[Publications] Katafuchi,T.: "Roles of sympathetic nervous system in the suppression of cytotoxicity of splenic natural killer cells in the rat." J.Physiol.(Lond.). 465. 343-357 (1993)
[Publications] Take,S.: "Central interferon alpha inhibits the natural killer cytotoxicity through sympathetic innervation." Am.J.Physiol.265. R453-R459 (1993)
[Publications] Ma,J.: "Gastric vagus mediates immobilization‐induced hypocalcemia in rats." Am.J.Physiol.265. R609-R614 (1993)
[Publications] Aou,S.: "Hypothalamic involvement in stress‐induced hypocalcemia in rats." Neurosci.Lett.158. 197-200 (1993)
[Publications] Oka,T.: "Intracerebroventricular injection of interleukin‐1beta induces hyperalgesia in rats." Brain Res,. 623. 61-68 (1993)
[Publications] Katafuchi,T.: "Hypothalamic modulation of splenic natural killer cell activity in rats." J.Physiol.(Lond.). 471. 209-221 (1993)
[Publications] Aou,S.: "The stomach is the etiological organ for immobilization‐induced hypocalcemia in the rat." Am.J.Physiol.265. R1376-R1379 (1993)
[Publications] Ma,J.: "Hypothalamic stimulation induces vagally mediated hypocalcemia in the rat." Brain Res.Bull.(in press). (1993)
[Publications] Szreder,Z.: "Thermoregulatory effect of intracerebral injections of neuropeptide Y in rats at different temperatures." Gen.Pharmac.27(in press). (1993)
[Publications] Shimizu,N.: "An IL‐1beta‐induced noradrenaline release in the spleen is mediated by brain corticotropin‐releasing factor:an in vivo microdialysis study with conscious rats." Brain,Behavior & Immunity. (in press). (1994)
[Publications] Ma,J.: "Linkage of stress‐induced hypocalcemia,gastric lesions and emotional behavior in Wistar‐Kyoto rats." Am.J.Physiol.266(in press). (1994)
[Publications] Aou,S.: "The effect of B‐HT920,a dopamine D2 agonist,on bar‐press feeding in the monkey." Physiol.Behav.(in press). (1994)
[Publications] Ma,J.: "Ventromedial hypothalamus mediates stress‐induced hypocalcemia via the gastric vagus in rats." Brain Res.Bull.(in press). (1994)
[Publications] Aou,S.: "Hypothalamic linkage in stress‐induced hypocalcemia,gastric damage,and emotional behavior in rats." Am.J.Physiol.(in press). (1994)
[Publications] Oka,T.: "EP1‐receptor mediation of prostaglandinE2‐induced hyperthermia in rats." Am.J.Physiol.(in press). (1994)
[Publications] Ichijo,T.: "Central interleukin‐1beta enhances splenic sympatheticnerve activity in rats." Brain Res.Bull.(in press). (1994)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "脳・免疫連関機構からみたストレス・免疫系修飾" ストレス科学. 7. 2-8 (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "サイトカインと視床下部機能" 免疫薬理. 11. 145-151 (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "体温調節のメカニズム" 中毒研究. 6. 227-233 (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "脳と免疫系" 生体の科学. 44. 548-549 (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "脳・免疫系連関からみた生体の温熱応答" 日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌. 57. 29-30 (1993)
[Publications] 粟生修司: "総論・神経内分泌学の基礎「神経内分泌免疫学」" 朝倉書店(井村裕夫、堀 哲郎、村松 繁編), 312(10-16) (1993)
[Publications] 海塚安郎: "脳による免疫修飾・条件づけ「神経内分泌免疫学」" 朝倉書店(井村裕夫、堀 哲郎、村松 繁編), 312(90-94) (1993)
[Publications] 片渕俊彦: "脳による免疫修飾・自律神経系・機能.「神経内分泌免疫学」" 朝倉書店(井村裕夫、堀 哲郎、村松 繁編), 312(171-184) (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "免疫系による神経系の調節・発熱.「神経内分泌免疫学」" 朝倉書店(井村裕夫、堀 哲郎、村松 繁編), 312(185-197) (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "免疫系による神経系の調節・摂食及びその他の急性期反応「神経内分泌免疫学」pp.197‐205" 312 (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "体温.最新内科学大系 第12巻「間脳・下垂体疾患」" 中山書店(猿田享男、長滝重信、松倉 茂編), 456(66-72) (1993)
[Publications] 片渕俊彦: "神経内分泌系とサイトカイン.「サイトカインと疾患」" 羊土社(平野俊夫編), 151(56-68) (1993)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "「新編 感覚・知覚心理学ハンドブック」温・冷覚の生理学温度感覚,温度感覚" 誠信書房(大山 正、今井省吾、和気典二編), 1739(1249-1261) (1993)