Research Abstract |
(1).Analytical conditions of white clover saponins by TLC were investigated. It was determined that saponins contained in White clover were different from those in soybean. (2).Chromatogram and concentrations of the glycosides like saponin varied among white clover ecotypes, and the concentration showed seasonal variation, high from late May to July and low in autumn. (3).White clover cultivar was potted and cultivated with treatments of three nitrogen levels, N : 0,0.13,0.39g/ pot, and three shading levels, RLI : 100,60,40%. *As shading was taken at higher intensity, the regrowth length of top increased but both top and root weight decreased. On the growth of white clover, nitrogen level did not showed any effect. *Nitrogenase activity was the highest in the plant under N : 0g + RLI : 100% and decreased by nitrogen application and shading. *Eight bands of glycosides like saponins, (1) - (8), were identified by TLC and HPLC in white clover. The concentrations of band (3) and (4) were higher in N : 0 and those of band (1), (4) and (6) in RLI : 100%. (4).As the result of feeding experiment by sheep, a palatability of white clover was significantly high at the early stage of feeding, but it decreased with the progress of the time. It was supposed that white clover might contain inhibitory substances to eating. Ruminal contents bubbled markedly in sheep feeded white clover. (5).Utilization of fertilizer nitrogen was high in white clover ecotypes which the inhibition of nitrogenase activity by nitrogen application was small.