Research Abstract |
The effect of surroundings on answering questionnaires has been rarely examined. This study assesses the effects of MUSIC or White Noise, which is ones of the various surrounding factors, on answering questionnaries. As a representative for questionnaries, we chosed THI (Todai Health Index : developed by S.Aoki et al., with the purpose of supplementing the widely used Cornell Medical Index, CMI) and YG (the Yatabe-Guilford Personality Inventory), beacause both are now standard questionnaries in Japan. On three occations (1992,1993,1994), 63-64 independent female college students volunteered for the experimental designed schedule. In 1992 we did preliminary experiments where students answered several questionnaires, listening two types of MUSIC or to White Noise. THI and YG were chosen as a result. Listening to MUSIC white Noise or nothing (Control), volunteers answers THI,YG and several additional brief questionnaires which related to everyday condition of musical surrundings or thier health conditions in 1993. We thought the second experiment was exploratory, so we planed the third, confirmatory experiment in 1994, using the same questionnaites, THI or YG,and the same musical surrounding settings but for complete cross-over study design. Under such experimental surroundings, Music itself seems to have almost no effect on answering the THI or YG questionnaires, compared to Control. But discriminant value of psychosomatic disease was affected by music or noise. Especially, students who don't have habits to listen to music were likely to be affected strongly. The results also presented such students' scores on "aggressive and extrovert" could be affected by musical settings. But the size of such effect looks minimum, so the data from questionnaires seems to have "robustness".