンドのスクリ-ニングー"" 人工臓器. 20. 258-262 (1991)
[Publications] 伊藤 広治: "“基質設計における肝細胞の接着制御ーポリリジン誘導体の構造・機能相関ー"" 人工臓器. 20. 470-473 (1991)
[Publications] 武井 由香: "“肝細胞多層集合体を用いた凍結保存法"" 応用細胞生物学研究. 9. 44-51 (1991)
[Publications] 小林 一清: "ラクト-ス誘導体を側鎖にもつポリペプチドの合成" 高分子論文集. 48. 253-256 (1991)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "人工臓器高機能化へのチャレンジーハイブリッド型人工肝臓ー" 繊維と工業. 47. 133-141 (1991)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "人工基質材料(PVLA)の設計による肝細胞多層集合体の形成制御" BIO INDUSTRY. 8. 24-35 (1991)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "ハイブリッド型人工肝臓へのアプロ-チ" 化学. 46. 136-137 (1991)
[Publications] 赤池 敏宏: "ハイブリッド人工肝臓の実用化への展望と課題" 日本外科学会誌. 92. 167-170 (1991)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "アシアロ糖鎖固定化材料(PVLA)上での肝細胞培養" 細胞. 23. 24-30 (1991)
[Publications] 後藤 光昭: "“肝実質細胞認識機能を有する高分子の設計とDDSへの応用"" PHARM TECH JAPAN. 7. 7-17 (1991)
[Publications] 小林 明: "“肝細胞増殖と細胞外マトリックス"" BIO Medica. 6. 43-48 (1991)
[Publications] 赤池 敏宏: "“細胞特異性材料の開発とその応用"" OHM Bulletin. 27. 6-8 (1991)
[Publications] 丸山 厚: "“生命工学材料の展望"" ケミカル・エンジニヤリング. 37. 41-48 (1992)
[Publications] N.TODOROKI: "“Enhancement by II-1β and Ifn-γ of Platelet Activation:Adhension to Leukocytes via GMP-140/Padgem Protein (CD62)"" Biochem.and Biophys.Research Commun.179. 756-761 (1991)
[Publications] H.YURA: "“Selective Separation of Lymphocyte Subpopulations with the Affinity Adsorbents for B Lymphocyte"" Artificial Organs Today. 1. 221-228 (1991)
[Publications] M.GOTO: "Model Study of Hepatocyte Targeting Polymeric Super Molecular Assembly as Drug Carrier" CHEMISTRY LETTERS. 1. 123-126 (1992)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "肝実質細胞ー非実質細胞混合培養によるハイブリッド型人工肝臓の高機能化ーレセプタ-仲介型人工マトリックスの臓器工学への応用ー" 人工臓器.
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "コラ-ゲンを用いた肝細胞培養系での肝組織再構築と機能発現" 人工臓器.
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "PVLAコ-トホロ-ファイバ-モジュ-ル内での肝細胞多層集合体の形成と体外循環型ハイブリッド人工肝臓への応用" 人工臓器.
[Publications] 藤本 幸之進: "両性電解質型ポリアミノ酸と初代培養肝細胞との相互作用" 人工臓器.
[Publications] 由良 洋文: "細胞認識作用を有する接着基質の設計とその細胞工学的応用" 応用細胞生物学研究.
[Publications] S.Tobe.: "“Induction of Multilayer Aggregates Formation and Differentiation of Hepatocytes on Synthetic Substratum by Coculture with Nonparenchymal Liver Cells"" FASEB.J.
[Publications] S.Tobe: "“Receptor-Mediated Formation of Multicelluler Aggregations of Primary Cultured Adult Rat Hepatocytes on a Lactose-Substituted Polystyrene"" Experimental Cell Research.
[Publications] O.Higuchi: "Identification and change in the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor in rat liver after partial hepatectomy or induced hepatitis." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.,. 176. 599-607 (1991)
[Publications] T.Kinoshita,: "Possible endocrine control by hepatocyte growth factor of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.177. 330-335 (1991)
[Publications] A.Kumatori: "Cell-density dependent expression of the c-myc gene in primary cultured rat hepatocytes." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.,. 178. 480-485
[Publications] K.Matsumoto: "Marked stimulation of growth and motility of human keratinocytes by hepatocyte growth factor." Exp.Cell Res.,. 196. 114-120 (1991)
[Publications] O.Amano: "Expression of transforming growth factor bl in the submandibular gland of the rat." J.Histochem.Cytochem.,. 39. 1707-1711 (1991)
[Publications] T.Nakamura: "Structure and function of hepatocyte growth factor." Prog.Growth Factor Res.,. 3. 67-85 (1991)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto: "Hepatocyte growth factor:Molecular structure and implications for a central role in liver regeneration." Jounal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 6. 509-519 (1991)
[Publications] T.Seki: "Organization of the human hepatocyte growth factor-encoding gene." Gene. 102. 213-219 (1991)
[Publications] T.Igawa,: "Hepatocyte growth factor is a potent mitogen for cultured rabbit renal tubular epithelial cells." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.,. 174. 831-838 (1991)
[Publications] O.Asami: "Purification and characterization of hepatocyte growth factor from injured liver of carbon tetrachloride-treated rats." J.Biochem.,. 109. 8-13 (1991)
[Publications] I.Shimizu: "Hepatocyte growth factor in ascites from patients with cirrhosis." J.Biochem.,. 109. 14-18 (1991)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto,: "Hepatocyte growth factor is a potent stimulator for human melanocyte DNA synthesis and growth." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.,. 176. 45-51 (1991)
[Publications] R.A.Furlong: "Comparison of biological and immunochemical properties indicates that scatter factor and hepatocyte growth factor are indistinguishable." J.Cell Sci.,. 100. 173-177 (1991)
[Publications] M.Nagaike: "Renotropic functions of hepatocyte growth factor in renal regeneration after unilateral nephrectomy." J.Biol.Chem.,. 266. 22781-22784 (1991)
[Publications] H.Tajima,: "Hepatocyte growth factor has potent anti-proliferative activity in various tumor cell lines." FEBS Lett.,. 291. 229-232 (1991)
[Publications] T.Takehara: "Protective effect of hepatocyte growth factor on in vitro hepatitis in primary cultured hepatocytes." Biomed.Res.,. 12. 335-338 (1991)
[Publications] T.Konishi,: "Scatter factor from human embryonic lung fibroblasts is probably identical to hepatocyte growth factor." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.,. 80. 765-773 (1991)
[Publications] R.Montesano: "Identification of a fibroblast-derived epithelial morphogen as hepatocyte growth factor." Cell,. 67. 901-908
[Publications] K.Matsumoto,: "Deletion of kringle domains or the N-terminal hairpin structure in hepatocyte growth factor results in marked decreases in related biological activities." Biochem.Biopys.Res.Commun.,. 181. 591-699 (1991)
[Publications] T.Mine,: "Comparison of effects of HGF and EGF on cellular calcium in rat hepatocytes." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.,. 181. 1173-1180 (1991)
[Publications] G.Shiota,: "Hepatocyte growth factor inhibits growth of hepatocellular carcinoma cells." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA,. 89. 373-377 (1992)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto: "Hepatpcyte growth factor:Molecular structure,roles in liver regeneration,and other biological functions." Crit.Rev.Oncogenesis,. 3. 27-54 (1992)
[Publications] Shindo S: "Perianastomotic findinys of the enchthelial cell seided guft." ASAIO J.
[Publications] Egami J.: "Histologicul study of endothelial coll seeded guift." implauted to cuhiniarta J.Uesc.Surg.
[Publications] Y.Noishiki: "Neoarterial wall formation on fabric vascular prosthesis by transplantation of venous tissue fragments into the wall." Fundamental investigation on the creation of biofunctional materials.ed by S.Okamura,Y.,Imanishi,T.Tsuruta,and J.Sunamoto.Kagaku-Dojin,Kyoto. 23-40 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Noishiki,: "Healing of a vascular prosthesis transplanted with venous tissue fragments." Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery.ed.by A.Matsumoto,ME DeBakey,and J.Kondo Elsevier,Amsterdam,Biomedical Division.277-278 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Noishiki,: "Healing process of vascular prostheses with venous tissue fragments." Trans.Am.Soc,Artif.Intern.Organs.36. 346-348 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Noishiki: "Development of a new scrim cardiac wall substitute." Trans.Am.Soc.Artif.Intern.Organs.37. 199-200 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Noishiki: "Healing process of vascular prosthesis seeded with venous tissue fragments" Trans.Am.Soc.Artif.Intern.Organs.37. 478-480 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Noishiki: "Healing process of vascular prosthesis transplanted with venous tissue fragments." The prosthetic substitution of blood vessels.Actual state and future developments Ed.by H C Kogel.Quintessenz-Verlages-GmbH,Munchen,Germany. 103-110 (1991)
[Publications] Kimizuka,F.: "Role of type III homology repeats in cell adhesive function within the cell-binding domain of fibronectin" J.Biol.Chem.266. 3045-3051 (1991)
[Publications] Kimizuka,F.: "Production and characterization of functional domains of human fibronectin expressed in E.coli" J.Biochem.(Tokyo). 110. 284-291 (1991)
[Publications] Maeda,T.: "Artificial cell adhesive proteins engineered by gafting the Arg-Gly-Asp recognition signal:Factors modulating the cell adhesive activity of the grafted signal" J.Biochem.(Tokyo). 110. 381-387 (1991)
[Publications] Sekiguchi,K.: "Artificial cell adhesive proteins" Essays Biochem.26. 39-48 (1991)
[Publications] Ichihara-Tanaka,K.: "Matrix assembly of recombinant fibronectin polypeptide consisting of amino-terminal 70 kDa and carboxyl-terminal 37 kDa regions" FEBS lett.(1992)
[Publications] 関口 清俊: "人工接着タンパク質" 高分子. 40. 638 (1991)
[Publications] 戸辺 成四郎: "“ハイブリッド材料の創成と新機能の開拓"、「生命材料工学」生命工学シリ-ズIII、片岡 一則編" 裳華房, (1991)
[Publications] 小林 明: "“接着性試験法"組織培養による毒性試験" 朝倉書店, 103-112 (1991)
[Publications] 赤池 敏宏: "“細胞特異性材料と生命工学"" '91新素材展カタログ, 27-44 (1991)
[Publications] 進藤 俊哉: "医科学大事典ーハイブリッド型人工血管ー(in press)" 講談社,
[Publications] 野一色 泰晴: "生体高分子材料の応用"、形成外科手術手技シリ-ズ 形成外科における Biomaterial" 克誠堂 東京 塩谷 信幸 編, 10 (1991)
[Publications] 野一色 泰晴: "人工血管開発の今後の動向 Annual Review 循環器 1992" 杉本 恒明,松本 昭彦,杉下 靖郎,門間 和男 編、中外医学社、東京, 9 (1992)
[Publications] Maeda,T.(Okamura,S.,Tsuruta,T.,Imanishi,Y.,& Sunamoto,J.,eds.): "Fundamental Investigations on the Creation of Biofunctional Materials" Kagaku-Dojin (Kyoto), 196 (1991)
[Publications] 関口 清俊: "新生化学実験講座(日本生化学会編) 第6巻 生体膜と膜輸送 分担執筆“フィブロネクチンの調製法"" 東京化学同人,