[Publications] G.Shiora,D.B.Rhoads,T.C.Wang, T.Nakamura and E.V. Schmidt: "Hepatocyre growth factor inhibits growth of hipatocellular carcinoma cells." Proc.Matl.Acad.Sci.USA. 89. 373-377 (1992)
[Publications] H. Tajuma,O. Higuchi,K. Mizuno and T.Nakamura: "Tissue distribution of hepatocyre growth factor receptor and its exclusive down-regulation in a regenerating organ afterinjury." J.Biochem.111. 401-406 (1992)
[Publications] K.Yanagita,M.Nagaike,H. Ishibashi, Y. Niho, K. matsumoto and T.Nakamura: "Lung may have an endocrine function producing hepatocyte growth factor in re-sponse to injury of distal orgnas." Biochem.Biophys.Res. Commun.182. 802-809 (1992)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto,H.Tajuma,M.Hamanoue, S. Kono, T.Kinoshita and T.nakamura: "Identification and characterization of ¨injurin¨.an inducer of expression of the gene for hepatocyte growth factor." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 89. 3800-3804 (1992)
[Publications] O.Higuchi,K.Mizuno,G.F.Vande Woude and T.Nakamur: "Expression of the c-met proto-oncogene in COS cells es required for hepatocyte growth factor high affinity binding and mitogenic signal trnsduction." FEBS Lett.301. 282-286 (1992)
[Publications] M.Hamanoue,K.Kawaida,S.Takao,H.Shimazu,S.Noji,K.Matsumoto and T.Nakamura: "Rapid and marked induction of HGF mRNA in liver and HGF activity in serum of rats after ischemic of crush liver injury." Hepatology. 16. 1485-1492 (1992)
[Publications] H.Tajima.K.Matsumoto and T.Nakamura: "Regulation of cell growth and motility by hepatocyte growth factor and receptorex-prssion in various cell species." Exp.Cell Ees.202. 423-431 (1992)
[Publications] S. Kono, M. Nagaike, K. Matsumoto,and T.Nakamura: "Marked induction of hepatocyte growth factor mRNA in intact kidney and spleen in response to injury of distan organ." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.186. 991-998 (1992)
[Publications] Y.shiki,H.Ohmishi,Y.Muto,K.Matsumoto and T.Nakamura: "Direct evudence that heparocyt growth factor es a hepatotrophic factor for liver regeneration and for potent anti-hepatitis action in vivo." Hepatology. 16. 1227-1235 (1992)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto,H.Tajima,H.Okazaki,and T.Nakamura: "Negative regulation of hepatocytr growth factor gene expression in human lung fibroblasts and leukemic cells by trnsforming growth factor-β I and glucocorti-coids" J.Biol.Chem.267. 24917-24920 (1992)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto,H.Okazaki,and T.Nakamura: "Up-regulation of hepatocyte growth factor gene exprssion by interleukin-l in human skun febroblasts." Biochem.Biohpys.Commun.189. 235-243 (1992)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto and T.Nakamura: "Hepatocyte growth factor:Molecular stucture,roles in liver regeneneration,and other biological functions." Criteal Reviews in Oncogenesis. 3. 27-54 (1992)
[Publications] K.Mizuno.T.Takehara and T.Nakamura: "Proteolytic activation of shigle-chain precursor of hepatocyte growth factor by ex-tracellular serine protease." Biochem.Biophys,Res.Commun.189. 1631-1638 (1993)
[Publications] G.Shiota,T.C.Wang,S.dela Monte,T.Nakamura,and E.V.Schmidt: "Hepatocyte gorwth factor accelerates liver regeneration and causes a hepato-prolif-erative disorder in transgenic mice." J.Clin.Invest.(1993)
[Publications] K.Mizuno and T.Nakamura(ed.I.D.Goddbergの分担): "Molecilar characteristics of HGF and gene,and its biochemical aspects.In “Hepa-tocyte Growth Factor Factor-Scatter Factor and c-Met Eeceptor"" Birkhauser Verlag, 1-29 (1993)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto and T.Nakamura(ed.I.D.Goldbergの分担): "Roles of HGF as a pleiotrpic factor in organ eegeneeration.In“Hepatocyte Growth Factor-Scatter Aactor and c-Met Receptot"" Birkhauser Verlag, PP.225-249 (1993)
[Publications] K.Matsumoto T.Nakamura(eds.Drs.J.B.Griffiths,A.Doyle and D.G.Newellの分担): "Primary and continuous cell culture:Collagenase and Hyaluronidase.In “Protocols in Cell and Tissue Culture"" john Wiley & Sone Limited,England, (1993)
[Publications] T.Nakamura,K.Muzuno,and K.Matsumoto(eds.T.Tsuruta,M.Seno and M.Doyamaの分担): "Hepatocyte growth factor:Mitogen,motogen,morphpgen,and its roles in tissue regeneration In “New Functionalty Materials:Design,Preparation and Control." Elsevier Science Prblishers B.V., (1993)