[Publications] 石黒満津夫: "ノズル内における高エンタルピー気流の電離特性に関する実験的考察" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 43. 586-592 (1995)
[Publications] 中村佳朗: "アーク熱風洞気流の電離特性について" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 43. 467-472 (1995)
[Publications] M. Nishida: "Viscous Shock Layer Analysis Using a Three-Temperature Model" Shock Waves. 2. 333-338 (1995)
[Publications] M. Nishida: "Wall Slip Condition of Vibrational Temperature" Rarefied Gas Dynamics. 981-987 (1995)
[Publications] M. Nishida: "Viscous Shock Layer Analysis of Hypersonic Thermochemocal Nonequilibeium Flows around the Orex Using a Three-Temperature Model" Trans. of Jpn Soc. of Heat and Fluid Engineering. 1-11 (1995)
[Publications] M. Nishida: "Computation of Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Flows Using a Diagonal LU Implicit Scheme" JSME International. 38. 458-464 (1995)
[Publications] M. Nishida: "Numerical Studies of an Arc-Heated Nozzle Flow for a Low Power Arcjet Thruster" Computational Fluid Dynamics J.4. 177-190 (1995)
[Publications] 是枝ジョージ: "画像分光法による空気中の強い衝撃波の観測" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 43. 24-28 (1995)
[Publications] J. Koreeda: "Front Structures of Shock Waves in Air" Shock Waves. 263-268 (1995)
[Publications] S. Aso: "The Effects of Nonequilibeium Chemical Reactions on Aerodynamic Heating Phenomena in Shock Wave Reflections" 6th Int. Symp. on Computational Fluid Dynamics. 23-28 (1995)
[Publications] 高山和喜: "円弧凹面を過ぎる衝撃波の反射・収束に関する研究" 日本機械学会論文集(B編). 61. 122-127 (1995)
[Publications] K. Takayama: "Optical Flow Visualization of Shock Wave Phenomena" Shock Waves. 1. 7-16 (1995)
[Publications] Y. Ju: "Ignition Simulation of Methano/Hydrogen Mixtures in a Supersonle Mixing Layer" Combustion and Flame,. 102. 462-470 (1995)
[Publications] Y. Ju: "水素・空気超音速流における着火の数値解析" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 43. 415-422 (1995)
[Publications] K. Nakahashi: "Direct Surface Triangulation Using the Advancing Front Method" AIAA-95-1686. 442-451 (1995)
[Publications] D. Sharov: "Constrained Tetrahedral Grid Generation via Edge Swapping" Proc. of 6th Int. Symp. on Computational Fluid Dynamics,. 3. 1117-1122 (1995)
[Publications] 張新宇: "デトネーション駆動自由ピストン型高圧ガス源に関する実験的研究" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 43. 561-566 (1995)
[Publications] X. Chang: "A Ram Accelerator with Rectangular Bore is Working at Hiroshima University" AIAA-95-2496. (1995)
[Publications] 高野泰斉: "衝撃波によるデトネーションの研究について" 燃焼研究. 102. 19-27 (1995)
[Publications] Y. Mizobuchi: "Numerical Simulation of Power Extraction of CO_2 Gas-Dynamic Laser" AIAA-95-1996. (1995)
[Publications] T. Takaishi: "The Effects of Nozzle Shapes of the Performance of the Combustion Driven CO_2 Gasdynamic Laser" AIAA-95-1997. (1995)
[Publications] K. Horioka: "Quasi-Two-Dimensional Model for Transverse Gas-Flow Laser Amplifier" Jpn J. Appl. Phys.34. 6285-6286 (1995)
[Publications] W. Masuda,: "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of a Supersonic Flow Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser" SPIE. 244-249 (1995)
[Publications] K. Kasuya: "Quality Measurements of KrF Laser Beam under High Repetition with Advanced High Speed Photography; Preparatory Experiments" Proc. of 10th Int. Symp. on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers,. 450-457 (1995)
[Publications] K. Kasuya: "Transverse Mode of KrF Laser Beam under high Repetition Rate Operation Preparatory Experiments" Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on High Power Particle Beams. 966-969 (1995)
[Publications] K. Yamamoto: "Rarefied Gas Flow of a Ternary Mixture over a Catalytic Wall" Rarefied Gas Dynamics. 1. 237-243 (1995)
[Publications] H. Kishige: "Shock Focusing Analysis with Vibrational Excitation" Shock Wave. 1. 93-98 (1995)
[Publications] K. Teshima: "Biomechanical Effects of Shock Waves on Escherichia Coil and λ phage DNA" Shock Waves. 4. 293-297 (1995)
[Publications] K. Teshima: "Structure of Supersonic Free Jets Issuing from Annular Orifices" Rarefied Gas Dynamics. 2. 1349-1356 (1995)
[Publications] T. Hosokawa: "Destruction of Mouse Lymphoma Cells with High Pressure Pulses Generated by a Diaphragmless Shock Tube" Shock Waves. 5. 19-23 (1995)
[Publications] H. Kawazoe: "Number Density Measurement of Excited Argon Gas around a Blunt Body" AIAA-96-0299. (1996)
[Publications] K. Nakahashi: "Space-Marching Method on Unstructured Grid for Supersonic Flows with Embedded Subsonic Regions" AIAA-96-0418. (1996)
[Publications] K. Nakahashi: "Prismatic Grid Methods" CFD Review 1995 (John Wiley & Sons). 87-105 (1996)
[Publications] 佐竹常久: "超音速自由渦型レーザー窓の空力特性-ディフューザの効果-" レーザー研究. 24. 229-236 (1996)
[Publications] 田部井勝稲: "円管内オリフィス流のキャビテーション発光特性-増光物質混入による影響-" 日本機械学会論文集(B編). (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] J. Koreeda: "Spectroscopy of Nonequilibrium Shock Front Radiation in Air" Shock Waves. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] Y. Takano: "Analysis for Reflection and Diffraction of Weak Shock Waves" Proc. of 20th Symp. on Shock Waves. (in Press). (1996)
[Publications] W. Masuda,: "Effects of Water Vapor Condensation on the Performance of Supersonic Flow Chemical Oxugen-Iodine Laser" JSME Int. J. Series B. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] W. Masuda,: "Numerical Simulation of a Supersonic Flow Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser Solving Navier Stokes Equations" JSME Int. J. Series B. (to be published). (1996)
[Publications] 中橋和博: "格子形成法とコンピュータグラフィックス" 東京大学出版会, 186 (1995)
[Publications] 高山和喜: "衝撃波ハンドブック" シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京, 1256 (1995)