[Publications] T.Yasuhara: "Involvement of a Sperm Aminopeptidase in Fertilization of the Sea Urchin" Experientia. 47. 100-103 (1991)
[Publications] H.Tadenuma: "Purification and Characterization of a GTP-Binding Protein Serving as Pertussin Toxin Substrate in Starfish Oocytes" Arch.Biochem.Biophys.290. 411-417 (1991)
[Publications] E.Sato: "A New Fluorogenic Substrate with Pyranine System for Phosphatases" Chem.Pharm.Bull.
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[Publications] M.Ogiso: "Senile Cataract-Related Accumulation of Lewis^x Glycolipid in Human Lens" J.Biol.Chem.(1992)
[Publications] Suzuki,O.: "In vitro development of mouse emkryos from various strains" Proc.Jpn.Soc.Anim.Biochem. 27. 7-12 (1991)
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[Publications] Iwao,Y.: "Control of sperm nuclear behavior in physialogically polyspermio new eggs:possible in nolvement of MPF." Develop.Biol.142. 301-312 (1990)
[Publications] Habata,Y.: "Possible existence of a light-inducible protein that inhibits sexual cell fusion in Dictyostelium discoedeum." Cell Struct.Funct.16. 185-187 (1991)
[Publications] Ishikawa,T.: "Involvement of cell surface carbohydrate in the sexual cell fusion of Dictyostelium discoideum." Develop.Growth and Differ. 33. 131-137 (1991)
[Publications] Yanagida,K.: "Cleanage of rabbit eggs after microsurgical injection of testicular spermatozoa." Hum.Reprod.6. 269-277 (1991)
[Publications] Hoshi,K.: "Importance of Ca^<++> K^+ and glucose in the medium for sperm ponotraction through the human zona pellucida" J.Exp.Med.165. 99-104 (1991)
[Publications] Yamasaki,H.: "Egg exudata-induced reduction of sperm lysin sensitivity in the vitelline coat after fertilization of Bubo japonicus and its participation in polyspermny block." J.Exp.Zool.258. 404-413 (1991)
[Publications] Yokota,T.: "Nuclear basic proteins of Xenopus laevis sperm:their characterization and synthesis during spermatogenesis." Develop.Growth.Differ. 33. 19-27 (1991)
[Publications] Takamune,K.: "Primary structure of toad sperm protamines and nucleatide sequence of their cDNAs." Eur.J.Biochem. 196. 401-406 (1991)
[Publications] Ohsumi,K.: "Characterization of the ooplasmic factor inducing decondensation of and protamine removal from toad sperm nucle involvement of nucleaplasmin" Develop.Biol.,. 148. 295-305 (1991)
[Publications] R.Marino: "Purification and Characterization of A Vitelline Coat Lysin from Ciona intestinalis Spermatozoa" Mol.Reprod.Develop.(1992)
[Publications] H.Kubo: "A Novel Ceramide Trihexoside from the Eggs of the Sea Urchin,Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus" J.Biochem.(1992)
[Publications] H.Kubo: "A Novel Difucosylated Neutral Glycosphingolipid from the Eggs of the Sea Urchin,Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus I.Purification and Structural Determination" J.Biochem.
[Publications] F.Inagaki: "A Novel Difucosylated Neutral Glycosphingolipid from the Eggs of the Sea Urchin,Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus II.Structural Analysis by Two Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" J.Biochem.
[Publications] H.Sawada: "Inhibition of Mouse Blastocyst Hatching by Subsite-Specific Trypsin Inhibitors,Peptidyl-Argininals" Develop.,Growth,Differ.
[Publications] R.De Santis: "Metalloendoproteases Are Involved in Gamete Fusion of Ciona intestinalis" Develop.Biol.
[Publications] Urushihara,H.: "Isolation and characterization of Dictyostelium mutanta defective in sexial cell fusion." Develop.growth & Differ. 33. 517-523 (1991)
[Publications] Okabe,M.: "A human sperm antigen possibly involved in binding and/or fusion with zona-free hamster eggs." Fertil Steril. 54. 1121-1126 (1990)
[Publications] M.Hoshi: "“Comparative Spermatology,20 Years After" (Serono Symposia Publication Series,Vol.75)" Raven Press,New York, (1992)
[Publications] M.Hoshi: "“Biology of the Germ Line -In Animals and Man-"" Japan Scientific Societies Press,Tokyo, (1992)