[Publications] M.SANO,K.SATO,S.NASUNO and H.KOKUBO: "Comples Dynamics of LocalizedTarget Pattern in Electrohydrodynamic Convection" Phys.Rev.A15. 46. 3540-3543 (1992)
[Publications] S.SASA,T.MIZUGUCHI,and M.SANO: "Open and Closed Phase Jump Lines in Two-dimensional CellularPatterns" Europhysics Letters. 19. 593-596 (1992)
[Publications] B.Janiaud,H.KOKUBO,and M.SANO: "Coupled Phase Instability of a Cellular Pattern" Phys.Rev.E.47. (1993)
[Publications] A.YUSE and M.SANO: "Transition of Crack Pattern in Quenched Glass Plate" Narure. (1993)
[Publications] H.KOKUBO,M.SANO,J.Beatrice,and Y.SAWADA: "Generation Mechanism of a Localized Target Pattern in Electrohydrodynamic Convection" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.(1993)
[Publications] A.TANAKA and M.SANO: "Measurement of Kinetic Effect on the Concentration Field of Growing Dendrite" J.Crystal Growth. 125. 59-64 (1992)
[Publications] K.KANEKO and T.IKEGAMI: "Homeochaos:dynamic stability ofaa symbiotic network with population dynamics and evolving mutation rates" Physica D. 56. 406-429 (1992)
[Publications] K.KANEKO: "Global Traveling Wave Triggered by Local Phase Slips" Phys.Rev.Lett.69. 905-908 (1992)
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[Publications] T.YANAGITA and K.KANEKO: "CML Model for Convection" Phys.Lett.A. (1992)
[Publications] Y.KURAMOTO,T.AOYAGI,I.NISHIKAWA,T.Chawanya,and K.OKUDA: "Neural network model carrying phase information with application to collective dynamics" Progr.Theor.Phys.87. 1119-1126 (1992)
[Publications] S.NAKAGAWA and Y.KURAMOTO: "Collective Chaos" Progr.Theor.Phys.(1993)
[Publications] Carnevale,G.F.,McWilliams,J.C.,Pomeau,Y.,Weiss,J.B.,Young,W.R.: "Rates,pathways,and end states of nonlinear evolution in decaying two-dimensional turbulence" Phys.Fluids A ,Fluid Dyn. 4. 1314-1316 (1992)
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[Publications] Zocchi,G.,Tabeling,P.,Ben Amar,M.: "Saffman-Taylor plumes" Phys.Rev.Lett,. 69. 601-604 (1992)
[Publications] Pouliquen,O.,Chomaz,J.m.,Huerre,P.,Tabeling,P.: "Wave-number selection and phase solitons ib spatially forced temporal mixing layers" Phys.Rev.Lett,. 68. 2596-2599 (1992)
[Publications] M.SATO,H.TASHIRO,A.OIKAWA and Y.SAWADA: "Patterning in Hydra Cell Aggregates without the Sorting of Cells from Different Axial Origins" Dev.Biol.151. 111-116 (1992)
[Publications] K.SUGAWARA,H.AOYAMA,and Y.SAWADA: "Dynamics and Mechanism of Self-sustained Oscillation of Lipid Impregnated in a Single Hole" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.(1993)
[Publications] Y.HAYAKAWA,S.SATO,and Y.SAWADA: "Scaling Properties of Silicon Surfaces Anodized in HF Agueous Solution" (1993)
[Publications] F.Graner and J.A.Glazier: "Simulation of Biological Cell Sorting Using a Two-Dimensional Extended Potts Model" Phys.Rev.Lett.69. 2013-2016 (1992)
[Publications] J.A.Grazier and F.Graner: "Simulation of the different adhesiondriven rearrangement of biological cells" Phys.Rev.E.47. (1993)
[Publications] Fourcade,B.,Mutz,M.,Bensimon,D.: "Experimental and theoretical srudy of toroidal vesicles" Phys.Rev.Lett.68. 2551-2554 (1992)
[Publications] Bensimon,D.,Mukamel,D.,Peliti,L.: "Quenched curvature disorder in polymerized membranes" Europhys.Lett,. 18. 269-274 (1992)
[Publications] Daviaud,F.,Lega,P.,Coullet,P.,Dubois,M.: "Spatio-temporal intermittency in a 1D convective pattern:theoretical model and experiments" Physica D. 55. 287-308 (1992)
[Publications] H.Chate: "Lyapunov Analysis of Spatiotemporal Intermittency" Europhys.Lett.
[Publications] H.Chate: "Spatiotemporal Intermittency regimes of the onedimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation" Nonlinearity.