[Publications] 白井 俊央: "微小隕石防護二重薄板シールド構造の研究(そのIII)" 圧力技術. 30. 25-30 (1992)
[Publications] I.Simonsen: "Diamond Formation in Aluminum Compressed with Nickel-Graphite under Shock Loading" J.Mater.Sci.27. 1735-1740 (1992)
[Publications] H.Tamura: "Hypervelocity Impact of Microprojectiles on Layered Target Plates by Magneto-Plasma Accelerator" Report of RLEMTIT. 333-349 (1992)
[Publications] I.Simonsen: "Diamond Formation in Aluminum-nickel/graphite under Shock Loading" Shock-wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena in Materials,Marcel Dekker. 233-243 (1992)
[Publications] A.B.Sawaoka: "Shock Compression Processing in Japan" Shock-wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena in Materials,Marcel Dekker,Inc.323-337 (1992)
[Publications] A.B.Sawaoka: "Heterogeneous Shock Compression Mechanism of Diamond Powders in a Metal" Shock Compression of Condensed Matter. 621-624 (1992)
[Publications] M.Kitamura: "Shoch Recovery Experiments on Chondritic Materials" High-Pressure Reseatch:Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. 333-340 (1992)
[Publications] T.Atou: "Pressure-induced Phase Transition in Rare earth Sesquioxides" High-Pressure Reseatch:Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. 469-475 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Syono: "Phase Changes in Solids durling Shock Loading and Unloading" Shock Waves. 121-128 (1992)
[Publications] T.Mashimo: "Hugoniot-measurement Study of the Stabilized Zirconia Single Crystal" Shock Waves. 441-445 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Syono: "Chemical Effects of Shock Waves in Solids" Shock Compression Technology and Material Science. 103-122 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Sakaguchi: "Shock Loading Effects on Flux Pinning of the High-T.Superconductors La_<1.85>Sr_<0.15>CuO_4" Physica C. 201. 183-188 (1992)
[Publications] S.T.Weir: "Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Shock Compacted High-T.Superconductor" Shock Waves and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena in Materials. 795-808 (1992)
[Publications] T.Harada: "Dynamic Compaction of Amorphous Nd_<15>Fe_<77>B_8 Alloy Powders" J.Mater.Sci.Lett.11. 1072-1074 (1992)
[Publications] K.Nagayama: "Compact Streak Camera Sysytem for the Shock Study of Solids by using the High-Presuure Gas Gun" submitted to Proc.20th Int.Cong.High Speed Photo.&Photonics. (1993)
[Publications] Y.Mori: "Observation of Shock Wave Convergence or Collision Induced by Shaping of a Plane Shock Front in Solids" submitted to Proc.20th Int.Cong.High Speed Photo.&Photonics. (1993)
[Publications] K.Nagayama: "New High-Speed Recording Procedure of Holographic Information Continuously with Time" submitted to Proc.20th Int.Cong.High Speed Photo.&Photonics. (1993)
[Publications] Y.Mori: "Observation of the Collision and Convergence of High-pressure Shock Waves in Polyethylene" submitted to Proc.1990/1991 national Symposia on Shock Waves. (1993)
[Publications] K.Nagayama: "Gruneisen Equation od State for Solids and Solution of the Riemann Problem" Proc.18th Int.Symp.Shock Waves. (1992)
[Publications] K.Nagayama: "High-Speed Camera System for the Continuous Recording of Holographic Information on Fast Events" Proc.18th Int.Symp.Shock Waves. (1992)
[Publications] Y.Mori: "固体中衝撃波面の制御による衝突現象の観測" 可視化情報. 12. (1992)
[Publications] T.Mashimo: "Synthesis of the B1-type Tantalum Nitride by Shock Comperssion" J.Mater.Sci.(1993)
[Publications] T.Mashimo: "A Compact High-speed Streak Camera for Impact-shock Study of Solids" Proc.20th.Internat.Cong.High Speed Photography &Photonics. (1993)
[Publications] T.Mashimo: "Hugoniot-measurement Study by the Stabilized Zirconia Single Crystal" Proc.18th Internat.Symp.Shock Waves. 441-445 (1992)
[Publications] D.E.Grady: "Shock and Release Wave Properties of Yittria-doped Tetragonal and Cubic Zirconia" J.Appl.Phys. 71. 4868-4874 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Miura: "Shock Metamorphism of the Moon" Shock Waves. (1993)
[Publications] 三浦 保範: "衝撃変成物質のX線回折法による解析-ダイナミックな解放系で形成された衝撃変成シリカ集合体のX線密度" Rigaku-Denki Journal. (1993)
[Publications] Y.Miura: "Evidence of Earth Catastrophe by Anomalous Shocked Quartz at the K/T Boundary" Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 54. 249-253 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Miura: "Shock Metamorphism on tje Moon" Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 54. 245-248 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Miura: "Shock Metamorphism in Artificial Impact Craters" Shock Waves Proceedings. 18. 403-407 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Miura: "Shock Waves in Cosmic Space and Planetary Materials" Proc.Intern.Space Year Conf.of Earth &Space Sci.Inform.System. (1992)
[Publications] M.Sugiyama: "A Unified Approach to Noneqilibrium Phenomena in a Crystalline Lattice.I.Formulation" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 61. 2260-2268 (1992)
[Publications] M.Sugiyama: "A Unified Approach to Noneqilibrium Phenomena in a Crystalline Lattice.II.Linear-Wave-Analysis" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 61. 2269-2279 (1992)
[Publications] T.Fukuta: "A Unified Approach to Noneqilibrium Phenomena in a Crystalline Lattice.III.Typical Examples of the Linear Theory" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 61. 4367-4380 (1992)