Research Abstract |
This study was planned to support the experimental works for "Japan-Russia Joint Research on the Dispersion of Mongoloeds" (03044138). Blood samples were obtained from field surveys in 1991 and 1993, and they consist of Evenki (N.194), Buriat (180), Udeghe (110), mixed groups with Nanai(124), and Russian whites (52) for reference. Sofar eight of blood protein polymorphic systems have been examined, and the result indecates that the Evenki is characterized by having high HP^*1, TF^*1, AHS^*2, C1R^*5, PGM^*1A & low GC^*2, C1R^* 1, the Buriat by having high AHS^*2, C1R^* 1, ACP^*A & low GC^*2, C1R^*5, the Udeghe by having high HP^*1, GC^*1F, TF^*1, PI^*1, AHS^*2, ACP^*A & low GC^*1S, PGM^*1B, the Nanai by having high GC^*1F, TF^*1, PI^*1, ACP^*A & low AHS^*1, PGM^*1B, and the Russian by having high GC^*1S, C1R^*1, PGM^*2A & low GC^*1F, C1R^*2. Using the same material other polymorphic traits have aoso been investigating in another institution, and from the combined data the genetic affinity between the Northern people and Japanese will be calculated and discussed later.