[Publications] T.Ichihara: "(^<12>C,^<12>N)Charge-Exchange Reaction at E/A=135 MeV" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 41-41 (1994)
[Publications] K.Asahi: "Measurement of Quadrupole Moments for the Neutron-Rich Nuclei ^<14>B and ^<15>B" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 42-42 (1994)
[Publications] N.Iwasa: "The Solar Neutrino Production Reaction ^7Be(p,γ)^8B Studied by the Coulomb Dissociation Method" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 43-43 (1994)
[Publications] T.Nakamura: "Coulomb Dissociation of ^<11>Be" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 47-47 (1994)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Neutron Halo Effect on Direct Neutron Capture and Photodisintegration" Physical Review. C49. R2289-R2292 (1994)
[Publications] T.Motobayashi: "Coulomb Dissociation of ^8B and ^7Be(p,γ)^8B Reaction at Low Energies" Physical Review Letters. 73. 2680-2683 (1994)
[Publications] H.Okuno: "Systematic Behavior of Ejectile Spin Polarization in the Projectile Fragmentation Reaction" Physics Letters. B335. 29-34 (1994)
[Publications] T.Ichihara: "Charge Exchange Reaction ^<12>C(^<12>C,^<12>N)^<12>B at E/A=135 MeV" Physics Letters. B323. 278-283 (1994)
[Publications] T.Motobayashi: "Large Deformation of Very Neutron-Rich Nucleus ^<32>Mg from Intermediate-Energy Coulomb Excitation" Physics Letters B (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] S.Shimoura: "Coulomb Dissociation Reaction and Correlations of Two Halo Neutrons in ^<11>Li" Physics Letters B (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Nomura: "Study of α Decays Following ^<40>Ar Bombardment on ^<238>U" Proceedings of RIKEN International Workshop on Heavy-Ion Reactions with Neutron-Rich Beams. 269-277 (1994)
[Publications] T.Fukuda: "Heavy Ion Fusion with Neutron-Rich Beams" Proceedings of RIKEN International Workshop on Heavy-Ion Reactions with Neutron-Rich Beams. 264-268 (1994)
[Publications] T.Nomura: "Study of α Decays Following ^<40>Ar Bombardment on ^<238>U" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 30-30 (1994)
[Publications] A.Yoshida: "Measurement of the Fusion Cross Section of ^<27>Al+^<197>Au using MWPC and Multi-target System" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 114-114 (1994)
[Publications] T.Nomura: "Study of α Decays in the ^<40>Ar+^<232>Th Reaction Using the RIKEN Gas-Filled Separator I-General-" Proceedings of Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics II,. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] M.Kurokawa: "Study of α Decays in the ^<40>Ar+^<232>Th Reaction Using the RIKEN Gas-Filled Separator II-High Resolution Position-Sensitive Detector and Analysis-" Proceedings of Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics II,. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] M.Kurokawa: "Radiation Damage Factor for Ion-Implanted Silicon Detectors Irradiated with Heavy Ions" IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] A.Yoshida: "Measurement of Fusion Cross Section with Unstable Neutron-Rich Nuclei" Proceedings of International Workshop on Heavy-Ion Fusion. 311-318 (1994)
[Publications] A.Yoshida: "Measurement of Fusion Cross Section with Neutron Halo Nuclei" Nuclear Physics A. (to be published). (1994)
[Publications] H.Kitagawa: "Reaction Cross Sections of Light Isobars(A=17)in the Glauber Model" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 9-9 (1994)
[Publications] D.Hirata: "Systematic Study of Sr Isotopes in the Relativistic Mean Field Theory" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 20-20 (1994)
[Publications] D.Hirata: "Relativistic Mean Field Theory for the Isotope Shifts of Ba,Cs,and Xe" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 21-21 (1994)
[Publications] S.Hirenzaki: "General Formula of the Coalescence Model" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 24-24 (1994)
[Publications] K.Yoshida: "Coincidence Measurements for Neutrons and α Particles from the Fragmentation of ^6He at 800 A MeV" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 34-34 (1994)
[Publications] A.Ozawa: "Interaction Cross Sections and Radii of Mass Number A=17 Isobars(^<17>N,^<17>F,and ^<17>Ne)" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 44-44 (1994)
[Publications] A.Ozawa: "Beta-delayed Neutron Decay of ^<19>C" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 45-45 (1994)
[Publications] J.Miller: "Mass Dependence of Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions Near but Below Threshold" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 48-48 (1994)
[Publications] I.Tanihata: "Are All Dripline Nuclei Spherical?" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 49-49 (1994)
[Publications] A.A.Korsheninnikov: "Experimental Study of the ^8He+p Elastic and Inelastic Scattering" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 50-50 (1994)
[Publications] A.A.Korsheninnikov: "Observation of ^<10>He" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 51-51 (1994)
[Publications] T.Suzuki: "Project at GSI "Determination of Neutron Skin Thickness for Na Isotopes"" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 52-52 (1994)
[Publications] A.Korsheninnikov: "Observation of ^<10>He" Physics Letters. B326. 31-36 (1994)
[Publications] T.Nakamura: "Coulomb Dissociation of a Halo Nucleus ^<11>Be at 72 A MeV" Physics Letters. B331. 296-301 (1994)
[Publications] T.Morikawa: "Production of High-Spin Isomer Beam" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 31-31 (1994)
[Publications] Y.Zhang: "High-Spin States of ^<144>Pm" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 32-32 (1994)
[Publications] A.Odahara: "High-Spin States of ^<145>Sm" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 33-33 (1994)
[Publications] A.Odahara: "High-Spin States of ^<145>Sm" Zeitschrift fur Physik. A350. 185-186 (1994)
[Publications] T.Morikawa: "Coulomb Excitation of ^<174>Hf K-Isomer-γ-Ray Spectroscopy with High-Spin Isomer Beam" Physics Letters B(to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Kishida: "The Decay of ^<14>Be" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 46-46 (1994)
[Publications] N.Fukunishi: "Neutron-Skin and Proton-Skin Formations in Exotic Nuclei Far from Stability" RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report(1993). 27. 16-16 (1994)
[Publications] H.Nakada: "E2 Properties of Nuclei Far from Stability and the Proton-Halo Problem of ^8B" Physical Review. C49. 886-894 (1994)
[Publications] T.Suzuki: "Configuration of the Two-Neutron Halo of ^<11>Li and Gamov-Teller Transition" Physical Review. C50. R555-R558 (1994)
[Publications] Ka-Hae Kim: "Transfer and Fusion Reactions of Unstable Nuclei" Physical Review. C50. R566-R570 (1994)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Multiphonon Structure of γ-unstable or O(6) Nuclei" Physical Review. C50. R1768-R1770 (1994)
[Publications] A.Gelberg: "Pairing Multiplets in Nuclei with O(6) Dynamic Symmetry" Physical Review. C51. 147-151 (1995)
[Publications] N.Pietralla: "Distribution of Low-lying Quadrupole Phonon Strength in Nuclei" Physical Review Letters. 73. 2962-2965 (1994)
[Publications] I.Wiedenhoever: "Non-Yrast States in ^<125>Xe" Nuclear Physics. A582. 77-108 (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "M1 Excitation of Deformed Nuclei and Proton-Neutron Correlation" Nuclear Physics. A577. 197C-202C (1994)
[Publications] A.Gelberg: "F-Spin Multiplets and M1 Transitions" Nuclear Physics. A577. 207C-212C (1994)
[Publications] N.Pietralla: "Odd-Spin Yrast States as Multiple Quadrupole-Phonon Excitations" Physics Letters B. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Structure of Nuclei Far from Stability" Nuclear Physics A. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] Ka-Hea Kim: "Transfer and Fusion Reactions of Unstable Nuclei" Nuclear Physics A. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Nuclear Mean Field on and near the Drip Lines" Physics Reports. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Interacting Boson Model for O(6) Nuclei" Proc.of the Int.Conf.on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary. 33-44 (1994)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Neutron Halo Effect on Direct Neutron Capture and Photo Disintegration" Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. 672-689 (1994)
[Publications] T.Mizuszki: "Microscopic Interacting Boson Model and its Application to Astrophysics" Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. 748-755 (1994)
[Publications] G.Molnar: "Mixed-Symmetry States in O(6) Nuclei" Proc.of the Int.Conf.on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary. 87-94 (1994)
[Publications] M.Honma: "Superdeformation and IBM" Proc.of the Int.Conf.on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary. 343-350 (1994)
[Publications] T.Mizuszki: "IBM Approach to the Rotational Damping" Proc.of the Int.Conf.on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary. 417-420 (1994)
[Publications] A.Gelberg: "F-Spin Multiplets and M1 Transitions in the A=100 Mass Region" Proc.of the Int.Conf.on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary. 425-430 (1994)
[Publications] N.Yoshida: "IBFM Calculation of Xe and Cs Isotopes" Proc.of the Int.Conf.on Perspectives for the Interacting Boson Model on the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary. 453-456 (1994)
[Publications] K.Yamashita: "Calculation of Electromagnetic Properties by a (0+2)hω Shell Model" 素粒子論研究. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] Ka-Hea Kim: "Transfer and Fusion Reactions of Unstable Nuclei" 素粒子論研究. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Structure and Excitation of Nuclei Far from Stability" Proceedings of the Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics II. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Nuclear Structure Studies and Unstable Nuclei" Proceedings of the 3rd IN2P3-RIKEN Symposium on Heavy-Ion Collisions. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] Y.Kanada-En'yo: "Clustering in Yrast States of ^<20>Ne Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 93. 115-136 (1995)
[Publications] A.Ono: "Flow of Nucleons and Fragments in ^<40>Ar+^<27>Al Collisions Studied with AMD" Physical Review. C51. 299-309 (1995)
[Publications] H.Horiuchi: "Molecular Dynamics Model of Heavy Ion Collisions at Medium Energies" Nuclear Physics. A583. 297-304 (1995)
[Publications] H.Horiuchi: "Momentum Distribution of Clusters in Heavy Ion Collisions Studied with AMD" Proceedings of VI International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms. 421-429 (1994)
[Publications] K.Varga: "Microscopic Multicluster Description of Neutron-Halo Nuclei with a Stochatic Variational Method" Nuclear Physics. A571. 447-466 (1994)
[Publications] Y.Ogawa: "Momentum Distributions of ^9Li Fragment Arising from(^<11>Li,^9Li)Reaction and Neutron Correlations" Nuclear Physics. A571. 784-802 (1994)
[Publications] K.Varga: "Microscopic Multicluster Description of Neutron-rich Helium Isotopes" Physical Review. C50. 189-195 (1994)
[Publications] T.Kido: "Coulomb Break-up Mechanism of Neutron Drip-Line Nuclei" Physical Review. C50. R1276-R1279 (1994)
[Publications] Y.Ohbayasi: "An Exploratory Study of ^<11>Li β Decay into ^9Li and Deuteron" Physics Letters B. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] Y.Suzuki: "Study of Halo Structure in Light Nuclei with a Multicluster Model" Nuclear Physics A. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] Y.Ogawa: "Transverse Momentum Distributions of a ^9Li Fragment in the (^<11>Li,^9Li)Reaction and Neutron Correlations" Nuclear Physics A. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] K.Yabana: "One Dimensional Three-body Model for Low Energy Reactions of Halo Nuclei" Nuclear Physics A. (to be published). (1995)