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[Publications] Munakata,H.;Hayashi,N.;Yamaguchi,Y.;Aoyagi,Y.;Ichida,F.;Isemura,M.: "Biochemical evidence for the local synthesis and retention of fibronectin in the tissue of human placenta" International Journal of Biochemistry. 20. 113-116 (1988)
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[Publications] Takashi Muramatsu: "A new family of heparin binding factors:strong conservation of midkine (MK) sequences between the human and the mouse" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.176. 792-797 (1991)
[Publications] Takashi Muramatsu: "Purification of recombinant midkine and examination of its biological activities:functional comparison of new heparin binding factors" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.177. 652-658 (1991)
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[Publications] Takashi Muramatsu: "Structual studies on a binding site for Dolichos biflorus agglutinin in the small intestine of the mouse" J.Biochem.109. 178-183 (1991)
[Publications] C.Tachi: "Partial characterization of mecromolecular components in fetal bovine serum reqired for development of mouse blastocysts cultured in vitro." Dev.Growth Deff.34. 66-76 (1992)
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[Publications] Shinohara,K.,Yada,K.,Kihara,H.& Saito,T.: "X-ray Microscopy in Biology and Medicine" Japan Scientific Societs Press Springer-Verlag, 336 (1990)
[Publications] Mori,T.: "Immunobiological studies on the mammalian fertilization and implantation.In "Biology of Germ Lines-in Animals and Man"" Jap.Sci.Soc.Press, (1992)
[Publications] 齋藤 多久馬,荒木 正介: "バイオサイエンス戦略マニュアル:新しい素材とマ-カ-・ブロ-ブ 個体発生のマ-カ-:脊椎動物" 共立出版, 283-290 (1990)