[Publications] A.Iwamoto: "Domains near ATP phosphate in the catalytic site of H^+-ATPase:Model proposed from mutagenesis and inhibitor studies" J.Biol.Chem.286. (1993)
[Publications] R.K.Nakamoto: "The γ subunit of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase:Mutations in the carboxyl-terminal region restore energy coupling to the amino-terminal mutant γ Met-23→Lys" J.Biol.Chem.286. 867-872 (1993)
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[Publications] M.Jounouchi: "Role of the amino terminal region of the δ subunit of Escherichia coli H^+-ATPase(F_0F_1)." Arch.Biochem.Biophys.292. 87-94 (1992)
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[Publications] H.Mimura: "Binding of an intrinsic ATPase inhibitor to the interface between α-and β-subunits of F_0F_1 ATPase upon de-energization of mitochondria" J.Biochem.113. (1993)
[Publications] K.Torii: "Age-related decrease in repiratory muscle mitochondrial function in rats" Am.J.Respir.Cell Mol.Biol.6. 88-92 (1992)
[Publications] H.Yamamoto: "Signiflcant existence of deleted mitochondrial DNA in cirrhotic liver" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.182. 88-92 (1992)
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[Publications] M.Kanai: "Mitochondrial dysfunction in the non-obstructed lobe of rat liver after selective bailary obstruction" Hepato-Gastroenterrology. 39. 385-391 (1992)
[Publications] M.Yahakawa: "Age-associated oxygen damage and mutations in mithocondrial DNA in human hearts" Biochem Biophys Res Commun.189. 979-985 (1992)
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[Publications] Y.Ito: "Comparison of small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering from insect lipophorin" Abstracts of the 1st neutron symposium Tokai,Japan 1992. 21 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Kagawa: "The α3β3 and α1β1 complexes of ATP synthase" Ann.New York Acad.Sci.671. 366-376 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Kodayashi: "The mutant mitochondnal genes in mitochondrial myopathy encephalopathy,lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes(MELAS)were selectively amplified through generations." J.Inher.Metab.Dis.15. 803-808 (1992)
[Publications] K.Tominaga: "Upstream region of a genomic gene for human mitochondrial transcription factor 1" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1131. 217-219 (1992)
[Publications] S.Matsuda: "Molecular cloning of dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase of the rat pyruvate dehydrogenase complex:sequence dihydrollpoamide acetyltrana-ferase" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1131. 114-118 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Kagawa: "Mitochondirial myopathy and transcriptional control" Med.Sports Sci.37. 324-328 (1992)
[Publications] J.Minagawa: "Identification of heme and copper ligands in subunit I of the cytochrome bo complex in Escherichia coli." J.Biol.Chem.286. (1993)
[Publications] K.Saiki: "Heme O beoshythesis in Escherichia coli;the cyoE gene in the cytochrome bo operon encodes a protoheme IX farnesyltransferase" Biochim.Biophys.Res.Commun.189. (1993)
[Publications] M.Tsubaki: "Structure of heme-copper binuclear center of the cytochrome bo complex in Escherichia coli;EPR and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic studies" Biochemistry in press. 32. (1993)
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[Publications] T.Ozawa: "Metabolic and Molecular Aspects of Cardiomyopathy" University of Tokyo Press, 20 (1992)
[Publications] T.Ozawa: "Molecular Biology of the Myocardium" Japan Scientific Press&CRC Press, 14 (1992)
[Publications] T.Ozawa: "New Aspects in the Treatment of Failing Heart" Springer-Verlag, 29 (1992)
[Publications] T.Ozawa: "Techniques in Molecular Neurobiology" Human Press, 29 (1992)
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[Publications] 太田 成男: "「ミトコンドリア遺伝子の点突然変異による疾患」細胞工学11" 7 (1992)