Research Abstract |
Screening for endometrial cancer is usually carried out by endometrial cytology. However, unlike in the case of cervical cancer , as both false positive and negative results are often obtained through general staining methods , we must look for further specific findings in the cancer cells . in this study , we produced a monoclonal antibody by the method described below , which recognizes the abnormal sugar chain accompanying canceration in the endometrium , and investigated its usefulness in clinical applications , such as screening. We immunized mice with glycopeptide from glycoprotein obtained from the endometrial cell line HHUA , and produced a hybrid by the usual method . Later , in the monoclonal antibody screening stage , through a method whereby we obtain the clone which does not react with the sugar chain which appears in a normal endometrium , we obtain a monoclonal antibody of high specificity which does not react with a normal endometrium , but only with endometrial cancer cells . Using this antibody for the detection of cancer cells through immunohistochemical staining will increase the accuracy of screening , and lead to early detection and treatment of endometrial cancer . We produced 1A4 and 6G9 monoclonal antibody , which recognize the abnormal sugar chain in endometrial cancer , and carried out immunohistochemical staining in normal endometrial tissue and endometrial cancer tissue . Most of the endometrial cancer tissue was positive , and localization was seen in the cell membrane and secreted matter in the cytoplasm . However , a high positive rate was also seen in the normal endometrial tissue . Therefore , the specificity of endometrial cancer is not so high at the present stage , and clinical applications are limited . Further research is needed in this field .