[Publications] K.Sugawara,H.Aoyama,Y.Sawada and K.Toko: "Dynamics and Mechanism of Self-Sustained Oscillation of Lipid Impregnated in a Single Hole" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.62. 1143-1146 (1993)
[Publications] E.S.Kim,M.Sano and Y.Sawada: "Fractal Neural Network-computational performance as an associative memory-" Prog.Theor.Phys.89. 965-972 (1993)
[Publications] B.Janiaud,H.Kokubo and M.Sano: "Coupled Phase Instability of a Cellular Pattern" Phys.Rev.E.47. 2237-2240 (1993)
[Publications] M.Sano,H.Kokubo,B.Janiaud.and K.Sato: "Phase Wave in a Cellular Structure" Prog.Theor.Phys.90. 1-34 (1993)
[Publications] H.Kokubo,M.Sano,B.Janiaud and Y.Sawada: "Generation Mechanism of a Localized Target Pattern in Electrohydro dynamic Convection" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.63. (1993)
[Publications] A.Yuse and M.Sano: "Transition between Crack Patterns in Quenched Glass Plates" Nature. 362. 329-331 (1993)
[Publications] S.Michalland,M.Rabaud and Y.Couder: "Transition to Chaos by Spatio-temporal Intermittency in Directional Viscous Fingering" Europhys.Lett. 22. 17-22 (1993)
[Publications] D.Bonn,Y.Couder,D.H.J.Van Dam,and S.Douady: "From Small Scales to Large Scales in Three-dimensional Turbulence;the effect of diluted polymers" Phys.Rev.E. 47. 28-31 (1993)
[Publications] R.Yang,F.K.Browand,P.Coullet and P.Huerre: "A model of defect-induced pairing of mixing Layers" J.Fluid Mech. 248. 403-423 (1993)
[Publications] D.Coullet,T.Frish and F.Plaza: "Sources and sinks of wave patterus" Physica D. 62. 75-79 (1993)
[Publications] X.Michalet,D.Bensimon.and B.Fourcade: "Fluctuating vesicles of nonspherical topology" Phys.Rev.Lett.72. 168-171 (1993)
[Publications] D.Bensimon,M.Mutz and T.Gulik: "Wrinkling transition in polymerized membrances" Physica A. 194. 190-198 (1993)
[Publications] N.Nakagawa and Y.Kuramoto: "Collective Chaos in a Population of Grobally Coupled Oscillators" Prog.Theor.Phys.89. 313-323 (1993)
[Publications] T.Chawanya,T.Aoyagi,I.Nishikawa,K.Okuda and Y.Kuramoto: "A Model for Feature Linking via Collective Oscillatious in the Primary Visual Cortex" Biological Cybernetics. 68. 483-490 (1993)
[Publications] T.Mizuguchi and S.Sasa: "Oscilating Interfaces in Parametrically Forced Systems" Prof.Theor.Phys.89. 599-605 (1993)
[Publications] S.Sasa and T.Iwamoto: "Stability of Phase-singular Solutions to the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation" Phys.Lett.A. 175. 289-294 (1993)
[Publications] H.Willaime,O.Cardoso,P.Tabeling: "Spatiotemporal Intermittency in Lines of Voutices" Phys.Rev.E.48. 288-295 (1993)
[Publications] M.B.Amar,R.Combescot and Y.Couder: "Viscous Fingering with Adverse Anisotropy:A New Saffman-Taylor Finger" Phys.Rev.Lett.70. 3047-3050 (1993)
[Publications] T.Baumberger,F.Heslot and B.Perrin: "Crossover from creep to inertial friction dynamics" Nature. 367. 544-545 (1994)
[Publications] H.Chate: "Lyapunov analysis of spatio-temporal intermittency" Europhys.Lett. 21. 419-425 (1993)
[Publications] K.Kaneko: "Chaotic traveling waves in a coupled map lattice" Physica.P.68. 299-317 (1993)
[Publications] T.Yanagita and K.Kaneko: "Coupled map lattice model for convection" Phys.Lett.A. 175. 415-420 (1993)
[Publications] T.Konishi and K.Kaneko: "Clustered motion in symplectic coupled map systems" J.Phys.A,Math.Gen.25. 6283-6297 (1993)
[Publications] J.A.Glazier and F.Graner: "Simulation of the differential adhesion driven rearrangement of biological cells" Phys.Rev.E. 47. 2128-2154 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Pomeau and S.Rica: "Model of superflow with rotons" Phys.Rev.Lett.71. 247-250 (1993)
[Publications] A.C.Newell and Y.Pomeau: "Turbulent crystals in macroscopic systems" J.Phys.A,Math.Gen. 26. 429-434 (1993)
[Publications] H.Sakaguchi: "Instability of the interface and dense branching pattern in the phase field model" Prog.Theor.Phys.90. 931-936 (1993)
[Publications] H.Sakaguchi: "Oscillatory phase transition in coupled Bernoulli map lattices" Phys.Lett.A. 180. 235-238 (1993)
[Publications] H.Sakaguchi: "Phase dynamics and localized solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau type amplitude equations" Prog.Theor.Phys.89. 1123-1146 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Hayakawa: "Numerical study of oscillatory crack propagation through a two-dimensional crystal" Phys.Rev.E. 49. (1993)
[Publications] J.Wakita,K.Komatsu,A.Nakahara,T.Matsuyama and M.Matsushita: "Experimental investigation on the validity of population dynamics approach to bacterial colony formation" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.63. (1994)
[Publications] T.Matsuyama and M.Matsushita: "Fractal Morphogenesis by a bacterial cell" Critical Reviews in Microbiology. 19. 117-135 (1993)
[Publications] Y.H.Taguchi: "K^<-5/3> Power spectrum in powderturbulent flow in a vibrated bed:numerical results" Europhys.Lett.24. 203-209 (1993)
[Publications] H.Takayasu and Y-h Taguchi: "Non-gaussian distribution in random advection dynamics" Phys.Rev.Lett. 70. 782-785 (1993)
[Publications] H.Nishimori and N.Ouchi: "Formation of ripple patterns and dunes by wind-blown sand" Phys.Rev.Lett. 71. 197-200 (1993)
[Publications] T.S.Komatsu and H.Hayakawa: "Nonlinear waves in fluidized beds" Phys.Lett.A.56-62 (1993)
[Publications] K.Ichiki and H.Hayakawa: "Simulation of granular particles in flow by the stokesian-dynamics method" Int.J.Mod.Phys.B. 7. 1899-1911 (1993)
[Publications] F.Graner and Y.Sawada: "Can Surface Adhesion Drive Cell Rearrangement? Part II:A Geometrical Model" J.Theor.Biol.164. 477-506 (1993)
[Publications] H.Shimizu,Y.Sawada and T.Sugiyama: "Minimum Tissue Size Required for Hydra Regeneration" Devlop.Biol.155. 287-296 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Sawada: "Natural Laws and Information Processing" IECE Trans:Electron.E76. 1064-1069 (1993)
[Publications] K.Sekimoto: "Temperature Hysteresis and Morphology of Volume Phase Transition of Gels" Phys.Rev.Lett.70. 4154-4157 (1993)
[Publications] S.Sasa and K.Sekimoto: "Oscillatory Instability of Crack Propagation in Quasistatic Fracture" Phys.Rev.Lett.submitted. (1993)
[Publications] J.Maurer,P.Tabeling and G.Zocchi: "Statistics of Turbulence between Two Counter-Rotating Disks in Low Temperature Helium" Europhys.Lett.submitted. (1993)