[Publications] K.Oka: "Plarimetry for spatiotemporal photoelastic analysis" Exp.Mech.33. 44-48 (1993)
[Publications] S.Tanaka: "A fiber-coil deformation sensor operating in low and high sensitivities" Proc.9th Optical Fiber Sensors Conf.123-126 (1993)
[Publications] K.Oka: "Spatiotemporal birefringence measurements in an anti-ferroelectric liquid crystal cell by polarization interferometry" Proc.SPIE. 1983. 728-729 (1993)
[Publications] S.Tanaka: "Statistical assessments for optical thickness irregularities of an uncoated compact disk" Proc.SPIE. 1983. 944-945 (1993)
[Publications] K.Oka: "Novel polarimetric technique exploring spatiotemporal birefringent response of an anti-ferroelectric liquid crystal cell" J.Mod.Opt.40. 1713-1723 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Ohtsuka: "Dispersion effect of a slit aperture on changes in spectrum of light on propagation in free space" Meeting Digest of Frontiers in Information Optics. (発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] H.Honma: "Spatial frequency analysis of image-forming system with an extended illumination source" Meeting Digest of Frontiers in Information Optics. (発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] T.Yamaguchi: "Dynamic photoelastic analysis by optical heterodyne polarimetry" Meeting Digest of Frontiers in Information Optics. (発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] K.Oka: "Optical heterodyne impulse-response measurement of lithium tantalate phase modulator driven by wideband frequency signal" Meeting Digest of Frontiers in Information Optics. (発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] Y.Ohtsuka: "Contour mapping of the spatiotemporal state of polarization of light" Appl.Opt.(発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] 長谷川 玲: "部分的固定重みを持つ角膜内皮細胞写真の画像処理ニューラルネットワーク" 光学. 22. 42-48 (1993)
[Publications] T.Inoue: "A self-organizing network for vector quantization of spectral images" International Journal of Optical Computing. 2. 385-396 (1991)
[Publications] 伊東 一良: "総合医療情報システムへの模索III関連技術の開発動向ID認識方法の研究ニューラルネットワーク" INNERVISION. 8. 38-40 (1993)
[Publications] 伊東 一良: "ニューロコンピューティング画像処理-汎化問題を中心として" 日本放射線技術学会誌. 50. 79-88 (1993)
[Publications] K.Itoh: "Fabrication experiment of photorefractive three-dimensional waveguides in lithium niobate" Opt.Lett. (発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] K.Itoh: "ID-number recognition of X-ray films by a neural network" Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. (発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] N.Watanabe: "Oscillatory low-level chemiluminescence from a nonequilibrium β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-peroxidase system" Photochemistry and Photobiology. 57. 570-576 (1993)
[Publications] P.Roschger: "Observation of phase transitions in intact leaves by intrinsic low-level chemiluminescence" Photochemistry and Photobiology. 57. 580-583 (1993)
[Publications] M.Godlewski: "Spectra of the formaldehyde-induced ultraweak luminescence from yeast cells" Journal Photochemistry and Photobiology,B:Biology. 21. 29-35 (1993)
[Publications] H.Watanabe: "Luminescence of a bacterial luciferase intermediate by reaction with H_2O_2:the evolutionary origin of luciferase and source of endogenous light emision" Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1141. 297-302 (1993)
[Publications] H.Totsune: "Chemiluminescence from bamboo shoot cut" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 194. 1025-1029 (1993)
[Publications] 稲場 文男: "光センシングにおける未踏極限技術の探究と期待" 計測と技術. 32. 915-920 (1993)
[Publications] 小川 英光: "過学習の理論" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II). J76-D-II. 1280-1288 (1993)
[Publications] S.Lin: "Optical multiple-variable fuzzy logic array using shadow-casting" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 6. 106-109 (1993)
[Publications] S.Lin: "Optical implementation of a spatial-variant fuzzy logic array" Opt.Commun.97. 162-166 (1993)
[Publications] 山崎 一孝: "雑音を考慮した過学習の理論" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II). J76-D-II. 2411-2418 (1993)
[Publications] 山崎 一孝: "過学習を起こさない教材の選び方" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II). J76-D-II. 2419-2426 (1993)
[Publications] K.Yamasaki: "A theory of over-learning in the presence of noise" Proc.1993 Int.Conf.on Neural Networks. 485-488 (1993)
[Publications] D.XU: "Single minimum method for combinatorial optimization problems and its application to TSP problem" IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics. E76-A. 742-748 (1993)
[Publications] 徐丹: "内部表現の冗長化によるボルツマンマシンの動作並列化" 情報処理学会論文誌. 34. 841-852 (1993)
[Publications] D.Liu: "Recognition of hand-written characters in the presence of noise" 電子情報通信学会パターン認識・理解研究会. PRU92-168. 95-101 (1993)
[Publications] M.Takeda: "Stack-type optical buslines based on a modified dragone star coupler:a concept" Optoelectron.9(発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] M.Takeda: "Dynamics of complex neural fields with an analogy to optical fields generated in a phase-conjugate resonator" Proc.SPIE. 2039. 314-322 (1993)
[Publications] M.Takeda: "Fourier transform speckle profilometry for shape measurements of diffuse objects with height discontinuities and isolated surfaces" Proc.SPIE. 1983. 946-947 (1993)
[Publications] M.Takeda: "Phase unwrapping by neural network" Physical Research. 19. 136-141 (1993)
[Publications] K.Okada: "Real time optical correlator with a Bi_<12>SiO_<20>" Frontiers in Information Optics,ICO Topcal Meeting 1994. (発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] M.Otsubo: "Measurement of large plain surface shape by connecting small aperture interferograms" Opt.Eng.(発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] K.Okada: "Large plain surface measurement by connecting separately measured interferograms" SPIE Proceedings. 1983. 953-954 (1993)
[Publications] 大杉 幸久: "BSO空間光変調素子を応用した断層面多重記録ホログラム作成装置の研究" Hodic Circular. 13. 19-25 (1993)
[Publications] S.Miyanaga: "Excited-state absorption and pump propagation effects on optical phase conjugation in a saturable absorber" J.Opt.Soc.Am.B. 10. 1069-1076 (1993)
[Publications] K.Kawano: "Contribution of population or thermal grating to phase conjugation in saturable xanthene-dye doped polymer films" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.A32. 5545-5548 (1993)
[Publications] K.Kawano: "Additional phase change between saturable absorption and holographic components in phase-conjugate interferometry" Opt.Commun.102. 421-424 (1993)
[Publications] K.Kawano: "Phase change of phase-conjugate wave generated by erythrosin-B-doped polymer films" Nonlinear Optics. 7(発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] T.Takeda: "A spatial light modulator by using a methy-red doped polyviny alcohol film" Nonlinear Optics. 7(発表予定). (1994)
[Publications] C.Muller,B.Chance,R.Alfano 他編: "Medical Optical Tomography:Functional Imaging and Monitoring 中の分担執筆 Coherent detection imaging for medical laser tomography(pp.317-347)" SPIE Optical Engineering Press,Bellingham,U.S.A., 642 (1993)
[Publications] 吉沢 徹,瀬田 時男 編: "光ヘテロダイン技術 中の分担執筆 光ヘテロダインCT法-コヒーレント検出イメージング法(pp.114-127)" 新技術コミュニケーションズ, 208 (1994)
[Publications] 小川 英光: "パターン認識・理解の新たな展開-挑戦すべき課題-" 電子情報通信学会, 187 (1994)