[Publications] T.Motobayashi et al.: "Large Deformation of the Very Neutron-rich Nucleus ^<32>Mg from Intermediate-Energy Coulomb Excitation" Physics Letters. B346. 9-14 (1995)
[Publications] S.Shimoura et al.: "Coulomb Dissociation Reaction and Correlations of Two Halo Neutrons in ^<11>Li" Physics Letters. B348. 29-34 (1995)
[Publications] M.Ishihara: "Extremely Neutron-rich Nuclei and Electro-magnetic Excitations" Nuclear Physics. A583. 747C-754C (1995)
[Publications] M.Ishihara: "Current Topics on Light Neutron-rich Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A588. 49C-58C (1995)
[Publications] T.Nakamura et al.: "Coulomb Dissociation of a Halo Nucleus ^<11>Be and Direct Breakup Mechanism" Nuclear Physics. A588. 81C-84C (1995)
[Publications] K.Asahi et al.: "Electromagnetic moments of unstable nuclei studied with polarized projectile fragments" Nuclear Physics. A588. 109C-112C (1995)
[Publications] T.Nomura et al.: "Study of α Decays in the ^<40>Ar+^<232>Th Reaction Using the RIKEN Gas-Filled Separator I-General-." Procesings of Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics II,. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] M.Kurokawa et al.: "Study of α Decays in the ^<40>Ar+^<232> Th Reaction Using the RIKEN Gas-Filled Separator II-High Resolution Position-Sensitive Detector and Analysis" Proceedings of Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics II,. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] M.Kurokawa et al.: "Radiation Damage Factor for Ion-Implanted Silicon Detectors Irradiated with Heavy Ions" IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] A.Yoshida et al.: "Measurement of Fusion Cross Section with Neutron Halo Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A588. 109C-112C (1995)
[Publications] C.Signorini et al.: "Fusion and Break-up around the Coulomb Barrier with Halo/Loosely Bound Unstable Nuclei" Proceedings of 2nd RIKEN/INFN Joint Symposium on Heavy Ion Reactions,. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] A.Yoshida et al.: "Measurement of Fusion Cross scction with Neutron Rich RI Beam" Proceedings of 2nd RIKEN/INFN Joint Symposium on Heavy Ion Reactions,. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] T.Nomura: "The First Result of the ^<232>TH(^<40>Ar,α3n)^<265>[106] Reaction" Proceedings of 2nd RIKEN/INFN Joint Symposium on Heavy Ion Reactions,. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] O.Hashiomoto et al.: "Projectile Rapidity Pions in 775 MeV/nucleon ^<139>La+^<12>C and ^<139>La+^<139>La Reactions" Physical Review. C49. 420-427 (1994)
[Publications] A.Ozawa et al.: "Interaction Cross Sections and Radii of the Mass Number A=17 Isobar (^<17>N,^<17>F,and^<17>Ne)" Physics Letters. B334. 18-22 (1994)
[Publications] X.Gu et al.: "The ^8Li(α,n)^<11>B Reactions and Primordial Nucleosynthesis" Physics Letters. B343. 31-35 (1995)
[Publications] A.A.Korsheninnikov et al.: "Spectroscopy of ^<12>Be and ^<13>Be using a ^<12>Be Radioactive Beam" Physics Letters. B343. 53-58 (1995)
[Publications] I.Tanihata et al.: "Are All Nucleus Spherical at the Drip Line?" Nuclear Physics. A583. 769-774 (1995)
[Publications] A.Ozawa et al.: "Interaction Cross Sections and Radii of ^<11>C and ^<12>N and Effective Deformation Parameters in Light Mirror Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A583. 807-810 (1995)
[Publications] A.A.Korsheninnikov et al.: "Experimental Studies of Light Neutron Rich Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A588. 23C-28C (1995)
[Publications] K.Matsuta et al.: "Magnetic Moment of Proton Drip-Line Nucleus ^9C" Nuclear Physics. A588. 153C-156C (1995)
[Publications] I.Tanihata: "RI Beam Factory Project" Nuclear Physics. A588. 253C-258C (1995)
[Publications] H.Toki et al.: "Relativistic Many Body Approach for Unstable Nuclei and Supernova" Nuclear Physics. A588. 357C-364C (1995)
[Publications] I.Tanihata: "Nuclear Structure Studies from Reaction by Induced by Radioactive Nuclear Beams" Progress of Particle and Nuclear Physics. 35. 505 (1995)
[Publications] D.Hirata et al.: "Relativistic Mean Field Theory on the Xenon,Cesium and Barium Isotopes" Nuclear Physics. A589. 239-248 (1995)
[Publications] A.Ozawa et al.: "Study of the β-delayed Neutron Emission of ^<19>C" Nuclear Physics. A592. 244-256 (1995)
[Publications] T.Suzuki et al.: "Neutron Skin of Na Isotopes Studied via Their Interaction Cross Sections" Physical Review Letters. 75. 3241-3244 (1995)
[Publications] I.Tanihata: "Study of Light Exotic Nuclei using Radioactive Nuclear Beams" Proceedings of International School-Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics. 1. 3 (1994)
[Publications] W.Benenson et al.: "Isomer Production in Fragmentation Reactions" Proceedings of the 10th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics"Advance in Nuclear Dynamics". 175 (1994)
[Publications] I.Tanihata: "Physics with Radioactive Nuclear Beams" Proceedings of International School of Heavy Ion Physics 3rd Course:Probing the Nuclear Paradigm with Heavy Ion Reactions. 116 (1994)
[Publications] I.Tanihata: "RI Beam Factory Project" Proceedings of Third IN2P3-RIKEN Symposium on Heavy Ion Collisions. 441-451 (1995)
[Publications] I.Tanihata: "RI Beam Factory Project" Proceedings of XV Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference. 19 (1995)
[Publications] A.A.Korsheninnikov et al.: "Experimental Studies of Light Exotic Nuclei" Proceedings of XV Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference. 62 (1995)
[Publications] K.Sugimoto et al.: "Nuclear Structures Studied with Exotic Nuclear Beams" Variations on Nuclear Themes. 329 (1994)
[Publications] 谷畑 勇夫: "注目される不安定核ビームの利用" 日本物理学会誌. 49. 433-439 (1994)
[Publications] 谷畑 勇夫: "中性子スキンと中性子ハロ-" パリティ. 09. 42-45 (1994)
[Publications] 谷畑 勇夫: "不安定原子核と宇宙での元素合成" 科学. 65. 163-170 (1995)
[Publications] 谷畑 勇夫: "超重ヘリウム^<10>Heの発見" 科学と工業. 48. 521-523 (1995)
[Publications] 谷畑 勇夫: "RIビームファクトリー計画" 原子力工業. 41. 54-60 (1995)
[Publications] 谷畑 勇夫: "重イオンの物理" パリティ. 08. 36-46 (1995)
[Publications] 谷畑 勇夫: "RIビームファクトリー計画" Isotope News. 10月号. 2-7 (1995)
[Publications] T.Morikawa et al.: "Coulomb Excitation of ^<174>Hf K-Isomer-γ-Ray Spectroscopy with High-Spin Isomer Beam" Physics Letters. B350. 169-172 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Gono et al.: "Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with High-Spin Isomer Beams" Nuclear Physics. A588. 241C-246C (1995)
[Publications] E.Ideguchi et al.: "High-Spin States in ^<148>Tb" Zeitschrift fur Physik. A352. 363-364 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Gono: "Spectroscopy with Unstable Nuclear Beams" 原子核研究所. 39. 5-23 (1995)
[Publications] T.Akagi et al.: "Experimental study of the Rare Decays K^0_L→μe,K^0_L→ee,K^0_L→μμ and K^0_L→eeee" Rhysical Review. D51. 2061-2089 (1995)
[Publications] V.Guimaraes et al.: "Structure of Light Proton-Rich Nuclei on the Drip-Line" Nuclear Physics. A588. 161C-164C (1995)
[Publications] N.Pietralla et al.: "Odd-Spin Yrast States as Multiple Quadrupole-Phonon Excitations" Physics Letters. B349. 1-6 (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka et al.: "Structure of Nuclei Far from Stability" Nuclear Physics. A588. 113C-120C (1995)
[Publications] Ka-Hae Kim et al.: "Transfer and Fusion Reactions of Unstable Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A588. 105C-108C (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka and N.Fukunishi: "Nuclear Mean Field on and near the Drip Lines" Physics. 264. 297-310 (1996)
[Publications] T.Otsuka et al.: "Structure and Excitation of Nuclei Far from Stability" Proceedings of the Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics II. 210-223 (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka et al.: "Nuclear Structure Studies and Unstable Nuclei" Proceedings of the 3rd IN2P3-RIKEN Symposium on Heavy-Ion Collisions. 13-22 (1995)
[Publications] T.Otsuka and T.Mizusaki: "Interacting Boson Model for O(6)Nuclei" Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers of Nuclear Structure Physics. 69-81 (1996)
[Publications] T.Otsuka et al.: "A Relation between E2 Matrix Elements Connecting Collective States of Deformed Nuclei" Physics Letters. B351. 6-10 (1995)
[Publications] M.Yokoyama et al.: "Giant Quadrupole Excitation in Nuclei with Neutron Skin" Physical Review. C52. 1122-1125 (1995)
[Publications] M.Honma et al.: "Diagonalization of Hamiltonians for Many-body Systems by Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo Technique" Physical Review Letters. 75. 1284-1287 (1995)
[Publications] K.H.Kim and T.Otsuka: "Multiphonon Structure in a γ-unstable Fermionic Model" Physical Review. C52. 2792-2795 (1995)
[Publications] T.Suzuki et al.: "Magnetic Moment of ^<11>Be" Physics Letters. B364. 69-74 (1995)
[Publications] A.Mengoni et al.: "Direct Radiative Capture of p-wave Neutrons" Physical Review. C52. R2334-R2338 (1995)
[Publications] E.I.Tanaka et al.: "Proton Inelastic Scattering to Continuum Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics" Physical Review. C52. 316-325 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Kanada-En′yo et al.: "Structure of Li and Be Isotopes Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics" Physical Review. C52. 628-646 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Kanada-En′yo and H.Horiuchi: "Neutron-Rich B Isotopes Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics" Physical Review. C52. 647-662 (1995)
[Publications] A.Engel et al.: "Δ Degrees of Freedom in Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics and (p,p′)Reactions in the Δ Region" Physical Review. C52. 3231-3248 (1995)
[Publications] H.Horiuchi and Y.Kanada-En′yo: "Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics" Nuclear Physics. A588. 121C-127C (1995)
[Publications] 堀内 昶、他: "反対称化分子動力学による核反応と核構造の研究" 日本物理学会誌. 50. 473-476 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Ohbayasi and Y.Suzuki: "An Exploratory Study of ^<11>Li β Decay in to ^9 Li and Deuteron" Physics Letters. B346. 223-226 (1995)
[Publications] K.Arai et al.: "Neutron-Proton Halo Structure of the 3.563-MeV O^+ State in ^6Li" Physical Review. C51. 2488-2493 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Suzuki et al.: "Study of Halo Structure in Light Nuclei with a Multicluster Model" Nuclear Physics. A588. 15C-21C (1995)
[Publications] Y.Ogawa et al.: "Transverse Momentum Distributions of a ^9Li Fragment in the(^<11>Li,^9Li) Reaction and Neutron Correlations" Nuclear Physics. A588. 77C-80C (1995)
[Publications] K.Yabana and Y.Suzuki: "One Dimensional Three-body Model for Low Energy Reactions of Halo Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A588. 99C-103C (1995)
[Publications] K.Varga et al.: "Microscopic Multicluster Description of the ^7Li-^7Be,^8Li-^8B and ^9Li-^9C Mirror Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A588. 157C-160C (1995)
[Publications] K.Varga and Y.Suzuki: "Precise Solution of Few-Body Problems with the Stochastic Variational Method on a Correlated Gaussian Basis" Physical Review. C52. 2885-2905 (1995)
[Publications] K.Varga et al.: "Microscopic Four-Cluster Description of the Mirror Nuclei ^9Li and ^9C" Physical Review. C52. 3013-3025 (1995)
[Publications] K.Varga and Y.Suzuki: "Stochastic Variational Method with Correlated Gaussian Basis" Physical Review A. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] T.Kido et al.: "Coulomb Breakup Mechanism of Neutron-Halo Nuclei in a Time-Dependent Method" Physical Review C. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] N.Takigawa et al.: "Dynamical Norm Method for Non-Adiabatic Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling" Physical Review. C51. 187-197 (1995)
[Publications] T.Tazawa et al.: "Resonance Enhanced Landau Zener Transition" Nuclear Physics. A583. 291-294 (1995)
[Publications] S.K.Patra et al.: "Hexadecapole Shape Change in Ytterbium Isotopes" Physical Review. C51. 2248-2251 (1995)
[Publications] N.Takigawa et al.: "Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions and Fusion with Unstable Nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A588. 91C-98C (1995)
[Publications] H.Sagawa et al.: "Life Time of Soft Multipole Excitations" Zeitschrift fur Physik. A351. 385-389 (1995)
[Publications] K.Hagino et al.: "Effects of Finite Excitation Energy of Environment on Sudden Quantum Tunneling" Physical Review. C51. 3190-3200 (1995)
[Publications] S.Yoshida et al.: "Surface Properties of Cs Isotopes" Physical Review. C52. 157-163 (1995)
[Publications] K.Hagino et al.: "Path Integral Approach to No-Coriolis Approximation in Heavy-Ion Collisions" Physical Review. C52. 286-290 (1995)
[Publications] N.Takigawa et al.: "Reply to "Comment on 'Shape and Superdeformed Structure in Hg Isotopes in Relativistic Mean Field Model' and 'Struture of Neutron-Deficient Pt,Hg and Pb isotopes"'" Physical Review C. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] K.Hagino et al.: "Thermal Fission Rate around Superfluid-Normal Phase Transition" Physical Review C. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] K.Morita et al.: "New α-decaying Neutron Isoropes ^<197>Rn and ^<200>Fr" Zeitschrift fur Physik. A352. 7-8 (1995)