[Publications] Tanaka,N.,Nonaka,T.,Yoshimoto,T.,Tsuru,D.& Mitsui,Y.: "Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of 7α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from E.coli." Acta Crysrallogr. D52. 215-217 (1996)
[Publications] Senda,T.,Sugiyama.K.,Narita,H.,Yamamoto,T.,Kimbara,K.,Fukuda,M.,Sato,M.,the late Yano,K.& Mitsui,Y.: "Three-dimensional structures of free form and two sustrate complexes of an extradiol ring-cleavage type dioxeygenase,the BphC enzyme from Pseudomonas sp.strai KKS102." J.Mol.Biol.255. 735-752 (1996)
[Publications] Orita,M.,Nishikawa,F.,Kohno,T.,Senda,T.,Mitsui,Y.,Endo,Y.,Taria K.& Nishikawa,S.: "High-resolution NMR study of a Gda GA tetranucleotide loop that is an improved substrate for ricin,a cytotoxic plant protein." Nucleic Acid Research. 24. 611-618 (1996)
[Publications] Tanaka,N.,Nonaka,T.,Tanabe,T.,Yoshimoto,T.,Tsuru,D.& Mitsui,Y.: "Crystal structures of the binary and ternary complexes of 7α-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase from E.coli." Biochemistry. 35. 7715-7724 (1996)
[Publications] Kurihara,J.,Nonaka,T.,Mitsui,Y.,Ohgi,K.,Irie,M.& Nakamura,K.T.: "Crystal structure of ribonuclease from Rhizppus niveus at 2.0A resolution." J.Mol.Biol.255. 310-320 (1996)
[Publications] Tanaka,N.,Nonaka,T.,Nakanishi,M.,Deyashiki,Y.,Hara,A.& Mitsui,Y.: "Crystal structure of the ternary comnplex of mouse lung carbonyl reductase at 1.8A resolution:The structural origin of distinct coenzyme specificties among the enzymes of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family." Structure. 4. 33-45 (1996)
[Publications] Nakanishi,M.,Kakumoto,M.,Matsuura,K.,Deyashiki,Y.,Tanaka,N.,Nonaka,T.,Mitsui,Y.,& Hara,A.: "Involvement of two basic residues(Lys-17 and Arg-39)of mouse lung carbonyl reductase in NADP(H)-binding and fatty acid activation : Site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analyses." J.Biochem.(Tokyo). 120. 257-263 (1996)
[Publications] Nakanishi,M.,Natsuura,K.,Kaibe,H.,Tanaka,N.,Nonaka,T.,Mitsui,Y.,& Hara,A.: "Switch of coenzyme specificity of mouse lung carbonyl reductase by substitution of Threonine 38 with Aspartic acid." J.Biol.Chem.272. 2218-2222 (1997)
[Publications] Ono,A.,Makita,T.,Tate,S.,Kawashima,E.,Ishido,Y.,and Kainosho,M.: "A new approach for the C5' methylene proton signal assignment of DNA/RNA oligomers labeled with C5'-monodeuterated nucleosides by 1H-31P HSQC spectroscopy" J.Mag.Res.in Chemistry. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Shiina,T.,Ono,M-A.,Kataoka,S.,Tate,S.,Ono,A,.and Kainosho,M.: "Structural analysis of DNA by isotope-aided NMR:application of 13C/2H-doubly labeled DNA oligomers"" Nucleic Acids Symposium. 35. 17-18 (1996)
[Publications] Kataoka,S.,Shiina,T.,Ono,M-A.,Tate,S.,Ono,A,.and Kainosho,M.: "NMR spectral and structural studies of an RNA haipin by specific isotope labeling method" Nucleic Acids Symposium. 35. 93-94 (1996)
[Publications] T.Matsui,S.Nagano,K.Ishimori,Y.Watanabe and I.Morishima: "Preparation and Reactions of Myoglobin Mutants Bearing Proximsl Cysteine Ligand and Hydrophobic Distal Cavity:Protein Models for the Active Site of P-450" Biochemistry. 35. 13118-13124 (1996)
[Publications] M.Tanaka,K.Ishimori and I.Morishima: "The Distal Glutamic Acid As an Acid-Base Catalyst in the Distal Site of Horseradish Peroxidase" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commum.227. 393-399 (1996)
[Publications] S.Nagano,M.Tanaka,K.Ishimori,Y.Watanabe and I.Morishima: "Catalytic Roles of the Distal Site Asparagine-Histidine Couple in Peroxidases" Biochemistry. 35. 14251-14258 (1996)
[Publications] K.Wakasugi,K.Ishimori and I.Morishima: "NMR Studies of Recombinant Cytochrome P-450cam Mutants" Biochimie. 78. 763-770 (1996)
[Publications] T.Uchida,M.Unno,K.Ishimori and I.Morishima: "The Effects of the Intramolecular Disulfide Bond on Ligand Binding Dynamics in Myoglobin" Biochemistry. 36. 324-332 (1997)
[Publications] Sakamoto,T.Kim,M.H.,Kurihara,Y.,Sasaki,N.,Noguchi,T.,Katahira,M.and Uesugi,S.: "Properties of a hammerhead ribozyme with deletion of the stem II" J.Biochem.121. 288-294 (1997)
[Publications] Gonda,K.,Matsuo,N.,Oda,Y.,Ikehara,M.and Uesugi,S.: "Effects of 2'-substituents of the first deoxyguanosine residue in the recognition sequence on EcoRI restriction endonuclease activity" J.Biochem.121(印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Kurihara,Y.,Nagata,T.,Iwai,T.,Hiwatashi,A.,Horiuchi,M.,Sakakibara,S.,Karahira,M.,Okano,H.and Uesugi,S.: "Structural properties and RNA-binding activities of two RNA-recognition motifs of a mouse neural RNA binding protein,mouse Musashi-1" Gene. 186. 21-27 (1997)
[Publications] 上杉晴一: "解明進むRNA結合タンパク質、リボザイムの構造と機能" 化学と生物. 34. 474-479 (1996)
[Publications] Kim,M.H.,Sugiyama,T.,Kanagawa,M.,Tanaka,Y.,Nagaoka,M.,Nishimura,Y.,Kohno,T.,,Kurihara,Y.,Katahira,M.and Uesugi,S.: "Effcxts of metal ions on activity and structure of a lead ribozyme" Nucleic Acids Symposium Series. 35. 133-134 (1996)
[Publications] Nagaoka,M.,Ide,M.,Moriyama,K.,Kim,M.H.,.,Kanagawa,M.,Kobayashi,S.,Katahira,M.and Uesugi,S.: "Study of the sequence requirement for formation of novel RNA quadruplex structure" Nucleic Acids Symposium Series. 35. 157-158 (1996)
[Publications] Sakakibara,S.,Imai,T.,Hamaguchi,K.,Okabe,M.,Aruga,J.,Nakajima,k.,Yasutomi,D.,Nagata,T.,Kurihara,Y.Uesugi,S.et al.: "Mouse-Musashi-1,a neural RNA-binding protein highly enriched in the mammalian CNS stem cell" Developmental Biology. 176. 230-242 (1996)
[Publications] Morino,A.,Hazama,H.,Ozaki,M.,Teraoka,Y.,Shibata,S.,Doi,M.,Ueda,H.,Ishida,T.,and Uesugi,S.: "Analysis of the mRNA cap-binding ability of human eukaryotic initiation factor-4E by use of recombinant wild-type and mutant forms" Eur.J.Biochem.239. 597-601 (1996)
[Publications] Katahira,M.,Sugiyama,T.,Kanagawa,M.,Kim,M.H.,Uesugi,S.and Khono,T.: "NMR studies of a lead ribozyme and its non-cleavable analogue" Nucleosides Nucleotides. 15. 489-503 (1996)
[Publications] Katahira,M.,Saeki,J.,Kanagawa,M.,Nagaoka,M.and Uesugi,S.: "Comparative studies of the thermodynamic stablilities between sheated A:G and Watson-Crick A:U(T) base pairs in RNA and DNA" Nucleosides Nucleotides. 15. 585-598 (1996)
[Publications] T.Hara,Hiroaki Kato,Y.Katsube,& J.Oda: "A Pseudo-Michaelis Quaternary Complex in the Reverse Reaction of Ligase : Structure of Escherichia coli B Glutathione Synthetase Complexed with ADP,Glutathione and Sulfate at 2.0-Å Resolution," Biochemistry. 35. 11967-11974 (1996)
[Publications] T.Nakatsu,Hiroaki Kato,& J.Oda: "Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Study of Asparagine Synthe tase from Escherichia coli B," Acta Crystallogr.D. 52. 604-606 (1996)
[Publications] T.Hibi,T.Nishioka,Hiroaki Kato,K.Tanizawa,T.Fukui,Y.Katsube,& J.Oda: "Structure of the multifunctional loops in the nonclassical ATP-binding fold of glutathione synthetase," Nature Struct.Biol.3. 16-18 (1996)
[Publications] 加藤博章、小田順一: "有機化学とタンパク質結晶学-遷移状態アナログを用いて酵素反応機構を探る-" 日本結晶学会誌. 38. 99-104 (1996)
[Publications] M.Katoh,J.Hiratake,H.Kato & J.Oda: "Mechanism-Based Inactivation of E.coli γ-Glutamylcystene Synthetase by Phosphinic Acid-and Sulfoximine-Based Transition-State Analogues." Bioorg.& Med.Chem.Lett.6. 1437-1442 (1996)
[Publications] J.Hiratake,& J.Oda: "Aminophosphonic and Aminoboronic Acids As a Key Element of Transition-State Analogue Inhibitor of Enzymes," Biosci.Biotech.Biochem.(印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Nagahara,N.,and Nishino,T.: "Role of amino acid residues in the active site of rat liver mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase." J.Biol.Chem.271. 27395-27401 (1996)
[Publications] Hori,H.,Iwasaki,T.,Kurahashi,Y.,Umeda,M.and Nishino,T.: "Regulation of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase by Phospholipid." Proc.Natle,Acad.Sue,USA. (submitted).
[Publications] Ishikawa,K.,Ota.M.,Ariyoshi,Y.,Sasaki,H.,Tanokura,M.,Ming,D.,Caldwell,J.and Abildgaad,F.: "Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of brazzein,a new sweet protein." Acta Crystal.D52. 577-578 (1996)
[Publications] Hatano,K.,Tanokura,M.and Takahashi,K.: "Tertiary Structure Comparison of Bromelain Inhibitor VI from Pineapple Stem with Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor." Proc.Japan Acad.72B. 104-107 (1996)
[Publications] Hatanao,K.,Kojima,M.,Tanokura,M.and Takahashi,K.: "Solution structure of bromelain inhibitor VI from pineapple stem:Structural similarity with Bowman-Birk trypsin/chymotrypsin inhibitor from soybean." Biochemistry. 35. 5379-5384 (1996)
[Publications] Kukimoto,M.,Nishiyama,M.,Tanokura,M.,Adman,E.T.And Horinouchi,S.: "Studies on protein -protein interaction between copper-containing nitrite reductase and pseudoazurin from Alcaligenes faecalis S-6." J.Biol.Chem.271. 13680-13683 (1996)
[Publications] Ishikawa,K.,Suzuki,E.,Tanokura,M.and Takahashi,K.: "Crystal structure of ribonuclease T1 carboxymethylated at Glu58 in complex with 2'GMP." Biochemistry. 35. 8329-8334 (1996)
[Publications] Koike,H.,Zenno,S.,Saigo,K.and Tanokura,M.: "Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the major NAD(P)H : FMN oxidoreductase of Vibrio fischeri ATCC 7744." J.Struct.Biol.117. 70-72 (1996)
[Publications] Zenno.S.,Koike,H.,Kumar,A.N.,Jayaraman,R.,Tanokura,M.and Saigo,K.: "Biochemical characterization of NfsA,the Escherichia coli major nitroreductase exhibiting a high amino acid sequence homology to Erp,a Vibrio Harveri flavin oxidoreductase." J.Bacteriol.178. 4508-4514 (1996)
[Publications] Zenno.S.,Koike,H.,Tanokura,M.and Saigo,K.: "Conversion of NfsB,a minor Escherichia coli nitroreductase,to a flavin reductase similar in biochemical properties to FRase I,the major flavin reductase in Vibrio fischeri,by a single amino acid substitution." J.Bacteriol.178. 4731-4733 (1996)
[Publications] Nishiyama,M.,Kinoshita,M.,Kudo,H.,Horinouchi,S.and Tanokura,M.: "Enhancement of the turnover number of thermostable malate dehydrogenase by deleting hydrogen bonds around the catalytic site." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.225. 844-848 (1996)
[Publications] Kukimoto,M.,Mishiyama,M.,Tanokura,M.,Murphy,M.E.P.,Adman,E.T.and Horinouchi,S.: "Site-directed mutagenesis of azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa enhances the formation of an electron-transfer complex with a copper-containing nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes faeccalis S-6." FEBS Lett.394. 87-90 (1996)
[Publications] Katsumata,T.,Noguchi,S.,Yonezawa,N.,Tanokura,M.and Nakano,M.: "Structural characterization of the N-linked carbohydrate chains of the zona pellucida glycoproteins from bovine ovatian and fertilized eggs." Eur.J.Biochem.240. 448-453 (1996)
[Publications] Zenno,S.,Koike,H.,Tanokura,M.and Saigo,K.: "Gene cloning,purification and characterization of NfsB,a minor oxygen-insensitive nitroreductase from Escherichia coli,similar in biochemical properties to FRase I,the major flavin reductase in Vibrio fischeri." J.Biochem.120. 736-744 (1996)
[Publications] Kudo,N.,Ataka,M.,Sasaki.H.,Muramatsu,T.Katsura,T.And Tanokura,M.: "Phase diagram of crystallization of Aspergillus niger acid proteinase A,a non-pepsin-type acid proteinase." J.Crystal Growth. 168. 118-123 (1996)
[Publications] 田之倉優、小島正樹、鈴木倫太郎: "分子構造表示ソフトInsight II-リボヌクレアーゼT_1への応用-" 先端医療. 3. 86-88 (1996)
[Publications] Okamoto,A.,Kato,R.,Masui,R.,Yamagishi,A.,Oshima,T.and Kuramitsu,S.: "An aspartate aminotransferase from an extremely thermophlic bacterium,Thermus thermophilus HB8" J.Biochem.119. 135-144 (1996)
[Publications] Yamamoto,N.,Kato,R.and Kuramitsu,S.: "Cloing,sequencing and expression of the uvrA gene from an extremely thermophilic bacterium,Thermus thermophilus HB8" Gene. 171. 103-106 (1996)
[Publications] Kato,R.,Yamamoto,N.,Kito,K.and Kuramitsu,S.: "ATPase activity of UvrB protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 and its interaction with DNA" J.Biol.Chem.271. 9616-9618 (1996)
[Publications] Takamatsu,S.,Kato,R.,and Kuramitsu,S.: "Mismatch DNA recognition protein from an extremely thermophilic bacterium,Thermus thermophiluis HB8" Nucleic Acids Res.24. 640-647 (1996)
[Publications] Kato,R.,Takamatsu,S.,Kito,k.,Mikawa,T.,Masui,R.and Kuramitsu,S.: "DNA repair enzymes from an extremely thermophilic bacterium" Protein Eng.9. 811-819 (1996)
[Publications] 倉光成紀,河口真一: "好熱菌丸ごと一匹プロジェクト" バイオサイエンスとバイオインダストリー. 54. 644-646 (1996)
[Publications] Tomimoto,M.,Kitao,A.and Go,N.: "Normal mode analysis of a nucleic acid with flexible furanose rings in dihedral angle space" Electronic Journal of Theoretical Chemsitry. 1. 122-134 (1996)
[Publications] Senda,T.& Mitsui: ""Molecular Biology of Pseudomonas"(T.Nakazawa et al.eds.)Chapter 27,pp311-318," ASM Press,Washington D.C., 500 (1996)
[Publications] I.Morishima(分担執筆): "Pressure Effects on the Ligand-Binding Kinetics for Hemoproteins and Their Site-Directed Mutants,I.Morishima,High-Presssue Effects in Molecular Biophysics and Enzymology" Ed.by J.L.Markley,D.B.Northrop and C.A.Royer Oxford University Press, 14 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Niimura,Y.Nishiyama,T.Miyaji,H.Suzuki,T.Nishino and Massey.: "Amphibacillus xylanus NAD Hoxidase/alkyl hydroperoxide reductase flavoprotein Flavins and. Flavoproteins." (K.Stevenson et al.eds.) calgary pregs (in press),
[Publications] K.Okamoto and T.Nishino: "A New Tight Binding Inhibitor of Xanthine Oxidase.Flavins and Flavoproteins." (K.Stevenson et al.eds.) Calgary Press,(in press),
[Publications] T.Nishino,K.Okamoto,T.Iwasaki,Y.kashima and T.Nishino: "The structure and function of xanthine dehydrogenase expressed in Bacurovirus-insect cell system.Flavins and Flavoproteins." (K.Stevenson et al.eds.)Calgary Press,(in press),
[Publications] 北尾彰朗中村春木・有坂文雄編(分担執筆): "シリーズ・ニューバイオフィジックス1 タンパク質のかたちと物性" 共立出版(刊行予定), (1997)