[Publications] T.Tanaka: "Hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator activity during the estradiol‐induced LH surge in ovariectomized goats." Neuroendocrinology. 55. (1992)
[Publications] Y.Mori: "Chronic recording of electrophysiological manifestation of the hypothalamic gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse generator activity in the goat" Neuroendocrinology. 53. 392-395 (1991)
[Publications] N.Kusakari: "Diurnal changes in plasma melatonin and the timing of reproductive onset in anestrous sheep daily fed melatonin" Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 53. 457-474 (1991)
[Publications] 西原 真杉: "視床下部神経活動のモニタ-法 ‐GnRH分泌に伴う神経活動の変化‐" 日本内分泌学会雑誌. 68. 1-10 (1991)
[Publications] 森 祐司: "哺乳類の季節繁殖と生体リズム" ホルモンと臨床. 39. 17-26 (1991)
[Publications] RーZ.Lu: "Histochemical demonstration of activn/inhibin βA‐,βB‐ and α‐ subunits in the early embryos and oviduccts of different strains of mice." Journal of Reproduction and Development. 38. (1992)
[Publications] 松山 茂実: "卵巣の機能発現に必須な免疫系細胞の役割" 医学のあゆみ. 160. 219-221 (1992)
[Publications] S.Matsuyama: "Splenic Macrophage enhancce luteotropic action of prolactin and luteinizing hormone in rat luteal cell cultures." Endocrinologia Japonica. 39. (1992)
[Publications] S.Matsuyama: "Macrophages in the corpus luteum mediate luteotropic action of prolactin by producing transforming growth factor‐β" Proceeding of Japanese Society of Reproductive Immunology. 8. (1992)
[Publications] S.Saito: "Changes in ratios of phagocytotic macrophages in the splenic adherent cells during estrous cycle and pseudopregnancy in rat." Journal of Reproduction and Development. 38. (1992)
[Publications] 高橋 迪雄: "アクチビンとフォリスタチンによるFSH分泌の調節" 細胞. 24. 78-83 (1992)
[Publications] K.Ogawa: "Histochemical localization of inhibin and activin α, βA and βB subunits in rat gonads." Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 53. 207-212 (1991)
[Publications] S.Saito: "Characterization of antisera directed against follistatin/activin‐binding protein prptides." Endocrinologia Japonica. 38. 377-382 (1991)
[Publications] K.Shiota: "Placental Lactogen Secretion during prolonged‐pregnancy in the rat:The ovary plays a pivotal role in the control of placental function." Endocrinol Japonica. 38. 541-549 (1991)
[Publications] 塩田 邦郎: "胎盤性ラクトジェンとその分泌調節" 化学と生物. 29. 771-777 (1991)
[Publications] K.Suzuki: "Basic fibroblast growth factor‐like substance in nuclei of male germ cells undergoing meiosis." Proceeding of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine(P.S.E.B.M.). 198. 728-731 (1991)
[Publications] M.S.A.Zaki: "The regulation of food intake and corelated energy balance in mice." Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 53. 249-254 (1991)
[Publications] M.Egawa: "Restoration of circadian corticosterone rhythm in ventromedial hypothalamic lesioned rats" Neuroendocrinology. 53. 543-548 (1991)
[Publications] 高橋 清久: "時間生物学をめぐって" Clinical Neuroscience. 9. 546-558 (1991)
[Publications] 村上 昇: "鳥類松果体細胞での時計関連蛋白質の存在" ホルモンと臨床. 38. 11-16 (1991)
[Publications] N.Murakami: "Long‐term cultured neurons from rat suprachiasmatic nucleus retain the activity for circadian oscillation of vasopressin release" Brain Research. 545. 347-350 (1991)
[Publications] M.Takamure: "Reentrainment of the circadian clock itself, but not measurable rhythms to a new light‐dark cycle in the rat" Physiology & Behavior. 50. 443-449 (1991)
[Publications] 村上 昇: "分離松果体細胞の日周リズム" 生体の科学. 42. 585-588 (1991)
[Publications] 高橋 迪雄: "培養マウス受精卵に対するアクチビンの効果" アニテックス. 4. (1992)
[Publications] K.Yamanouchi: "Splenic macrophages enhance prolactin‐induced progestin secretion from mature rat granulosa cells in vitro." Biology of Reproduction. 46. (1992)
[Publications] N.Furuyama: "Two distinct placental lactogen‐like substances in serum during mid‐pregnancy in the rat" Endocrinologia Japonica. 38. 533-540 (1991)
[Publications] T.Katayama: "Effects of activin A on anterior pituitary cells fractionated by centrifugal elutriation." Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 77. 167-173 (1991)
[Publications] T.Murata: "Lactational anovulation in rats and its dependency on progesterone." Proceeding of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 196. 97-101 (1991)
[Publications] K.Noda: "Purification and characterization of rat ovarian 20α ‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase." Biochemca et Biophysica Acta. 1079. 112-118 (1991)
[Publications] T.Funabashi: "Intraventricular injection of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide facilitates the development of amygdaloid kindling" Brain Research. 541. 110-114 (1991)
[Publications] 森 祐司: "時間生物学ハンドブック(千葉喜彦、高橋清久編)" 朝倉書店, 558 (1991)
[Publications] 前田 敬一郎: "季節繁殖ーそのメカニズムと応用; ホルモンの生物科学6" 学会出版センタ-, (1991)
[Publications] Y.Mori: "Brain Cortrol of the Reproductive System" SpringrーVerlag, (1992)