[Publications] M.Haruna: "Laser-beam direct writing of TiO2 channels for fabrication of Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.31. 1593-1596 (1992)
[Publications] M.Haruna: "Nondestructive and simple method of optical-waveguide loss measurement with optimixation of end-fire coupling" Electronics Lett.28. 1612-1613 (1992)
[Publications] T.Suhara: "Theoretical analysis of super-resolution read-out of disc data by semiconfocal pickup heads" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.31. 534-541 (1992)
[Publications] S.Ura: "Coplanar grating lens in AlGaAs waveguide" Int.J.Optoelectronics. 7. 437-441 (1992)
[Publications] S.Ura: "Electro-optic functional waveguide using new polymer p-NAn-PVA for integrated photonic devices" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.31. 1378-1381 (1992)
[Publications] M.Fufimura: "LiNbO3 waveguide SHG device with ferroelectric-domain-inverted grating formed by electron-beam scanning" Electron.Lett.28. 721-722 (1992)
[Publications] H.Nishihara: "Integrated-optic disc pickups" Proc.SPIE. 1663. 26-36 (1992)
[Publications] T.Suhara: "Focusing grating coupler in AlGaAs optical waveguide" IEEE Photonics Tech.Lett.4. 903-905 (1992)
[Publications] M.Fujimura: "Blue light generation in LiNbO3 waveguide SHG device with first-order domain-inverted grating formed by EB scanning" Electron.Lett.28. 1868-1869 (1992)
[Publications] T.Suhara: "General coupled-mode analysis of Cerenkov-radiation-type second-harmonic generation in channel and fiber waveguides" IEEE J.Quantum Electron.29. (1993)
[Publications] M.Fujimura: "LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase-matching second harmonic generation devices using ferroelectric-domain-inverted gratings formed by EB csanning" IEEE J.Lightwave Tech.11. (1993)
[Publications] J.T.Gallo: "Method for characteriaing poled-polymer waveguides for electro-optic integrated optical circuit applications" Opt.Lett.18. (1993)
[Publications] T.Sueta: "High-speed electrooptic deflector and its application to picosecond pulse generation" IEEE J.Quantum Electron. 28. 1739-1744 (1992)
[Publications] T.Sueta: "Uelocity matohed electrooptic phase modulator for wide optical sidebnd generation" Electron.Lett. 28. 330-332 (1992)
[Publications] T.Sueta: "A new lightwave-microwave signal conversion method" IEEE Microwave Theory Tech Symp. (1993)
[Publications] T.Sueta: "A study on transmission properties of YBa_2Cu_3Dy coplanar waveguide on LiNbO_3 substrate" IEICE Trans on Electron. E57-C. 888-893 (1992)
[Publications] 末田 正: "非線形光導波路分岐による光スイッチ" 第46回微小光学研究会資料. 10. 73-78 (1992)
[Publications] 末田 正: "LPE成長MgO:LiNbO_3薄膜光導波路の作製と諸特性の評価" 信学会光・量エレ研・信学技報. OQE92-139. 19-24 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Nakano: "¨Highly efficient single longitudinal-mode oscillation capability of gain couple distriduted feedbakc semiconductro lasers advantage of asymmetric facet coating.¨" IEEE Photon.technol.Lett.4. 308-311 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Luo: "¨Gain-coupled distributed feedback seni conductor lasers with an absorptive conduction type inverted grating.¨" IEEE photonics Technology Letters.4. 692-695 (1992)
[Publications] T.Yamaguchi: "¨Vertical multiple-quantum-well directonal-coupler swich with low switching voltage.¨" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.4. 723-725 (1992)
[Publications] H.L.Cao: "¨Cptimization of grating duty factor in gain-coupled DFB laser with adsorptive grating-Analysis and fabrication-.¨" IEEE Photon.Tech.Lett.4. 1099-1102 (1992)
[Publications] Y.C.Chan: "¨A study on electroabsorbtion effects in coupled quantum wells.¨" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.32. 536-539 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Nakano: "¨Absorptive-grating gain-coupled MQW DFB lasers with low threshold current and high single longitudina-mode yield.¨" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.32. 825-829 (1993)
[Publications] N.Chen: "¨Chirped grating tunable DFB lasers-Novel laser diode with broaber tuning range,¨" to appear in Proceedings of SPIE.
[Publications] D.K.Gautam: "“Impurity diffusion into GaAs through the SiO_2 protective layers,"" Materials.Science Forum (国際会議). 117-118. 417-422 (1993)
[Publications] 多田 邦雄: "“半導体系光スイッチ"" 光学. 21. 527-534 (1992)
[Publications] 中野 義昭: "“光集積回路に向けた半導体レーザー技術"" 光学. 21. 605-611 (1992)
[Publications] T.Mizumoto.et al.: "Observation of Nonlenear Transmission in CdS_XSe_<1-X> doped glass waveguide optical resonators" Technical Digest of Fourth Optoelectronics Conference.OEC'92. 116-117 (1992)
[Publications] T.Mizumoto,et al.: "On the design of a waveguide optical isolator employing nonreciprocal phase shift" Technical Digest of Fourth Optoelectronics Conference.OEC'92. 140-141 (1992)
[Publications] T.Mizumoto.et al.: "Analytical and experimental study of waveguide optical polarization splitter with Langmuir-Blodgett cladding layer" J.Lightwave Technology.10. (1992)
[Publications] T.Mizumoto,et al.: "The design of a waveguide optical isolator employing nonreciprocal phase shift" Proceedings of 6-th International Conference on Ferrites. (1993)
[Publications] Y.Miyamoto: "Fabrication of ultrafine x-ray mask using procise crystal growth technique" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.31. L432-435 (1992)
[Publications] K.Shimomura: "2V Drive-Voltage Switching Operation in 1.55μm GaInAs/InP MQW Intersectional Waveguide Optical Switch" Electron.Lett.28. 955-956 (1992)
[Publications] K.Shimomura: "Low-Drive Voltage Intersectional Waveguide Optical Switch using GaInAs/InP MQW Structure" IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.4. 360-362 (1992)
[Publications] S.Baba: "A Novel integrated-Twin-Guide (ITG) Optical Switch with a Built-in TIR Region" IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.4. 486-488 (1992)
[Publications] M.Takakuwa: "The analysis of waveguiding efficts on the minimum transfereable linewidth of an ultrafine x-ray mask" To be published in IEICE Trans.on Information and Systems.
[Publications] K.Kurihara: "Observation of InP surfaces after (NH4)_2S_X treatment by a scanning tunneling microscope" To be published in Jpn.Appl.Phys.
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki,W.Asano: "Electromagnetic Compatibility Problem of Wave Propagation and Scattering in Mobile Communication and Broadcasting Systems" Proc.1992 International Symp.on EMC,beijing. (1992)
[Publications] N.Goto,Y.Miyazaki: "WDM optical switching characteristics in collinear acousto-optic module for photonic switching system" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.supple.31-1. 227-229 (1992)
[Publications] K.Hasegawa,Y.Miyazaki: "Magneto-Optic Devices using Interaction between Magnetostatic Surface Wave and Optical Guided Wave" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.supple.31-1. 230-233 (1992)
[Publications] 宮崎 保光: "半導体レーザを用いた高効率SHG" 電子情報通信学会誌. 75. 596-600 (1992)
[Publications] J.Minamoto,Y.Miyazaki: "Thin film waveguide type optical neural devices by controlled Index distridution" 4th Optoelectronics Conference (OEC'92),Chiba. 16D2-17. 222-223 (1992)
[Publications] K.Kudo,Y.Miyazaki: "Optical SHG waveguide devices with phase-matching using coupled mode dispersion" 4th Optoelectronics Conference (OEC'92),Chiba. 16D2-23. 234-235 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki,K.Kudo: "Optical SHG in MgO:LiNbO_3 Waveguides using Phase-Matching of Coupled Mode Dispersions for LD" Technical Digest of Non-linear Optics,Hawaii. 391-394 (1992)
[Publications] 長谷川 和男,宮崎 保光: "多層導波路中の静磁表面波による光モード変換特性" 電子情報通信学会論文誌C-I. J75-C-I. 622-629 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki: "Signal Processing in Integrated Optical Devices using MSSW" Proc.of The 6th International Conference on Ferrites (ICF 6). (1993)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki,J.Minamoto: "Index Distributions of Optical Neural Computing Devices Using Graded Index Waveguides" Optoelectronics-Devices and Technologies. 8. (1993)
[Publications] M.Yamada,K.Noda,Y.Kuwamura,H.Nakanishi,K.Imai: "Semiconductor Optical Modulator by Using Electron Depleting Absorption Control" IEICE Trans.ELECTRON. E75-C. 1063-1070 (1992)
[Publications] K.Kuwamura,M.Yamada and M.Suzumi: "Panel-Type Semiconductor Optical Modulatu Using Electron Depleting Adsorption Control" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.32. 578-582 (1993)
[Publications] M.Yamada: "A Theoretical Analysis of Self-Sustained Pulsution Phenomena in Narrow-Stripe Semiconductor Lessrs" IEEE J.of Oaumtum Electron. 29. (1993)
[Publications] M.Suhara: "Analysis of Exce intensity Noise due to External Optical Feedback in DFB Semicon duc for Lasers on the Basis of Mode Competition Theory" IEICE Trans.Electron. E75-C. (1993)
[Publications] Y.Hamada,C.Adachi,T.Tsutsui,S.Saito: "Blue-Light-Emitting Oraganic Electroluminescert Devices with Oxadiazole Dyes as an Emitter" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.31. 1812-1816 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Hamada,C.Adachi,T.Tsutsui,S.Saito: "Organic-Electroluminescent Devices with Bright Blue Emission" Optoelectronics-Divices and Technologies. 7. 83-93 (1992)
[Publications] M.Era,C.Adachi,T.Tsutsui,S.Saito: "Orgamic Electroluminescent Devices with Cyamine Dye Langmuir-Blodgett Film as an Emitter" Thin Solid Films. 210/211. 468-470 (1992)
[Publications] N.Takada,T.Tsutsui,S.Saito: "Controlled Spontaneous Emission in Orgamic Electraluminescent Devices" Optoelectronics-Devices and Technologies.