[Publications] K.Hinata,M,Watanabe,I.S.Nou and A.Isogai: "Recent studies in S-glycoproteins in self-incompatibility with stress on Crucifers." Gamma Field Symposia. 29. 113-127 (1991)
[Publications] I.S.Nou,M.Watanabe,A.Isogai,H.Shiozawa,A.suzuki and K.Hinata: "Variation of S-alleles and S-glycoproteins in a naturalized population of self-incompatible Brassica campestris L." Jpn.J.Genet.66. 227-239 (1991)
[Publications] M.Watanabe,H.Shiozawa,A.Suzuki,T.Takeuchi and K.Hinata: "Existence of S-glycoprtein-like proteins in anthens of self-incompatible species of Brassica." Plant Cell Physiol.32. 1039-1047 (1991)
[Publications] M.Watanabe,I.S.Nou,S.Takayama,S.Yamakawa,A.Isogai,A.Suzuki,T.Takeuchi and K.Hinata: "Variation and inheritance of NS-glycoprotein in self-incompatible Brassica campestris"
[Publications] K.Hinata,A.Isogai and K.Isuzugawa: "Manipulation of sporphytic self-incompatibility in plant breeding"
[Publications] 渡辺 正夫,日向 康吉: "自家不和合性特異タンパク質" 科学と生物. 29. 3-5 (1991)
[Publications] A.Isogai,S.Yamakawa,H.Shiozawa,S.Takayama,H.Tanaka,T.Kono,M.Watanabe,K.Hinata and A.suzuki: "The cDNA sequence of an NSI glycoprotein of Brassica campestris and its homology to S-locus-related glycoproteins of B oleracea." Plant Mol.Biol.17. 269-271 (1991)
[Publications] A.Isogai,S.Yamakawa,M.Watanabe,H.Shiozawa,K.Hinata and A.Suzuki: "S- and NS-glycoproteins of Brassica campestris" The 3rd International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology,in U.S.A.(1991)
[Publications] Nakanishi.T,N.Saeki,M.Maeno,T.Ozaki,Y.Kawai and T.Ichii: "Ultrastructual study on the stylar transmitting tissue in Japanese pear." Sexual Plant Reproduction. 4. 95-103 (1991)
[Publications] Nakanishi,T.,T.Yamasaki,T.Ozaki,Y.Kawai and T.Ichii: "Isoelectric Focusing Analysis of Stylar Proteins Associated with Self-incompatibility Alleles in japanese Pear." J Japan Soc Hort Sci,in press. (1991)
[Publications] Nakanishi T,and M.Maeno: "Behavior of self-incompatible pollen both on the stigma and in the style of Japanese pear." International Symposium on Angiosperm Pollen and Ovules-Basic and applied aspects,in Italy. (1991)
[Publications] N.K.Nishizawa,A.Isogai,M.Watanabe,K.Hinata,S.Yamakawa,S.Shojuma and A.Suzuki: "Ultrastructure of Papillar Cells in Brassica campestris Revealed by Liquid helium Rapid-freezing and Substitution Fixation Method" Plan and Cell physiol. 31. 1201-1219 (1990)
[Publications] 西澤 直子: "アブラナ科植物の自家不和合性:乳頭細胞における分泌過程" 植物細胞工学. 2. 595-600 (1990)
[Publications] 田村 泰章,北野 英巳,佐藤 光,長戸 康郎: "イネシュ-トのオ-ガニゼ-ションに関与する遺伝子" 組織培養. 27. 243-247 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Tamura,H.Kitano,H.Satoh and Y.Nagato: "A gene protoundly affecting shoot organization in the early phase of rice development." Plant Science,in press.
[Publications] Y.Nagato,H.Kitano,O.Kamijima,S.Kikuchi and H.Satoh: "Genetic aspects of organ differentiation during embryogensis in rice." 2nd International Rice Genetics Symposium in Philippines. (1990)
[Publications] T.Kiyosue,H.Kamada and H.Harada: "Induction of somatic embryogensis in carrot by heavy metal ions." Can.J.Bot.,. 68. 2301-2303 (1990)
[Publications] T.Kiyosue,J.G.Dong,S.Satoh,H.Kamada and H.Harada: "Detection of an embryogenic cell antigen in carrot" Plant Cell Physiol.,. 31. 947-950 (1990)
[Publications] H.Harada,T.Kiyosue,H.Kamada and K.Kobayashi: "Stress-induced carrot somatic embryogenesis and their application to synthetic seed." In The Impact of Biotechnology in Agriculture,eds.129-157 (1990)
[Publications] T.Kiyosue,S.Satoh,H.Kamada and H.Harada: "Purification and immunohistochemical detection of an embryogenic cell protein in carrot." Plant Physiol.,. 95. 1077-1083 (1991)
[Publications] T.Kiyosue,S.Satoh,H.Kamada and H.Harada: "Immunological detection of an embryogenic cell protein (ECP31) in stress-induced somatic embryogenesis in carrot" Can.J.Bot.,in press. (1991)
[Publications] T.Kiyosue,K.Yamaguchi-Shinozaki,K.Shinozaki,K.Higashi,S.Satoh,H.Kamada and H.Harada: "Isolation and characterization of aDNA coding for ECP 31,an embryogenic cell protein of carrot." Plant Cell.(1991)
[Publications] T.Kiyosue,J.Nakayama,S.Satoh,A.Isogai,A.Suzuki,H.Kamada and H.Harada: "Partial amino acid sequence of ECP31,a carrot embryogenic cell protein,and enhancement of its accumulation by abscisic acid in somatic embryos." Planta. (1991)
[Publications] I,Kiyosue,M.Nakajima,I.Yamaguchi,Y.Iida,S.Satoh,H.Kamada and H.Harada: "Endogenous levels of abscisic acid in embryogenic cells and nonembryogenic cells of carrot(Dauces carotaL.)"
[Publications] K.Torii,S.Satoh,T.Fujii: "Immunohistochemical localization of a glycoprotein,GP80,in the outermost layer of the daveloping endosperm of immature seeds of carrot" Planta. 185. 201-208 (1991)
[Publications] S.Satoh.: "Embryogenic and nonーembryogenic callus Proteins of carrot." EMBO workshop “Molecular basis of Plant embryogenesis". (1990)
[Publications] S.Satoh: "Characterization of GP57,an auxin-regulated and dermal-tissus-locaalized extracellular glycoprotein of carrot." VIIth International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture.(1990)
[Publications] W.M.Zhou,K.Yoshida,Y.Shintaku and G.Takada: "The use of IAA to overcome interspecific hybryd inviability in reciprocal crosses between Nicotiana tabacum L.and N.rapanda Willd." Theor.Appl.Genet.82. 657-661 (1991)
[Publications] T.Kuboyama,Y.Shintaku and G.Takeda: "Hybrid Plant of Phaseolus vulgaris L.and P.lunatus L.obtained by means of embryo rescue and confirmed by restriction endonuclease analysis of rDNA." Euphytica. 54. 177-182 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Shintaku,T.Kuboyama and G.Takeda: "Interspecific hybridization between Phaseolus vulgaris L,and P.lunatus L.through embryo culture." VIIth International Cangress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture. (1990)
[Publications] 須田 正樹,丸橋 亘,井上 栄一,真鍋 忠久: "Nicotiana tabacum L.の祖先種と2野生種(N.repanda Willd.,N.suaveolens Lehm)の種間雑種に現われる致死性" 育雑. 41. 124-125 (1991)
[Publications] 須田 正樹,丸橋 亘: "Nicotiana repanda Willd,×N.tabacum L.の雑種実生の育成における栽培温度とIAAの効果" 育雑. 40. 58-59 (1990)
[Publications] 鳥居 啓子,鎌田 博: "種子胚の発生機構ーABAの役割を中心にー" 組織培養. 16. 208-212 (1990)
[Publications] 清末 知宏,鎌田 博: "ストレスによる不定胚誘導法" 植物細胞工学. 2. 659-663 (1990)
[Publications] 加藤 久美子,鎌田 博: "ニンジンの不定胚形成及びトレニアの不定芽形成" 遺伝. 45. 49-52 (1991)
[Publications] 東 克己,飯田 義晴,鎌田 博: "不定胚研究の現状" Bio Industry. 8. (1991)
[Publications] 鎌田 博,原田 宏: "不定胚形成の分子機構" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素.
[Publications] S.Satoh: "Characterization of GP57,an auxin-regulated and dermal-tissue-localized extracellular glycoprotein of carrot." Progress in Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology.526-531 (1990)
[Publications] K.Torii,S.Satoh,T.Fujii: "Appearance of an early stage-specific glycoprotein concurrent with morphological changes in immature seeds of the carrot." Plant Cell Physiol.,. 31. 829-833 (1990)
[Publications] S.Satoh: "Improvement of the specificity of an antiserum raised against a carrot glycoprotein by eliminating the anti-glycan antibody." Agric.Biol.Chem.,. 54. 3201-3204
[Publications] Kowyama,Y.: "Molecular biological approach to studying genetic architecture of genus Ipomoea." The second Research Co-ordination Meeting of FAO/IAEA on "Improvement of Root and Tuber Crops in Tropical Countries of Asia".(1990)
[Publications] Kowyama,Y.: "RFLP as probes for genetic variability in the genus." “Sweet potato technology for the 21st century". (1991)
[Publications] Kuroiwa,T.: "The replication differentiation and inheritance of plastds with emphasis on the concept of organelle nuclei." Int Rev.Cytol.128. 1-61 (1991)
[Publications] Kuroiwa,T.,S.Kawano,M.Watanabe,and T.Hori: "Preferential digetion of chloroplast DNA in male gametangia during late stage of the gametogenesis in the anisogamous alga Bryosis maxima" Protoplasma in press.
[Publications] Kuroiwa.T.: "Mitochondrial DNA synthesis occurs actively in the particular region just above the quiescent center in the root meristems of Pelargonium zonale." J.Cell Sci.
[Publications] K.Masuda,S.Takahashi,K.Nomura and M.Inore: "Asimple procedure for the isolatin of pure nuclei from carrot embryos in synchronized cultures." Plant Cell Reports. 10. 329-333 (1991)
[Publications] Sugiyama,M.,Fukuda,H.and Komamine,A: "Characteristics of the inhibitory effect of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine on cytodifferintiation into tracheary elements of isolated mesophyll cells of zinnia elegans." Plant Cell Physiol.31. 61-67 (1990)
[Publications] Fukuda,H.: "Tracheary element formation as a model system of cell differentiation." International Review of Cytology.
[Publications] 福田 裕穂: "組織分化“生長と分化"" 現代植物生理学. 3. 94-113 (1990)
[Publications] 福田 裕穂: "植物細胞の分裂・増殖" 細胞とバイオサイエンスII. 368-374 (1991)