Research Abstract |
Osteological studies of aracanid boxfishes showed that they are distinct from ostraciids in many characters, although they are united in the superfamily Ostracioidea. Examination of many boxfish specimens collected from the Indo-west Pacific revealed that boxfishes are classified in 6 genera : Anoplocapros, Aracana, Caprichthys, Capropygia, Kentrocapros, and Polyplacapros. The species included are shows as follows : Anoplocapros amygdaloides, A.inermis, A.lenticularis, Aracana aurita, A.ornata, Caprichthys gymnura, Capropygia unistriata, Kentrocapros aculeatus, K.flavofasciatus, K.rosapinto, K.spilonotus, K.sp., and Polyplacapros tyleri. The greatest numbers of species is found in the seas around Australia and New Zealand. The type specimen and additional 11 specimens of the rare boxfish, Aracana spilonota, revealed that it should be classified in the genus Kentrocapros. A specimen of Kentrocapros collected off northwestern New Zealand was compared to other species of the genus, and found to be an undescribed species. The key to genera and species are given.