[Publications] Y.Nakai and I.Shiokawa: "Discrepancy estimates of a class of nornaal numbers." Acta Arithmetica.
[Publications] H.kano and I.Shiokawa: "Rings of normal and nonnormal numbers." プレプリント Research Report KSTS/RRー91/006. 1-17 (1991)
[Publications] P.Arnoux,Ch.Mauduit,I.Shiokawa and J.Tamura: "Complexity of sequences defined by silliard in the cube." プレプリント.Prepublications Math.de l'uniuersite Paris VII. N°17. 1-10 (1992)
[Publications] I.Shiokawa and J.Tamura: "Description of sequences defined by hilliard in the cube." プレプリント.(1992)
[Publications] I.Shiokawa: "On the normal number defined by primes" プレプリント. (1992)
[Publications] I.Shiokawa,J.Tamura.他.: "A conjecture of Rauzy on complexity of certain sequcnces." プレプリント. (1992)
[Publications] H.Enomoto and Y.Usami: "The star arboucity of complete bipartite graphs" Yraph Theory,Combinatorics,and Applications.(John Wiley & Sons.Inc.). 389-396 (1991)
[Publications] H.Enomoto,M.Mizutani,N.Tokushige: "A word pwbem in Coxeter semigroups." Discute Math.
[Publications] H.Enomoto and M.Kano.: "Disjoint odd integer subsets having a constant even sum."
[Publications] H.Nakada: "The nutrical theory of wntinued fractrons" Acts Arithmetica. 56. 279-289 (1991)
[Publications] N.Kikuchi.: "An approach to the construction of Morse flows for variational functionals." NematicsーMathematical and Physical Aspects ed:J.M.Coron et al,Nato Adv.Sci.Inst.Ser C:Math.Phys.Sci.332. (1991)
[Publications] N.Kikuchi: "Holder estimates of solutions for differenceーdefferential equations of ellipticーParabolic type" Numerische Mathematik.
[Publications] K.Nishioka,I.Shiwkawa and J.Tamura.: "Auihmetical pwperties of certoin power series." J.Number Theory.
[Publications] N.Kikuchi: "Kneser's property for a parabolic partial differential equation" J.of Nonlinear Analysis:Theory,Methods,and Applecations.
[Publications] S.Koyama.: "Determinant expression of Selberg zeta functions(I)" Trans.A.M.S.324. 149-168 (1991)
[Publications] S.Koyama: "Determinant expression of Selberg zeta function(II)" TranS.A.M.S.
[Publications] S.Koyama: "Determinant expression of selberg zeta function(III)" Proc.A.M.S.113. 303-312 (1991)
[Publications] S.Koyama: "Zeta Functions of loop groups." Adv.Stud.Pure Math.21. 227-235 (1992)
[Publications] S.Koyama: "Selberg zeta functions and Ruelle operators for function fields" Proc.Japan Acad.67A. 255-259 (1991)
[Publications] S.Koyama: "Selberg zeta functions for PSL and PGL." プレプリント.
[Publications] Y.Egawa and K.Ota: "Regular factors in K_<1,n>ーfru graphs." J.of greph Minon Theory.15. 337-344 (1991)
[Publications] N.Dean and K.Ota: "2ーfactors,connectivity and graph minors" Proc.of graph conference.
[Publications] R.E.L.Aldred,R.L.Hemminger,and K.Ota: "The 3ーconnected graphs having a longest cycle contarning only three contrbctible edges."
[Publications] W.McCuaig and K.Ota: "Contractible triples in 3ーconnected graphs"
[Publications] K.Nishioka: "PainleveーUmemura extensions." プレプリント.
[Publications] K.Komatsu: "Squareーfree discriminants and affectーfree equations." Tokyo J.Math.14. 57-60 (1991)
[Publications] K.komatsu: "On the Galois group of x^p+ax+a=0." Tokyo.J.Math.14. 227-229 (1991)
[Publications] K.Komatsu: "On the Galvis group of x^n-x^<n-1>-x^<n-2>-…-x-1=0" Keiv Science and Technology Reports. 44. 1-6 (1991)
[Publications] K.Komatsu: "On certain affectーfree equatrons"
[Publications] K.Komatsu: "On the Galois group of x^p+p^t b(x+1)=0."
[Publications] H.Tsubaki: "A test for dose dependency of drug efficacy through dose escalation design." Bull.Biometric Soc.of Japan. 12. 73-84 (1991)
[Publications] S.Shimomura: "On an asymptotic property of a nonlinear ordinary differential equation" Tokyo J.Math.14. 329-340 (1991)
[Publications] M.Shibuya: "A simplified proof of a Bonferroniーtype inequality by Tan and Xu and its extension." Stat.and Prob.Letters. 11. 255-257 (1991)
[Publications] M.Shibuya: "An idevtity for sums of binomial coefficients" SIAM Review 33,116.(Problem 91ー5). 33. (1991)
[Publications] M.Shibuya: "Bonferroniーtype inequalities:Chebyshevーtype inequalities for the probahility distributions on[0,n]" Ann.Inst.Statist.Math.43. 261-285 (1991)
[Publications] M.Shibuya and R.Shibata: "User interface provided by Data and Descieption" Bull.of the international Statistical Institute. (1991)
[Publications] M.Shibuya: "Sharp Bonferroniーtype inequalitios in explicit forms" Probability thevry and Applications,J.Mogyorodi Memorial volume.(1992)