[Publications] Yutaka KIRINO: "Patch-clamp measurements of ion chennels in biomembrane vesicles reconstituted into giant proteoliposomes by freeze-thawing without use of detergent" Methods Neurosci.4. 374-383 (1991)
[Publications] Kazuo KATOH: "Electron microscopic visualization of actin filaments in the early embryo of drosophila melanogaster:the use of phalloidin and tropomysin" J.Electron Microsc.40. 70-75 (1991)
[Publications] Tohru MURAKAMI: "Stress fibers in situ in proximal tubules of the rat kidney" Cell Structure and function. 16. 231-240 (1991)
[Publications] Yumiko KANO: "The distribution and arrangement of microtubules in mammalian skeletal muscle fibers" Cell Structure and Function. 16. 251-261 (1991)
[Publications] Tour IDE: "Purification of a K^+-channel protein of sarcoplasmic reticulum by assaying the channel activity in the planar lipid bilayer system" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1067. 213-220 (1991)
[Publications] Toru IDE: "Purification of a C1^--channel protein of sarcoplasmic reticulum by assaying the channel activity in the planar lipid bilayer system" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.176. 38-44 (1991)
[Publications] 葛西 道生: "筋収縮の制御に関連したイオンチャネル" 麻酔と蘇生. 27. 153-161 (1991)
[Publications] Emiko TAWARA: "Glucose transport of haloferax volcanii requires the Na^+-electrochemical potential gradient and inhibitors for the mammaling gluose transporter inhibit the transport" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1070. 293-299 (1991)
[Publications] Y.IMAMOTO: "Photoreaction cycle of phoborhodopsin studied by low-temperature spectro-photometry" Biochemistry. 30. 7416-7424 (1991)
[Publications] Kazuhiko KINOSITA,Jr.: "Dual-view microscopy with a single camera:Real-time imaging of molecular orientations and calcium" J.Cell Biol.115. 67-73 (1991)
[Publications] Hiroyuki HYUGA: "Transient and steady-state deformations of a vesicle with an insulating membrane in response to step-function or alternating electric fields" Jap.J.Appl.Phys.30. 2649-2656 (1991)
[Publications] S.MINOTA: "Long-term potentiation induced by a sustained rise in the intraterminal Ca^<2+> in bull-frog sympathetic ganglia" J.Physiol.435. 421-438 (1991)
[Publications] Mitsuo NOHMI: "Ultraviolet light activates blocking actions of dantrolene on intracellular Ca^<2+> release in bullfrog sympathetic neurones" J.Biol.Chem.266. 22254-22259 (1991)
[Publications] Kenji KUBA: "Spatial and dynamic changes in intracellular Ca^<2+> measured by confocal laser-scanning microscopy in bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cells" Neurosci.Res.10. 245-259 (1991)
[Publications] Hiroshi Hirai: "Inhibitory action of phospholipid-interacting drugs on transcription initiation in a unclear extract of ehrlich ascites tumor cells" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1088. 191-196 (1991)
[Publications] Hiroshi Hirai: "Binding of simian virus 40 large tumor antigen to phospholipid vesicles" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1090. 305-310 (1991)
[Publications] Akio KANAI: "Heterogeneity and tissue-specific expression of eukaryotic transcription factor S-II-related protein mRNA" J.Biochem.109. 674-677 (1991)
[Publications] 関水 和久: "DNA複製の開始段階におけるリン脂質による制御の可能性" 蛋白質核酸酸素. 36. 589-594 (1991)
[Publications] Hiroaki YAMADA: "Comparison of the effects of the novel vasodilator FK409 with those of nitroglycerin in isolated coronary artery of the dog" Br.J.Pharmacol.103. 1713-1718 (1991)
[Publications] Yuji OKADA: "An analysis of the nitrate-like and K channel opening actions of KRN2391 in canine coronary arterial smooth musle" Br.J.Pharmacol.104. 829-838 (1991)
[Publications] Keisuke SATOH: "The group at C2 of N-ethylnicotinamide determines the vasodilator potencies and mechanisms of action of nicorandil and its congeners in canine coronary arteries" Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch.Pharmacol.344. 589-595 (1991)
[Publications] Tatsuro YAMASHITA: "Sialyl cholesterol is translocated into cell nuclei and it promotes neurite outgrowth in a mouse neuroblastoma cell line" Glycobiology. 1. 149-154 (1991)
[Publications] Hideki YAMAMOTO: "Establishment of a monoclonal antibody directed to the minor novel gangliosides in bovine brain and culturd neural cell lines" Brain Res.558. 117-119 (1991)
[Publications] Yoko OHASHI: "Fast-atom-bombardment chemistry of sulfatide (3-sulfo-galactosylceramide)" Carbohydrate Res.221. 235-243 (1991)
[Publications] Hiroshi YAMADA: "Antigen receptor-mediated calcium signals in B cells as revealed by confocal fluoresence microscopy" FEBS Letters. 284. 249-251 (1991)
[Publications] Nobuyuki OHYAMA: "Membrane fluidity and lipid hapten structure of liposomes affect calcium signals in antigen-specific B cells" Biochemistry. 30. 11154-11156 (1991)
[Publications] Teruaki HAMANO: "Direct interaction between an antigen-specific B cell clone and an MHC class II-reactive helper T cell clone" J.Leukocyte Biol.
[Publications] Tomio TADA: "Suppression of immune responses by cloned T cells and their products" Behring Inst.Mitt.
[Publications] Ken KARASAWA: "Antibodies to synthetic platelet-activating factor (1-o-alkyl-2-o-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) analogues with substituents at the sn-2 position" J.Biochem.110. 683-687 (1991)
[Publications] Ken KARASAWA: "Specific binding of antibodies to platelet-activating factor (PAF) as demonstrated by thin-layer chromatography/immunostaining" Lipids. 26. 1122-1125 (1991)
[Publications] Ken KARASAWA: "Radioimmunoassay for platelet-activating factor" Lipids. 26. 1126-1129 (1991)
[Publications] Ken KARASAWA: "Lysophospholipase L from escherichia coli K-12 overproducer" J.Biochem.109. 288-293 (1991)
[Publications] Tasuku HONJO: "Shared partners in receptors" Current Biology. 1. 201-203 (1991)
[Publications] Yuji SAITO: "Biochemical evidence for a third chain of the interleukin-2 receptor" J.Biol.Chem.266. 22186-22191 (1991)
[Publications] Hisataka SABE: "Comparison of protein tyrosine phosphorylation and morphological changes induced by IL-2 and IL-3" International Immunology. 3. 1137-1148 (1991)
[Publications] Yuji YAMANASHI: "Association of B cell antigen receptor with protein tyrosine kinase lyn" Science. 251. 192-194 (1991)
[Publications] Yuji YAMANASHI: "Differential responses of p56^<lun> and p53^<lun>,products of alternatively spliced lyn mRNA,on stimulation of B-cell antigen receptor" Cell Regulation. 2. 979-987 (1991)
[Publications] Junichiro MIZUGUCHI: "Tyrosine protein kinase is involved in anti-IgM-mediated signaling in BAL17 B lymphoma cells" J.Immunol.
[Publications] 水口 純一郎: "Igレセプタ-結合チロシンキナ-ゼ" Medical Immunology. 22. 65-72 (1991)
[Publications] 中西 守: "細胞活性化とカルシウムイメ-ジングー核へのカルシウムシグナルー" Medical Immunology. 22. 6-9 (1991)
[Publications] 安西 和紀: "骨格筋小胞体Caポンプの起電性:新しい実験法による研究の新展開" 実験医学.
[Publications] Kazunori ANZAI: "Formation of ion channels in planar lipid bilayer membranes by synthetic basic peptides" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1064. 256-266 (1991)
[Publications] Naohide HIRASHIMA: "Comparative electrophysiological study of reconstituted membrane preparations of the potassium channel of the rabbit skeletal muscle sarsoplasmic reticulum" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1067. 235-240 (1991)
[Publications] Yukio AGAWA: "Interaction with phospholipid bilayers,ion channel formation,and antimicrobial activity of basic amphipathic α-helical model peptide having various chain length" J.Biol.Chem.266. 20218-20222 (1991)
[Publications] K.KINOSITA,M.HIBINO,H.ITO,M.SHIGEMORI,K.HIRANO,Y.KIRINO,T.HAYAKAWA(D.C.Chang,B.M.Chassy,J.A.Saunders,E.E.Sowers,Eds.): "Handbook of electroporation and electrofusion" Academic Press, 581 (1991)
[Publications] 桐野 豊,小沢 俊彦: "エッセンスESRー基礎と実験ー" 廣川書店, 169 (1991)
[Publications] 加茂 直樹(須貝 新太郎編): "「生物物理工学」" アイビ-シ-, 251 (1991)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一,木下 一彦: "限界を超える生物顕微鏡ー見えないものを見るー" 学会出版センタ-, 177 (1991)
[Publications] 柳澤 輝行,平 則夫(浦川 紀元,唐木 英明編): "カルシウムと情報伝達系ー平滑筋研究の現状と実験法" 文永堂, (1991)