[Publications] Yokayama,K. & Feissel,M.: "International Earth Rotation Service" IAU Information Bulletin. 65. 18-20 (1991)
[Publications] Manabe,S.,Sato,T..Sakai,S.,& Yokoyama,K.: "Atmospheric Loading Effect on VLBI Observations" Proc.AGU Chapman Conference on Geodetic VLBI: Monitoring Global Change. 111-122 (1991)
[Publications] Tamura,Y.,Sato,T.,Ooe,M,& Ishiguro,M.: "A Procedure for Tidal Analysis with a Baysian Information Criterion" Geophysical Journal International. 104-3. 507-516 (1991)
[Publications] 田村 良明、中井 新二、里嘉 千茂: "水沢-江刺基線におけるGPS観測" Proceedings of the Japanese Symposium on GPS(1991). 107-111 (1991)
[Publications] 横山 紘一: "国際測地学および地球物理学連合第20回総会報告地球回転" 測地学会誌. 37. 289-293 (1991)
[Publications] 横山 紘一: "Activity Report of the International Earth Rotation Service for the Year 1991" 1991年度経緯度研究会集録. 87-98 (1992)
[Publications] 横山 紘一: "1mm測地観測でVLBIが果たす役割" VLBI観測計画シンポジウム集録. (1993)
[Publications] 横山 紘一: "IRIS-P用相関器の開発計画" VLBI観測計画シンポジウム集録. (1993)
[Publications] Yokayama,K.: "VLBI Contribution to IERS Reference Frames and Earth Orientation Parameters" Proceedings,Intern.Workshop for Reference Frames and Technical Development in Space Geodesy. (1993)
[Publications] Manabe,S.: "Geodetic Parameters Obtained with International VLBI Observations" ibid.(1993)
[Publications] Tamura,T.et al.: "High Performance VLBI Correlator in NAO" ibid.(1993)
[Publications] Sasao,T.,Tamura,Y.,et al.: "High Precision geodesy and Astrometry with Antennacluster-Antennacluster VLBI System" ibid.(1993)
[Publications] Manabe,S.: "Notes on the Method and Reference Frames for the Earth Rotation" IERS Technical Note 11,Charlot P.(ed.),Observatoire de Paris.29-32 (1992)
[Publications] Sato,K-H,Tamura,Y.,Manabe,S.,et al.: "Application of Phase-Stabilized Optical Fiber in Transmission of Reference and IF Signals in VLBI Observation" IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 41-3. 385-389 (1992)
[Publications] Sasao,T.,Yokoyama,K.,Manabe,S. et al.: "Antennacluster Antennacluster VLBI for Study of the Core-Mantle Coupling" Proceedings of the Third SEDI (Study of the Earth's Deep Interior) Symposium. (1993)
[Publications] 安田 茂、真鍋 盛二、他: "太平洋西縁VLBI実験報告II〜パークス解析結果〜" VLBI観測計画シンポジウム集録. (1993)
[Publications] 佐藤 克久、原 忠徳、田村 良明、他: "水沢10mアンテナ駆動制御特性について" VLBI観測計画シンポジウム集録. (1993)
[Publications] 田村 良明、真鍋 盛二、横山 紘一、他: "水沢10mアンテナを用いた地球回転・測地観測計画" VLBI観測計画シンポジウム集録. (1993)
[Publications] Hara,T.,Tamura,Y.,et al.: "Present Status of the 10m Antenna in Mizusawa" ibid.(1993)
[Publications] Sato,K-H,Tamura,Y.,et al.: "Application of Fiber Optic Link in VLBI Observation" ibid.(1993)
[Publications] Tamura,Y.: "Periodic Series of ΔUT1" Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Geodesy and Physics of the Earth (IAG Symp.No.112). (1993)
[Publications] Yokoyama,K.: "Summary Report of the International earth Rotation Service for the Period from August 1987 through July 1991" Travaux de 1'Association Internationale de Geodesie. 29. 524-550 (1992)