[Publications] J.Kino,E.Adachi,T.Yoshida,C.Asamatsu,K.Nakajima,K.Yamamoto,T.Hayashi: "A Novel Chain of Basement Membrane-associated Collagen as Revealed by Biochemical and Immunohistochemical Characterization of the Epitope Recogniaed by a Monoclonal Antibody Against Human Placenta Basement Membrane Collagen" Am.J.Pathology. 138. 911-920 (1991)
[Publications] M.Yamato,K.Yamamoto,T.Hayashi: "Decrease in cellular potential of collagen gel contraction due to in vitro cellular aging:a new aging index of fibroblasts with high sensitivity" Connective Tissue. 24. 157-162 (1992)
[Publications] M.Yamato,K.Yamamoto,T.Hayashi: "Age-related changes in collagen gel contraction by cultured human lung fibroblasts resulting in cross-over of contraction curves between yong and aged cells" Mechanism of Aging and Development. (1993)
[Publications] M.Tsunenaga,T.Nishiyama,I.Horii,Y.Nakayama,K.Arai,T.Hayashi: "Effect of hyaluronate on physicochemical and biological properties of collagen solution which could be used as collagen filler" Connective Tissue Research. 28. 113-123 (1992)
[Publications] T.Yoshida,E.Adachi,O.Matsubara,K.Nakajima,T.Hayashi: "Semiquantitative analysis of the effects of fixation and paraffin embedding on immunoreactivity of renal basement membranes to a monoclonal antibody against type IV collagen" Arch.Histol.Cytol.55. 497-502 (1992)
[Publications] H.Makino,T.Haramoto,K.Shikata,K.Hirata,J.Wada,S.Morioka,Z.Ota,T.Yoshida,T.Hayashi: "Distribution of a Novel Chain of Basement Membrane Associated Collagen in the Renal Tissue" Connective Tissue. 24. 163-168 (1992)
[Publications] T.Nishiyama,M.Tsunenaga,N.Akutsu,I.Horii,Y.Nakayama,E.Adachi,M.Yamato and T.Hayashi: "Dissociation of Actin Microfilament Organization from Acquisition and Maintenance of Elongate Shape of Human Dermal Fibroblasts in Three-Dimesional Collagen Gel" Matrix,Collagen and Related Research. 13. (1993)
[Publications] 林 利彦: "細胞培養床としてのゲル" 表面. 30. 713-724 (1992)
[Publications] 林 利彦: "新しいコラーゲン蛋白について" 細胞. 24. 372-377 (1992)
[Publications] 林 利彦: "細胞外基質の三次元構造と細胞応答性" 生物物理. 32. 43-47 (1992)
[Publications] 林 利彦: "細胞外マトリックスとその生物学的機能" 蛋白質核酸酵素. 37. 2269-2278 (1992)
[Publications] 林 利彦: "特集によせてー細胞外マトリックスと接着因子ー" 組識培養. 19. (1993)
[Publications] 大和 雅之、林 利彦: "マトリックス構築と細胞機能制御:循環する相互作用" 組織培養. 19. (1993)
[Publications] T.Hayashi,T.Nishiyama,E.Adachi: "Collagen as a Potent Regulator for Cellular Activity--Collagen Matrix-to-Cell Contact Inhibition-- Fundamental Invetigations on the Creation of Biofunctional Materials,Ed.by S.Okamura,T.Tsuruta,Y.Imanishi,J.Sunamoto," KAGAKU-DOJIN,Kyoto, 54-64 (1991)
[Publications] 林 利彦: "ヒトの体は再生できるか" マグロウヒル出版株式会社 東京, 190 (1991)
[Publications] 大和 雅之、林 利彦: "コラーゲンゲル内培養 新生化学実験講座6 日本生化学会編" 東京化学同人 東京, 309-312 (1992)
[Publications] 林 利彦、田中 静子: "結合組識,生化学 臓器と免疫各論1、辻孝夫編、" 文永堂出版, 377-419 (1992)
[Publications] 大和 雅之、林 利彦: "細胞増植と細胞外マトリックス・接着因子 細胞成長因子partIII" 朝倉書店 東京, (1993)
[Publications] 林 利彦: "マトリックスの構造と機能 肝疾患の最近進歩VII," メディカルレビュー社、大阪, (1993)
[Publications] T.Hayashi,M.Yamato,E.Adachi,K.Yamamoto: "Unique Features of Type I Collagen as a Regulator for Fibroblast Functions:Iterative Interactions between Reconstituted Type I Collagen Fibrils and Fibroblasts ed.by T.Tsuruta et al," Elsevier Pub.Co., (1993)