[Publications] K.Moribayasi: "Constant Centrifugal Potential Approximation for Atom-Diatom Chemical Reaction Dynamics" J.Chem.Phys.100. 4284-4293 (1994)
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[Publications] C.Zhu: "The Two-state Linear Curve Crossing Problems Revisited:IV.The Best Analytical Formulas for Scattering Matrices" J.Chem.Phys.101. 4855-4866 (1994)
[Publications] K.Someda: "Decoupling Surface analysis of Cl+Cl_2 Reaction Embedded in Ar_<52> Cluster," Bull.Chem.Soc.Japan. 67. 2659-2664 (1994)
[Publications] C.Zhu: "Theory of Nonadiabatic Transition for General Two-State Curve Crossin Problems.I.Nonadiabatic Tunneling Case" J.Chem.Phys. 101. 10630-10647 (1994)
[Publications] K.Tsuda: "Quantum Dynamics of the Mu+H_2 and Mu+D_2 Reactions" Chem.Phys.Lett.231. 439-443 (1994)
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[Publications] S.Takada: "Effects of Vibrational Excitation on Multidimensional Tunneling:General Study and Proton Tunneling in Tropolone" J.Chem.Phys.(in press).
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[Publications] K.Sakimoto: "Quantum-mechanical calculations of the collinear rearrangement reaction He+H_2^+->HeH^++H at energies up to the dissociation threshold" Chem.Phys.Letters. 226. 227-334 (1994)
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[Publications] K.Nobusada: "A close-couplong study of collision-induced-dissociation in He+H_2" Chem.Phys.Letters. (in press).
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[Publications] K.Takatsuka: "Nonlinear Dynamics in Coupled Fuzzy Control Systems.I.Coherence and Chaos-Frustration in Triangle Configuration" Physica D. (in press).
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[Publications] J.Ohsita: "Silicon-Carbon Unsaturated Compounds.XL VIII.Synthesis and Reactions of Silicon Analogs of Lithium Enolates" Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 473. 15-17 (1994)
[Publications] A.Tachibana: "Local Model Calculation for Fluorination Process in Thermal Etching of Si.II.Calculation for a Larger System" Trends in Inorganic Chemistry. 3. 553-558 (1994)
[Publications] A.Tachibana: "Wannier Analysis of the Cooper Pairing Force" Int.J.Quant.Chem.49. 625-637 (1994)
[Publications] S.Kawauchi: "Molecular Structures and Relative Stability of SiH_2N_2 and CH_2N_2 Isomers" J.Mol Struc.310. 255-267 (1994)
[Publications] A.Tachinaba: "Reaction Holonomy and the Geometric Phase of Quantum Evolution in Chemical Reaction Systems" J.Mol Struc.310. 1-11 (1994)
[Publications] A.Tachinaba: "Quantum Chemical Study of SiC Formation Process in Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition System" J.Mol Struc.313. 121-128 (1994)
[Publications] A.Tachibana: "String Model of Chemical Reactions" Conceptual Trends in Quantum Chemistry. 101-118 (1994)
[Publications] 立花明知: "超伝導体では本当に電子がペアになって動いているのか" 化学. 49(10). 698-700 (1994)
[Publications] M.Sugawara: "Control of Quantum Dynamic by Locally Optimized Laser Field.Application to a Ring Puckering Isomerization." J.Chem.Phys.100. 5646-5655 (1994)
[Publications] M.Sugawara: "Control of Quantum Dynamic by Locally Optimized Laser Field.II.Application to a System with Dissipation" J.Chem.Phys.101. 5586-5692 (1994)
[Publications] M.Sugawara: "Wavepacket Dynamics of Hydrogen Cyanide Excited by Intense Ultrashort Pulsed Laser" J.Mol Struc.310. 77-82 (1994)
[Publications] T.Taneichi: "Control of Non-adiabatic Photodissociation of Sodium Iodide Using Ultrashort Pump and Control Pulses" Chem.Phys.Lett.231. 50-54 (1994)
[Publications] H.Umeda: "Multiphoton Dissociation Dynamics of Hydrogen cyanide in Nonstationary Laser Fields:Important Role of Dipole Moment Function" Chem.Phys.Lett.229. 233-238 (1994)
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[Publications] J-Z.Tang: "Critical Study of Photodetachment Spectra of H^-" Phys.Rev.A49. 1021-10284 (1994)
[Publications] K.Hino: "Double-electron Excitation of H^-byFfast proton and Anti-proton Impact" Phys.Rev.A49. 3753-3760 (1994)
[Publications] T.Morishita: "Ab initio Electron Emission Cross Section of doubly Excited He Generated by fast Proton and Anti-proton Impact" J.Phys.B. 27. L287-L292 (1994)
[Publications] M.Kimura: "Electron-energy Spectra of H_- doubly Excited States Resulting from Collisions of H^-with He" Phys.Rev.A50. 2309-2312 (1994)
[Publications] C.Leforestier: "Theoretical Study of the UV Photodissociation of Ozone.Comparison with Experiments" J.Chem.Phys.101. 3806-3818 (1994)
[Publications] K.Ishii: "Ab Initio Study on Low-Lying Vibrational States and Spectroscopic Constants of MgNC(X^2S^+)" J.Mol.Struct.305. 117-125 (1994)
[Publications] T.Schroder: "New Aspects of the Photodissociation of Water in the First Absorption Band:How Strong is the Excitation of the First Triplet State?" J.Chem.Phys.(in press).