Research Abstract |
In the present research, I have been construction a radiolarian image data base management and analysis system connection personal computer, image scanner, image analysis software, campus LAN, Nagoya University Computation Center (NUCC),Electric filing system and Nagoya University Furukawa Museum, although it is beyond the scope of this research in the initial stage. I could not get important results on phylogenic evolution of Radiolaria because of lack of time. Following problems, however, were examined in analyzing the microfossil image data. 1.Number of the individual and species of microfossils is so huge that a large memory is needed to store the image data. In this study, I have used a personal computer linked with the computer in the NUCC through the campus LAN. The format of the image data must be same or exchangeable between the computers. 2.The image data convertible into the numerical data such as diameter of shell, diameter and length of spine, etc., can be treated by statistical analysis method, while the image data morphology and arrangement of pores, costae and ridges on shell are difficult to convert into numerical data, and "human eyes" are more effective than comparison by computer. By using this system, radiolarian biostratigraphic studies have been performed in the Circum-Pacific orogenic belt (Sikhote-Alin), Alps-Himalaya orogenic belt (Pakistan) and their connection area (Indonesia). The results are described in the papers listed on the back side.